feel free to send me christmas gift boxes from the holiday event
ill return the favor

#IAmThankfulfor everyone I ever met in the past either
on a game or in the realworld

Dark ponyta female on gts hoping to get a female witch vulpix

Oh wow got a shiny wurmple from route 102

Wow for the first time ever I got a legendary bird egg from the
lab. And it is "shocking". Please help hatch him ill be forever

Can someone please tell me how to do the daycare hint from the
birthday event?

Selling hollow space map palpad offers if interested

For those who send me plushies thank you a forewarning I don't have
any dream points so can't send any back I'm sorry in advance.

#BeatingOak please interact with olivia the aron this
is my first beating oak mission.

For sale pm your offers.
Resolute stone
Enigma stone
Gold key

Anybody want to buy a mixer I have for sale just name your price so
long as it is a decent offer just pm me. No trying to cheat me

i am willing to trade my mega able pidgeot lv 62 for a dark ponyta
(i really want one)

Does anyone have a dark ponyta they are willing to trade me I don't
have many rare pokemon but ill try to make a even trade if I can.

Please interact with my palkia egg

Wow who knew a igglybuff could defeat a palkia I sure didn't

What is everyone's favorite Pokemon? Mine would be a tie between
zorua and magikarp.

man do I love magikarps I just got 4 eggs 5 secs ago and they
already hatched

please help me mega evolve my first mega