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Trainerlevel: 42

Trainerpoints: 5,183/5,333


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Wounded Sigilyph
743 / 169
Wounded Druddigon
7119 / 169

Missing Pokémons

Hoenn Region:
#260 Sumpex (breed)
#290 Nincada
#291 Ninjask
#309 Frizelbliz (tall grass)
#310 Voltenso (evolve)
#315 Roselia
#321 Wailord (evolve)
#329 Vibrava (tall grass, evolve)
#337 Lunastein (tall grass)
#341 Krebscoprs
#342 Krebutack
#344 Lepumentas (breed and evolve)
#345 Liliep
#346 Wielie
#347 Anorith
#348 Armaldo
#351 Formeo (forms, breed [ex: aurora])
#355 Zwirrlicht (tall grass)
#358 Palimpalim (evolve)
#359 Absol
#366 Perlu (tall grass)
#367 Alabyss
#368 Sanganabyss
#378 Regice
#379 Registeel
# 381 Latios
#382 Kyogre
#383 Groudon
#384 Rayquaza
#386 Deoxys (forms)

#388 Chelcarain (evolve)
#389 Chelterra (evolve)
#399 Bidiza (tall grass)
#401 Zirpurze (tall grass)
#407 Roserade
#408 Koknodon (ancient grave)
#409 Rameidon (ancient grave)
#410 Schilteruns (ancient grave)
#411 Bollterus (ancient grave)
#416 Honweisel (female, breed)
#419 Barmelin (tall grass)
#421 Kinoso (sun form)
#425 Driftlon
#426 Drifzepeli
#428 Schlapor
#429 Traunmagil
#430 Kramshef
#433 Klingplim
#436 Bronzel (tall grass)
#438 Mobai (tall grass)
#439 Pantimimi (tall grass)
#440 Wonneira (tall grass)
#453 Glibunkel (tall grass)
#460 Mamfaxo
#461 Snibunna
#462 Magnezone
#464 Rihornior
#466 Elevoltek
#467 Magbrant
#468 Togekiss
#469 Yanmega (evolve)
#470 Folipurba
#471 Glaziola
#472 Skorgro
#474 Porygon Z
#475 Galagladi
#476 Voluminas
#477 Zwirrfinst
#478 Frosdedje
#479 Rotom (alt. forms)
#480 Selfe (Game center)
#483 Dialga
#484 Palkia
#485 Heatran
#486 Regigigas
#487 Giratina
#488 Cresselia
#490 Manaphy
#491 Dakrai
#493 Arceus (alt. forms)


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Castiello11 3 Days ago
Ashikawa 3 Days ago
MasterJeje 5 Days ago
Kimie 5 Days ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


MasterJeje hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #424798582
Registration: 23/05/2018 (6 Years ago)
Time Played: 291:13 Hours
Total interactions: 891,626
Money: 508,433
Starter Pokémon: Blaziken

Last Visitors

AshikawaToday, 16:09
szente1996Today, 16:03
TheNoiceOneToday, 08:57
ariiFri, 14/Feb/2025, 21:58
CamikuhFri, 14/Feb/2025, 11:28


Last Action
Joining the Union Room (22 Seconds ago)