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Game Records

Registration: 16/10/2020 (4 Years ago)
Time Played: 133:07 Hours
Total interactions: 714,457
Money: 14,018

Starter Pokémon:

YAY! I have been in PH for over a year now, and I got my first anniversary gift! Here it is! Plus my birthday is approaching; November the 16. ( #Imagine_ )
It will go like a lucky dip (, the more you enter the more luck will get for winning. So 1 ticket will add your name 1 more time, eg: You have 1 ticket which means your name will appear 1 time on the thing.
How to get tickets:
~ Heart this feed = 1 tickets
~ A Rotom, plusle or minun plushie = 5 tickets
~ Berry feed my Ducklett with proof = 2 tickets
~ Guest click my Ducklett with proof = 2 tickets
That’s about it and prizes:
Shaymin + Flower Sweet, Clover Sweet and Strawberry Sweet + a plushie of the winners choice
Cosmog, Cosmoem and Lunala
Bird Fossil x1
Poke ball x20
Starting date: 2/10/21
Ending date: 16/11/21
(Share the hashtag if you want to) #Imagine_
Last but not least… GOOD LUCK ALL ^^ #Imagine_
By Bryan18 - 8 Minutes and 47 Seconds ago.
Guzzlord Raffle
Unlike the other raffle the top 3 winner of this
Raffle will be depending on the points
Share this post by using #guzzyguzz
And because Guzzlord is quite expensive I'll be putting some valuable items if it's alright to you guys and also the amount for the items will be a bit higher so here's the things needed to get Entries/points
PD (1000 -1500) 20 points
Gems (100 -150) 50 points each
Star piece (1 -5) 150 points each
Evo items (5 -8) 40 points each
Super honey 100 points each
So that's all thx!
If any1 want to join just use our #guzzyguzz
Thank you so much for the people who wants to participate in here!💖
Top 3 prizes:
1st Guzzlord
2nd cosmog 2x
3rd milcery 3x and Mr.bagon
This Raffle will end in 2 days
Guzzlord Raffle
1st Night-0 -1400 points
Sorry for close feeds!! Again-
But anyway- as I mentioned, my birthday is coming up- it's going to be in two days' time now-
So I've decided I'll be doing a giveaway! All you have to do is spread the hashtag #HappyBirthdayDorky !
The due date is in two days, on September 20th- And here are the prizes!
Three random participants will each get a Green Mystery Box and Key,
One random participant will get a Mega-Able Ponyta-
One random participant will get a Shiny Gengar-
One random participant will get a Red Mystery Box and Key,
One random participant will get a Purple Mystery Box and Key,
One random participant will get a Light Blue Mystery Box and Key,
Two random participants will get 20 random Gems each-
And five random participants will each get gifted a Birthday Ducklett plushie!
If there aren't enough participants for these to spread out in, don't worry- I'll just consult a number randomizer about who to give the extra ones to-
Best of lu
Hi I am hosting a give away named #Bears_little_giveaway
How to join:
Dynamax crystals=50 Points
fire, water, grass Evo stones=10
150PD= 1 point
❤=1 point
Share this feed=1 point
Any others in the comments
1st place=gold box
2nd place=brown and dark blue box
3rd place=20 random gems and 2 soothe bells
#pohatcastformgiveaway 22
#megasteelix200 21
#absolkeys 19
#artraffleplease 18
#eeveeeeveelutionandgemsgiveaway 13
#trainari 12
#bears_little_giveaway 11
#friendsforcommunitysupport 10
#beatingoak 10
Congratulations! A shiny Shinx hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #212)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.
How to join:
Dynamax crystals=50 Points
fire, water, grass Evo stones=10
150PD= 1 point
❤=1 point
Share this feed=1 point
Any others in the comments
1st place=gold box
2nd place=brown and dark blue box
3rd place=20 random gems and 2 soothe bells
12:00AM - 12:10AM
9 Seconds ago
Global interaction goal:
211,930 /
290,000 interactions ✗
Your interactions:
1st Prize - 20K PDs
2nd Prize - 1 Gold Box
3rd Prize - 10K PDs
Just Feed A <3 To Participate ^_^