For once I got all 20 eggs xD

Hey look, it's the day that exists once every 4 years

So, Rowan gave me a resolute stone?

Oh hey shiny sobble, nice of you to join us finally at number 182

Someone wanna do me a favor and legit just poke the event egg in my
party? It's close to hatching and I wanna see who its named after

That easter buneary plush is so cute, sad cottonblu is sold out
though :/

The sobble hunt is looking more and more like my eevee hunt did.
First shiny for eevee didn't appear till number 198, sobble is
currently on 125 with no shiny, what are your guys guesses? Will it
be worse than eevee or will it show its face soon? xD

#StuckBetweenARockAndAHotPlace has ended! I have
private messaged the two winners but if you want to see the random
generated list check my previous post. Will likely do more
giveaways in the future :)

That moment when someone tried to log into your facebook,
instagram, snapchat and your actual email all at the same time
(freaking heart attack I swear)

Imma do my first giveaway in celebration of getting called back for
work tomorrow! I have a Volcano map and a Hard Rock, Kiniro and
~Sun~ also donated so added to the prizes are a claw fossil, 2 dome
fossils, an electric memory, a ghost memory, a ground memory, a
poison memory, 3 old amber, 1 helix fossil 5 rare candies and a sky
pillar map! Prizes will be split between 2 winners. Heart this and
#StuckBetweenARockAndAHotPlace and I shall
announce the winners after reset tomorrow :)

Adding more prizes donated by the lovely ~Sun~
In addition to the volcano Map and Hard rock we have a claw fossil,
2 dome fossils, an electric memory, a ghost memory, a ground
memory, a poison memory, an old amber and a sky pillar map!

Imma do my first giveaway in celebration of getting called back for
work tomorrow! I have a Volcano map and a Hard Rock, so there will
be 2 winners. Heart this and share
#StuckBetweenARockAndAHotPlace and I shall announce
the winners after reset tomorrow :)

What would be a good price for a spooky manor map in nuggets be?

Note to self, giratina mini game(s?) are a pain on mobile

By Dirty_S0AP - 30 Minutes and 4 Seconds ago.
Anyways might as well do a small giveaway?
2 people win 50 dragon gems each
Just comment and make a feed like “hey S0AP has a giveaway go check
it out”
Idk even heart for an entry? Ends at reset 17JAN20

By PokéRadar - 42 Minutes and 6 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Rookidee hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #187)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries
This beautiful little lady is going to be up in gts