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LAST UPDATE: 6th of February, 2021.

Please read the following rules carefully. Every user has to obey the rules. Being new or not knowing about the rules is not an excuse for not following them. Any violation of the rules will be punished with a warning. Note that multiple warnings can lead to a temporary or even permanent ban.

1. Behaviour towards other users

1.1 PokéHeroes should be a friendly community-based browsergame for every age. To ensure this, it is forbidden to use offensive swear words or to make any statement that is inappropriate for any age, or to provide links to any material [e.g, images, videos, audio] that contains inappropriate content and/or language. It is likewise forbidden to deliberately cause trouble or to discriminate other users in any way. This is valid for the whole site - including the forum, private messages, the pal pad, the chat, your 'about me', your user statuses as well as the nicknames of your adoptables and your own username.
1.1.1 Avoid naming and shaming. If a user misbehaves, do not post public feeds or do anything else that attracts unnecessary attention. Contact a moderator instead and let them take care of the situation.
1.2 Respect other people's boundaries. If a user, for whatever reason, chooses not to deal with you (anymore), please accept their decision. Do not force yourself on them and leave them be.
1.2.1 This includes adding users to a PalPad-group without warning. Ask first, add later.
1.3 No begging allowed! Unless otherwise stated by themselves, do not message other members asking them for their Pokémon, money, items, free clicks or anything similar, including unsolicited offers and advertising of any kind.

2. Contests

2.1 Any contest that requires payment needs to be approved here. This includes contests done through feeds. If it requires a trade or gift, it needs approval.
2.2 Giveaways do not require approval, as they don't require payment.

3. Posting in the forum

3.1 You may only speak English in our forums (with the exception of the Country Clan section).
3.2 When you post something in an existing thread, make sure that your reply fits to the topic of this thread. Your post should be useful for other members.
3.3 Please avoid SPAMing (Writing stupid pointless annoying messages) in your posts and also the abuse of smileys. Use them to express your feelings, but not to bug other members.
3.4 You may not make two posts in a row (double-posting). Exception: Personal threads like fanmade showcases.
3.5 You are not allowed to post your adoptables in the forum, excluding your own diary - for the purpose of showing only (in other words, no direct feed links). See also 3.5.1 for further exceptions.
3.5.1 The share widget feature is meant to be used in your signature or user profile only. However, you may post your Pokémon in your own diary from time to time, as long as this diary also contains other textual content.
3.6 If you want to create a new thread, make sure that you use the correct forum category for it and that the thread serves a purpose (in other words, no SPAM threads). Also try to avoid creating topics that already exist. Use the search function at the top of the sub-forum.

4. Trading with other users

4.1 Do not post trades with no intention of actually trading them. Uploading trades addressing anything other than the Pokémon being set up defeats the purpose of the Global Trade Station and is uncalled-for. No form of advertisement is allowed.
4.2 No scam trades like passing off a regular Pokémon as something that it's not, e.g. special powered ("mega-able") or retro; or doing anything else that is considered acting deliberately unfair. This is valid for the whole site - including the Global Trade Station, the Auction House, the Gem Exchange and the forum.
4.3 Trading at your own risk. You and you alone are responsible for the trade arrangements you agree on - we will not get your belongings back for you in case of a disagreement. So always make sure you can trust your trading partners.
4.3.1 Trades involving real money, or items that can be converted to real money, are not allowed on PokéHeroes.
4.3.2 This especially applies to loans. Do not lend Pokémon, PokéDollar, etc. if the user cannot be trusted. In case of doubt, get some kind of security from your trading partner, e.g. a Pokémon of equal value.
4.4 No means no. Do not put pressure on your trading partners or try to talk them into a trade they do not feel comfortable with. If a user does not want to trade with you, please accept their decision and leave them alone.

5. Cheating, bug abuse and spoilers

5.1 Cheating includes the use of external software or specialized hardware (e.g. a mouse with two left-click buttons) to simplify any feature in this game, but also taking advantage of any kind of bug.
It is absolutely forbidden to cheat in any way to ensure fairness.
5.2 Intentionally abusing a bug to harm the site in any way (e.g. its economy or community) is strictly forbidden. Bugs must be reported as soon as they are discovered, either in the Bugs/Complaints forum, or directly to Riako in case of very urgent and sensitive cases.
5.3 Do not spoil information about how to obtain badges or Harvest Sprites to other members, unless explicitly asked. Answers are posted within spoiler-tags, so users who want to figure it out for themselves, have that choice.
5.3.1. Do not spoil new (Event-)Pokémon, items or other new features and additions (e.g. discovered through the means of data mining), before they have been added officially to the PokéDex or been obtained by at least one user.

6. Multi-accounts/Account-sharing

6.1 Every person is allowed to have one player account. Any further account will be locked from this game. There is no exception for this rule.
6.2 You are not allowed to share your account with anyone. Do not give away your password; not even to your friends or family. This not only is to keep rule 6.1 but also to prevent others from taking away Pokémon, items, money, etc. from you.
6.3 If you know someone has a multi-account, don't cover for them. Report them.

7. Advertising

7.1 You are not allowed to advertise other websites, unless you're linking to your profile directly or displaying user-created content. You are not allowed to advertise for any website or product that is inappropriate for any group of users.

8. Illegal content

8.1 You are not allowed to share any illegal content that is restricted regarding any official law. This refers especially to copyrighted material (e.g. music, images, videos etc.).
8.1.1 Do not claim someone else's work as your own (key word art theft). When using art you didn't create, credit should be given to the artist. Search engines are never the artist.

9. Moderators and Administrators

9.1 Moderators and Administrators are responsible to ensure that every user obeys the rules. Their instructions are to be followed without discussion. They are responsible to create a pleasant atmosphere between users.

10. Copyright information

10.1 This website is written by Riako. You may not copy any content without permission.
Pokémon & Item names and sprites © 1995-2025 Nintendo, The Pokémon Company and Gamefreak.
This website is to support the main game "Pokémon" and all its spin-offs.