at least netiher Hoopa or Zeraora break the shiny chain... I hope

I'm thinking of having my first shiny hunt after my Charmander hunt
be Cosmog, and I'll probably try to do it twice, because Shiny
Lunala and Shiny Solgaleo look nice, also it would work in my

I just got 2 Hoopa in a row :eyes:

No time to explain, grab a cactus

to top off the Hoopa I just got, I also just nabbed a Fire type
starter from Rowan's lab
I dont know what starter it is, but I know its a starter, and as
long as it isnt gen 1 or 2, thats another starter in my eggdex

a new line to give you feels, if you've ever watched March Comes In
Like A Lion, you might know this one "We had deep-fried chicken,
potato salad, and cream stew"

took me 3 eggs but i finally got my first Alolan :3. AND ITS

25th concert has started :DDDD

Yay is me, just got an Art of Combat book from a Mystery Box
(Gold), but I cant use it, so I decided to do the logical thing.
Put it on the GTS Item Shop for 600k, whoever has the money should
TOTALLY buy it :P, this will probably be the only non-fossil sale i
make on the GTS

Woke up this morning to a hatched togepi, my entire day is made and
I am happy. Now all i need is to get it a bunch of levels so it can
stand up to that Rayquaza's flying type moves if it even uses them

so turns out i've been lied to, i got Chef at 3:30 in the morning,
in game of course, for me it was 9:30

i'm determined to hatch my own Togepi, but every time i see type as
fairy, the egg disapears >:C

I need this new Mega as a Shiny! MAYBE! depends on if it looks good

Getting Chef is going to take a long time

If anyone ever sees this, think ye could donate some Ultra/Great
balls for my efforts at catching Nappy?

I lost half my money, but I got a harvest sprite for it :D

I have just remembered something, Druddigon are flightless pokemon,
so when it says "The Druddigon is very weak, it will take some time
until it can fly again." this will never be actually completed, as
Druddigon as a species cannot fly. An easy mistake to make, due to
it having wings, but Druddigon is called the cave pokemon, and my
research gives me reason to believe that Druddigon's wings are only
to make sure Druddigon can keep warm, they are meant to absorb heat
so Druddigon can stay warm, so it can keep moving

I have obtained a Mega Y Charmander from egg :3 now i just need
Mega X, and no, i'm not planning on getting them as shiny mega,
i'll try to get Rayquaza as a shiny mega though, god knows how long
that will take

My pull from this fishing session = 2 Dino Fossils, a Prison
Bottle, and a shiny Tentacool, all of which (other than the
Tentacool of course) I will be selling on the item market

Fishing update, caught a shiny Tentacool and a couple fossils,
still have 2 full bars worth of food to keep me going for fishing,
lets see how much luck I have left