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Dark Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 41

Trainerpoints: 1,064/5,083


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
14129,658 / 60,067
517306,840 / 803,419
37520,702 / 528,751
Solastra21668,077 / 112,494
Selunar21716,302 / 113,535
Feebas1159,552 / 24,012

About Me

So, Hi!
I'm Malyx, MD for short.

I'm an introvert. For me, it's really difficult to just write a comment on a post or just post something myself. So that's why you won't see much of me here. But, hey! I'm here to play!

I love Pokemon games!
I don't have a prefered pokemon, but heres some I'm very attached: Cyndaquil, Girafarig, Oshawott, Charizard X, Delphox, female Pyroar, Alolan Rattata and others...

I also play non-official Pokemon games, like Uranium, Sage, Insurgence and Spectrum.

I'm an artist.
I love drawing.
Here are some example:

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
MalyxDreamer 5 Years ago
Rat_Overlord 5 Years ago
WalkingOnSunshine 5 Years ago
MalyxDreamer 5 Years ago

Game Records

Trainer ID: #592541435
Registration: 12/10/2016 (8 Years ago)
Time Played: 465:03 Hours
Total interactions: 1,264,560
Money: 398,282
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


Happy New Year!
6 Years ago
#MyWishForChristmas is being understood by my beloved ones, even if it's just a little bit.
6 Years ago
#MyBiggestAchievement was making my first sculpture with parget and wires at the same time and it turned out pretty good
6 Years ago
You push the light blue key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...

3x Nugget found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.

6 Years ago
You push the light blue key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...

6x Nugget found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.

Wow! What a surprise!
6 Years ago
I got a very weird egg from the gem cauldron.
Does anyone know what is inside it?

I was suppose to get a Dawn stone, but instead I got this 'special' egg.
7 Years ago
'Congratz Eon-Egg found! You took the egg and placed it in your Party.'

Whoa, I'll have weither Latias or Latios!!!!
7 Years ago
h-how is it possible! I h-hatched a-a female cyndaquil sh-SHINY!!!

it's very rare to have a female, but to have it as well SHINY!!!
7 Years ago

To have the Pokemon Gold version back.
7 Years ago
Pokemon to exist!
7 Years ago
Listen, I am currently stuck in a difficult situation and I need your help. There is this professor from Ruby Valley, he is called Prof. Oak. We've been rivals for many years now and we duel again and again - to find out who is the best professor.
This time we made a contest where we hatched two Paras eggs. The goal is to get it to a higher level than the other Professor until this Sunday.
But, well... I'm currently very busy; there are so many new trainers in Emera Town and all of them demand their Starter Pokémon.
Will you take care of Paras and train it for me? I'll obviously give you a great reward if you help me to win this contest!''

So.. will anyone click on Sadie the Paras??
It's for Sunday.
7 Years ago
so.. I just want to make a specification on the name I chose for my retro cyndaquil.

Füstérzék doesn't mean smoke Sensing..
This name I give is meaning smoke fushia..
It's just to avoid misunderstandings.

(and it's in Hungarian)
7 Years ago
No way! I just saw that I hatched a shiny retro Cyndaquil! He hatched when I wasn't there!

It's my first non promised shiny!
(the first I got was ducklett, at Riako's birthday)
7 Years ago
Yhea! Second time!

A wild Shaymin appeared!

A wild Shaymin suddenly runs towards you and stops right in front of your feet. It smiles up to you and snuggles closer to your leg.
It seems very thankful that you were sharing so much love to other Pokémon!

Oh, it seems to want to make you a gift!

Please select a Gift:

Shaymin Egg Mysterious Egg Gracidea Flower Shaymin Plushie
7 Years ago
A wild Shaymin appeared!

A wild Shaymin suddenly runs towards you and stops right in front of your feet. It smiles up to you and snuggles closer to your leg.
It seems very thankful that you were sharing so much love to other Pokémon!

Oh, it seems to want to make you a gift!

Please select a Gift:

Shaymin Egg Mysterious Egg Gracidea Flower Shaymin Plushie
7 Years ago
I'm so happy! I got my 3 first eggs from the daycare!
8 Years ago
Hi to every users! I know the game says that it's 3 o'clock... But here its 20:30... So, maybe goodnight.. or good morning for some users!
8 Years ago



Last Visitors

YachiruSun, 14/Jan/2024, 19:31
PsyloSat, 16/Dec/2023, 17:13
CatlexxSat, 08/Jan/2022, 11:51
Blue-MoonWed, 27/Oct/2021, 16:25
SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 22:46