Congratulations! A shiny Witch Vulpix hatched out of one of your
eggs (Chain #63)!

Honestly I need to make a policy that when people insanely lowball
in GTS, I block them

Yay! I get a shiny alolan sandslash in 30 minutes!

...i think i activated hoopa's quest without finding it in a box

Won a Legendary Trio Egg Voucher!

Please don't lowball me by a longshot in GTS and then beg for what
I'm selling. Jeez.

Your coin and the one next to it look so similar!
(Slightly increased breeding chance)
Why q q I have plenty of eggs, i just need them to be shiny lol

Hey, Minzy! How is my Darumaka doing? ... ... Oh, it's currently on
Level 123, I see. Well, according to some friends of mine, Prof.
Oak's Darumaka is on Level 54, so you're currently in the lead!

Is there an average level Oak's pokemon usually reach by the end of
the contest?

Please berry feed my darumaka for oak's quest! I'll berry feed

...Some dude just offered 633pd 3 times on my nebula stone. Wtf?

Looking to buy a swablu breeding pair! Palpad me if you have any
swablu to sell and the price

Congratulations! A shiny Vulpix (Alolan) hatched out of one of your
eggs (Chain #80)!
So fast!

Congratulations! A shiny Vulpix (Alolan) hatched out of one of your
eggs (Chain #70)!
Congratulations! A shiny Vulpix (Alolan) hatched out of one of your
eggs (Chain #71)!

Oooh daycare down for a new update?..

Buying mega stones with 7 of each gem! (Dragon gems included)

Congratulations! A shiny Shaysola hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #47)!

#IAmThankfulFor all the loving people in my life
supporting me through me going through a stressful period of my
university experience <3