i keep forgetting this website exists whoops

tell a friend to tell a friend, hes baacckkk

happy birthday to me may 5 el em ay oh

my stomach hurts so badly rn on god

i begin to cry wolf but i dont stop crying because the wolf stares
at me and does not look away or blink once

i need a castform for these weather balloons lord


i sent my clefable out to rumble for 12 hours, its been a day and
not only has she collected nothing but shes still not back should i
be concerned like is this supposed to happen 😰😰

therodynamic lawyer is stuck in my head

Do Harvest Sprites break or start chains?
I just found one out of a Mystery Box and i haven't started my
chain yet so....

Epic storytime. I wanted to be an anime girl for Halloween and then
i forgot that i did for months, until about 2 days ago, when i
realized i wanna be an anime girl with a Monokuma plushie.
So basically a garbage Danganronpa Mastermind.

Me: Okay chest, give me something good!
The Mystery Boxes: Can i offer you some gems in these trying times?

Another useless chest, Dark Gems this time. Come on, seriously? All
i can do with those are trade them off for Electric Gems.

Not having the best check luck. Both with finding em and opening
them. I will legit wait for days or weeks to get a chest, open it,
and it'll be like, 200 pd.

Gotta love when you spend about a few weeks searching for a chest
to match your key, and then upon finding you're chest it iS JUST

You successfully bought new batteries! Good luck with your
Any suggestions for this hunt? I'm thinking Furfrou but idk