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Trainerlevel: 48

Trainerpoints: 1,724/6,959


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Thomassen 16 Days ago
MorbidlyAnxiouss 16 Days ago
Gojirath 19 Days ago
Zarbes 20 Days ago

Shiny Mega (Emera) Diancie

Shiny Mega hunting both Diancie
Will open shiny/mega-able slots. The higher your price and faster you get in, the higher your priority on the waiting list (this will be a long hunt).

Nuggets for premium: 4041/8000+

Big thanks to Sand and sobble for donating 250 and 500 Nuggets respectively!
If for any reason I quit the hunt, you will receive a full refund if you make any PD/Nugget donations.

Prices (subject to change):
Standard: 5,000 PD
Mega-able: 10,000 PD
Shiny: 350,000 PD

Or Nuggets/Items of same value

Diancie slots:

None, yet. Be the first!

Updated on: 28/06/2023


Game Records

Trainer ID: #822557884
Registration: 30/04/2015 (9 Years ago)
Time Played: 782:40 Hours
Total interactions: 1,186,440
Money: 459,279
Starter Pokémon: Torterra


Yo everyone, spam me with valentine's cards! I forgot about this event and really want a shiny Enamorus, so every card will be returned!
29 Days ago
2 eggs in daycare, 10/10 egg storage full...
*Heavy sigh* alright, let's go for Mega Diancie again
1 Month ago
Congratulations! A shiny Diancie hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #90)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.

Nooooo my chain *sobs* 10 away from pulling out the premium
Riako can you make this a mega-able please
1 Month ago
Fund my hunt with 4k+ nuggets and I will hunt you a shiny mega Diancie (after mine, obviously)! Add the most majestic mega Pokemon to your sparkling collection
Currently have 4,126 nuggets
2 Months ago
Getting kinda desperate with this hunt lol
Anyone who can give 4,000+ Nuggets, I will hatch you a shiny mega Diancie after I hatch one
Heck, I will hatch Diancie till the day I die, keep the chain forever and gift them if people can fund my premium for it
2 Months ago
Send me a gift for one in return <3 5/5
3 Months ago
Did not buy any nuggets during sale because no I am not spending real money, that's kinda illegal
Should I buy 1/2 year premium now? I don't want to break my chain :'v
3 Months ago
Happy Birthday to meeee (Nov 26)
Can I have a shiny mega~
3 Months ago
2nd Mega Diancie at chain 62
Still no sign of a shiny, I need nuggs ;w;
3 Months ago
I have 4,000 nuggets and 800k dollar
Should I buy half a year's premium for this hunt? Or hold off to 8,000 nuggets but risk my chain?
4 Months ago
Oh boy, my first mega Diancie
I don't know if it's worth buying half a year of premium now, I really don't want to lose this chain lol
4 Months ago
Your PokéRadar recorded the 40th Diancie in a row! You have now reached the maximum chance of finding a shiny. Good luck!

Anyone wanna, I don't know.... gift me 4,000 nuggets for some premium?
5 Months ago
The Paradox Pokémon events would be cool
If they didn't break chains, or radar wasn't expensive to pause *rolls eyes*
5 Months ago
Can anyone tell me if I'm breeding wrong
Have 2 Diancie in Daycare, both have different OTs to each other
I have had *zero* eggs in the last 2-3 months. I had better chances using Ditto
What gives??
6 Months ago
You know what would be really cool? If my Diancie part could make some eggs holy I've had *none* for about 2 months now
7 Months ago
Calling for a Humanity Pride month, cause everyone should have a celebration for existing through this depressing thing we call life lol
Real talk, I'm an "equal rights mean equal fights" person. Women were oppressed way back in the day (everyone seems to forget about the accusations of witchcraft) and there's no women's pride month. Men seem to have it rough, expecting to put on a "tough" act but are mentally breaking down
So, to the entire world, I say happy pride to all of you, because you all matter. Whoever and whatever you may be, keep on livin', and make the best of it.
9 Months ago
I kinda regret starting this Diancie hunt. It's my favourite Mega and all, but 6 days of no eggs kinda puts you down. I also can't afford premium, so it's going to be a lot of broken chains :'v

I'll sell my entire inventory of items for nuggets, I need 4k more
9 Months ago
Buying a Diancie to speed up breeding, paying whatever you want (reasonable prices please)
9 Months ago
And with that, see previous post, I'm saying screw it, we're shine mega Diancie hunting lets goooo (this is going to be painful)
10 Months ago
Congratulations! A shiny Sobble hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #276)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.

10 Months ago

About this Idiot

26 y/o goon who just wants to collect Pokemon. Big idiot, total nerd, not-so-great artist.
I like video gaming, shiny Pokémon, TF2, Monster Hunter, shiny Pokémon, MMORPGs. Did I mention shiny Pokémon?

My favourite Pokemon are Mandibuzz and Zeraora! I also really like bird-like Pokemon!

I like to own Pokémon with my OT. None of my Pokémon are for sale/trade unless they are rejects (which is unlikely because it's part of my records).

Icon by me

Hardcore shiny hunter since 2015. Check out my official game shinies here

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


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EpicFailureToday, 02:47
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VapourThu, 13/Mar/2025, 15:17
SukooSun, 09/Mar/2025, 15:16