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Trainerlevel: 26

Trainerpoints: 1,394/2,053


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
23522,602 / 99,828
Autumn Ampharos194109,967 / 130,455

About Me

Yo! My name is Mika (as you can see). I'm turning 20 in may. I loove animals (and pokemon).
Currently looking for -
A male bagon (or any evolution), preferably with a bold/brave personality.
A shiny furfrou <3 but I have nothign to offer so. eh.
A male bastiodon with a serious personality
A female Cranidos with an impish personality
A male tyrunt with a naughty personality
Male winter deerling/sawsbuck
Male autumn sawsbuck/deerling
female autumn deerling
Female spring deerling
Female summer deerling
Male summer deerling/sawsbuck


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
tamersten 5 Years ago
yuiXRitsu 5 Years ago
JDub77 6 Years ago
Dancegirl 6 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


MikaSkye hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #799998001
Registration: 05/03/2015 (10 Years ago)
Time Played: 403:42 Hours
Total interactions: 85,322
Money: 46,831
Starter Pokémon: Charizard


Oh hi I'm here and I'm gonna provide a giveaway of my sorts y'know?

People have probably giveaways while I was gone but yeet here I go

720 dragon gems to one random commenter

Just comment and share this for an entry and have fun <3

be nice and I love y'all <3
5 Years ago
Man Halloween was amazing I was wearing my Charmander onesie all day and went trick or treating on base in it

I got a lot of candy but like why isn't Charizard a dragon type? I think it's stupid that it's not but oh well I can't do anything about it

I like dragon types, like Pidgeot should've definitely been a dragon type

Anyways I made this feed for a reason right? I like can't remember....ooooh wait now I do

I'm giving away 728 dragon gems to one random person that comments and shares please hatch my party guys?

Just make sure your comments are nice and I'll add in 2 secret prizes for those who are selected as the 2nd and 3rd place, I'll announce those prizes at reset

Ends in 2 days(November 3,2018 C.E.), have fun everyone <3

(Share it Button)
6 Years ago
Putting up over 600k pd for keys and boxes in the GTS.
6 Years ago
Tossed abunch of stuff up in the GTS for water gems.
7 Years ago
4,000 berries left! <3
7 Years ago
Still have 10,000 berries up for sale in the gts! <3
7 Years ago
Put up 17k+ berries in the GTS in groups of 2,000 each. Have at it! ^^
7 Years ago
Today, I finally won the lottery. <3 I donated a total of 62 dragon gems, 50 star pieces, 306 nuggets, and 5,236,000 pd. How much is that in total? 10,795,000 assuming I actually counted all the dragon gems, star pieces, and pd donations and didn't miss or re-count any.
7 Years ago
Eeey I posted a bunch of trades in the GTS for star pieces, go check them out. A drill, a reveal glass, 4 dragon gems, a mix of gems, some relics, bait, one has a ton of different stuff, boxes and keys, and a trade with over 1,300 berries!
7 Years ago
selling 22 keys and 16 boxes. Message me for details~
8 Years ago
"Do not talk about the walking dead. It doesn't come on for an hour and a half." Would it KILL you to say "please"? And All I even said, was, "omggg.. Stuff and things happened on twd *melts*" that is not worthy of you being rude.
8 Years ago
quitting this website, i don't have the motivation anymore because my depression is getting worse. giving away everything. share the hashtag for a chance to win:
- normal gems (have 8,400) giving these out in 1,000 increments.
- other gems
- summon items (emerald, magma stone, resolute stones, star piece)
- articuno
- pokedollars
- 95 nuggets

i don't want to spend forever giving things out. so please share it everywhere. everyone who shares the hashtag will be sent something from me. just include what you want from the list. pokedollars will be given out last to ensure that i have enough to send items to people, and gems will be given through gem exchange.

I don't know you, but I'm sorry to see you go. I hope you can find something in your life to help with your depression. I also have depression, so I know how it feels. Have a wonderful life, my dear. <3 Try to stay positive.
8 Years ago
Out of curiosity, what was the highest deli fee you ever had? Mine was 4.3k, Allllll berries
8 Years ago
8 Years ago
By unirainbowkitty
Hi guys! I have decided to quit pokeheroes and this time for GOOD!
I have many things to give away and I will do so in this raffle! I will be taking everything from my whole entire account and giving them away!
Each day there will be 3 winners, each getting either a pokemon, items or currency!
Good luck! To enter just repost the hashtag! I will miss you all!
8 Years ago
What's your rarest shiny you have? Mine is my Beeheeyem, according to the pokedex, there's only 12 shiny beeheeyems on site.
8 Years ago
Hey guys!~ Come shop at my shop?~ I got lots of things! Boop Boop here's a link, pay me a visit!~
8 Years ago
1,100 rock gems and 1,100 ground gems up for trade in the GE for dragon gems~ Pp me if you'd rather pay in something else. Pd, star pieces, and dragon gems are preferred payment, other methods will be considered.~
8 Years ago
Ground and rock gems still up in the Ge <3 1,600 rock gems, 1,100 ground gems <3
8 Years ago
You ever wanted a piece of my rock-ground gem hoard? Well go to the GE then, there's over 2 million pd worth of rock and ground gems up for trade for Dragon Gems (That's 41 dragon gems total, if you're wondering.) Aaand if you're wondering the exact number of gems up.. over 2,000 ground and over 1,800 rock. Enjoy!~
8 Years ago


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RiodiseThu, 26/Sep/2024, 11:02
LuckyBonsaiTreeWed, 31/Jul/2024, 20:19
BabyEevee22Thu, 07/Dec/2023, 08:52
HeartOfAWizardThu, 19/Oct/2023, 16:21
fishgniSun, 27/Nov/2022, 19:24