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Trainerlevel: 14

Trainerpoints: 600/601


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Mandibuzz577,685 / 12,399
Nidorina7517,396 / 18,356
Bisharp69179 / 14,491
Vanilluxe586,991 / 12,834
Hitmonchan674,576 / 13,669
Vanilluxe61556 / 14,184


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Newest gifts
MeepTheMareep02 8 Years ago
MeepTheMareep02 8 Years ago
MeepTheMareep02 8 Years ago
MeepTheMareep02 8 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


MineTerra hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #823156791
Registration: 20/04/2016 (8 Years ago)
Time Played: 88:23 Hours
Total interactions: 14,115
Money: 21,161
Starter Pokémon: Empoleon


By Sami -

Its almost Valentines Day! So lets spread some looooooovvvveeee to everyone who is single, or not!

Just simply share this hashtag (nothing else!) and get entered into a raffle to win....

1) A shiny Summer Ampharos slot!
2) ANY shiny of your choice from my shiny box (yes, even pink...)
3) Undisclosed amount of boxes/keys
4) A perfect Summer Ampharos breeding pair!

Lilly was a grouch

Notes: -Undisclosed-any random amount that will be kept secret
-Can share as many times as you like! (What a nice change)
-Giving me nuggets/PD increases your chance of winning
8 Years ago
By Jack_Sparrow - 1 Hour and 47 Minutes ago.
#OneHourRaffle !

Hello everyone it's Jack, once again making a new short raffle ! :>

All you need to do to take part in it is share this raffle and send me a Magikarp plushie to enter (No Shiny)

1x Magikarp Plushie means 1x Ticket, the more number of plushies you send me the more are your winning chances !~ (Though you only need to spread it once)

Prizes :

1st Prize - 10x Red Mystery Boxes !
2nd Prize -10x Red Mystery Boxes !
3rd Prize - 10x Red Mystery Boxes !

(Ends at Server Time - 13:00)

Good Luck :'D
8 Years ago
I just found a star piece? 0.0
8 Years ago
By Willowfur - 14 Minutes and 38 Seconds ago.
Hey guys!!! I'm gonna do a raffle!!! #Willowpelt is now going to be an easy way to get a regirock, and shiny absol, GOLD BOXES, and pd!!!

5 Common gems = 3 entries
Normal gems = 5 entries
Dragon gems = 25 entries!!!!
Common keys/boxes= 10 entries
Gold keys/boxes = 15 entries!!!
Black boxes = 50 entries!
Share the Hastag and full message = 1 entry

1. 10 gold Boxes (Sponsored by ChristiBelles Item and Pokemon Shop
2. Shiny Absol
3. Regirock
4. Any pokemon in my boxes
5. 10K pd
8 Years ago
FINALLY!! I forced myself to save up and not spend any pokedollar...pokeradar! Yaaaaaaaassssssss
8 Years ago
Pink mystery boxes
Gold mystery keys

Pp/pm me.
8 Years ago
#ShinyDialgaLottery by BlooperVeteran
Ends: When i obtain 150 Adamant Orbs
Grand Prize: 1 shiny Dialga and 20 Dragon Gems
Other Prizes: See “How to Enter”
ShareItllHow to Enter
8 Years ago
I just got my first summon item!!!!!!!!
8 Years ago

#GoodByePokeHeroesFromPairz Sadly to say I am not going to be active on PokeHeroes I had a good time playing this for a long time. But my main goal on this site was to make people happy and I don't need to do that anymore. I've met so many great people here and It's sad to leave but it had to happen eventually so I decided im going to give away my things on here such as shiny's and a mega able and rare items. Please share this hashtag to get word around the site. I am still deciding what to give to who. Your friend Pairz

Sorry to see you go Pairz...
8 Years ago

Hey guys so I've been on pokeheroes for about 2 years now. I don't really go on it anymore so sadly I'm quitting (But no one probably cares). I decided to give away my best things like my shiny regice and mega ables. So I'm making a raffle as my final thing I do in this game. All u gotta do to enter is share this to others. Prizes will be announced soon.

Ok so here are the prizes to my raffle:

1: mega sableye
2: shiny regice
3: mega Latios (I will miss you!)
4: shiny of their choice first
5: shiny of their choice second
6: the final shiny that's left
7: 4 megable gyrados
8: 2 lugia
9: black box
10: palkia
11: 2 regirock
12: keldeo
13: jirachi
14: 2 celebii
15: 500,000 PD
I will miss you all!
Just another prize
8 Years ago
First Dragon Gem!!
You push the red key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...

1x Dragon Gem found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.
8 Years ago
whats the ratio of nuggets to pd?
8 Years ago
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!!!!!
8 Years ago
How do you raise the temp of the cooking pot? It's telling me that my temp isn't high enough
8 Years ago
Lending Spheal/Vanillites out
8 Years ago
Looking for someone to do a plushie thing with
I get a plushie said person doesn't have, they give me one I don't have for the same price
8 Years ago
Please? Anyone?
8 Years ago
*Waits for someone to ever notice me*
8 Years ago
For something fun to happen ^°^
8 Years ago
8 Years ago



Last Action
Exploring the Ancient Cave (7 Years ago)

Last Visitors

CervidaezTue, 30/Apr/2024, 19:49
SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 22:54
MelonNoodleSun, 10/Dec/2017, 11:40
3abbie3Wed, 12/Apr/2017, 20:14
LugiaSparxMon, 06/Feb/2017, 13:44