Anyone want some free plushies? I need to spend some dream points.

I got 1st place on the Beauty Contest! Thank you!

FINALLY got 50,000 *cries*

Nooo I pressed the wrong button and somehow entered 50k for a
pokemon worth 5k at a push -_-

#mywishforchristmas is good health and happiness for
all my friends and family. ( that'll do right? )

I've 100% complete my pokedex on pokemon sun and now I don't know
what to do lol.

#Mybestgiftever was the Nintendo NES I got when I was
very young. I'd played one during a stay in hospital and I loved it
so much my parents bought me one. been a gamer ever since.

Finally won the Wailord mission , only taken me a million attempts.

It's my Birthday , why can't the European sun/moon release be today

Somehow hatched a shiny from daycare , I'm not even on a shiny

Is the site playing up for anyone else? I have to reload pages a
few times to get them to work. This seems to be the only site
playing up.

I have 1000 different pokemon ☺

Some people take this site way too seriously.

Think I've been pretty lucky to have been on here over a year and
only just had to block someone. All I said was "Never mind" when
they said they didn't have anything I was missing and they went off
on one.

Just caught a shiny Seaking =)

You found 7x Dragon Gems in this treasure box!
exactly what I needed ^-^