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Steel Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 47

Trainerpoints: 3,325/6,673


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Barraskewda424,465 / 6,774
(Messenger Talonflame)
7713,541 / 19,398
(Totodile (Retro))
7401,803,834 / 1,951,910
(Moltres (Retro))
15079,727 / 84,939
1,8669,097,465 / 10,451,467

About Me

Thank you for visiting my profile! !
I'm a long time Pokemon fan, hooked ever since generation one. My favorite Pokemon Would definitely have to be Umbreon or Altaria.
My favorite Pokemon game(s) would have to be either Ruby and Sapphire for the childhood nostalgia,
or X and Y for being the first games that had the impactful 3d graphics.

My favorite Pokemon

Made By MetalHeadKindra

Shiny Hunt

Sartor is currently hunting Combee.
Hunt started: 28/05/2020

Chain: 157


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
meeeep 6 Months ago
Castalia 6 Months ago
ocho 4 Years ago
Ephenia 4 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Sartor hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #158323052
Registration: 11/02/2018 (7 Years ago)
Time Played: 532:13 Hours
Total interactions: 767,143
Money: 214,577
Starter Pokémon: Samurott


4 Years ago
4 Years ago
Anyone have animal crossing new horizons? I have pears and am looking for oranges to complete my fruit collection
4 Years ago
By Hipsterpotamus
To celebrate the ♡♥PH Times♥♡ first edition of 2020 we, the crew of this fable newspaper, are making a giveway with a lot of diverse prizes! o(*≧□≦)o

To enter, simply share #PHTimes2020 and maybe check out our week's edition! (´ω`*)

And now the fabulous prizes!! 500k, 4 shiny aerodactyles, 2 shiny charizards, 5 shiny houndour, 3 mega able houndoors, a shiny trapinch, a mega able flygon, a couple shiny zubats, a random event pokemon and a nebula stone are to be won!! They will be divided between participants depending on how many people are joining (♥ω♥*)

Will end on easter, which is the 12 of april at reset!! Hope to see you all join in this giveway!!
4 Years ago
#AlcremiesGoodbyeGiveaway I hope it’s been fun for you here, and I wish you well in your future!
4 Years ago
By MulberryFlower - 1 Hour and 10 Minutes ago.
It's been a while since I've hosted a giveaway, and since it's still so cold and snowy in Ohio, I'd like to spread some smiles. Everyone likes Dream World plushies, right?

Share the hashtag #ItsStillSnowing, and I'll pick 3 winners on Wednesday night at reset.

1st place gets 20 dream world plushies of your choice (100 DP or less each)
2nd place gets 10 plushies
3rd place gets 5 plushies

The rules:
>You can only share the hashtag one time per person
>If you win, you can choose any combination of plushies you would like!
>You don't have to share the whole post, but you can if you want to!

Enjoy and have a great day!
5 Years ago

By Undefined99 -
#ShinyKangy It's Give Away Time! Trying to hatch that SM Kangaskhan before my Premium runs out

1st Prize: 1x Shiny Kang and 1x Mega Kang
2nd Prize: 1x Ultra Saddle and 5x Star Pieces
3rd Prize: 1x Lugia Egg Voucher

1 Share gives you a ticket
1 Normal Gem gives you a ticket (more gems, more tickets).
You must share.

Ends next Friday!
5 Years ago
By galaxyrazor - 13 Hours and 19 Minutes ago.
so since my birthday is tomorrow I decided to do a giveaway
the prizes are
1st:any 3 Pokemon from my GIVEAWAY BOX
2nd:any 2 after 1st has chosen
3rd: Andy 1 after 1st and 2nd have chosen.

to win? just share the ENTIRE FEED and the hashtag: #Galaxysbday , heart the original post and comment you favourite ever gift

5 Years ago
#MyFavoriteMemory is getting new glasses!
5 Years ago
By RileyImsong

#Xmasholidays In my four years stay in pokeheroes. I've never done any giveaways, so I would like to do one this Christmas ^^

So to enter spread the hashtag, and heart this owo on 24th December I'll send each and every one of you do who does this a Christmas gift ^^°

Gifts include maps, stones, gems, shinies, mega ables, boxes and keys I've collected over the years. I know my giveaway isn't big like others but it's Christmas! The season of giving!

Good luck everyone!

P.S. I wouldn't mind if you added me to your friendlist
5 Years ago
By KaizokuLuffy - 1 Day and 5 Hours ago.
Hey Guys I am back.......and i will be giving away all my gems, boxes, items so stay tuned............

Share the hashtag
like the post too..............
5 Years ago
#ThanksGiving for my family and friends, moreso this year than ever.
5 Years ago
By Captn_Jaxn - 36 Minutes and 33 Seconds ago.
i just hatched a shiny mega trapinch
so im doing a give away
1st prize 5 dragon gems
2nd prize 1 melton candy
3rd-8th prize 2 mega able altaria
9th -10th prize mega able flygon
share whole feed, like, and comment proof of feeding berry on orignal feed to enter
will end when at reset
5 Years ago
By ShadowKeeper - 15 Hours and 10 Minutes ago.
Ends when I hatch a shiny goomy.
Prizes: 1st
A ton of items!! (Almost all of my items)
Prizes: 2nd
50k pd
5 Years ago
By Kidkalamity - 23 Hours and 9 Minutes ago.
Heyo, so in celebration of me returning to yall, I'm holding a small giveaway.
3 lucky users will get a random shiny from my collection~
just comment on this post and share #kalamityreturns to be entered~♡
I missed you all
5 Years ago
By Cosmixx
Hey guys! It’s my first giveaway on this site, but I’m feeling generous, so here we go!

Share #MyFirstGiveaway! To enter the overall prizes
1st: Some Pokemon, items, and 3 artworks of your choosing
2nd: Some Pokemon, and 1 Artwork of your choosing
3rd: Some Pokemon and Some items

Share #CosmixxsArtStinks to enter in the Art giveaway!
1st: 3 Artworks of your choosing
2nd: 2 artworks of your choosing
3rd: 1 artwork of your choosing

Share #ImBroke to enter the item/Pokémon giveaway!
1st: A Lot of Pokemon and items
2nd: Some Pokemon and items
3rd: 1-3 Pokémon and items

These Giveaways end 5 P.M in-game time on Saturday, and the winners will be announced 7 P.M in-game time. Good luck!
5 Years ago

Hi guys, tomorrow is my birthday and I have to work
So I think you guys should work a bit too ^^
Of course you'll be rewarded for your hard work, I have about 300 mystery boxes, including 14 black keys, and I don't want to see a single box/key after my bday ^^
So what work do you have to do? It's pretty simple, just share this hashtag and interact as much as possible on my bday (21st may) :3

The more interactions you make the more chance you get a matching box/key pair, I'll start with the black ones. You can also request a specific color of box and or key when you share the hashtag (but I can't promise that'll be what you get!)

Enjoy the hard work! ^^
5 Years ago


Last Visitors

ReiAyanamiSat, 08/Feb/2025, 20:25
motley_crueMon, 03/Feb/2025, 22:11
LadySylbreonFri, 16/Feb/2024, 13:28
ShatteredDiamondMon, 04/Dec/2023, 04:03
phakimchiTue, 05/Sep/2023, 04:02

~My goals~

Collect 100 swablu plushies~
Collect every Pokémon, have a living dex~
Breed a shiny mega Easter buneary~
Open a black box~
Collect al the shiny eevee evolutions~
Get Rex to as high a level as possible~
Get my account high level~


Last Action
Reading the news (6 Days ago)