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Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!
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Level: 26
EXP: 685 /1,833

Health Points 66
Attack 36
Defense 42
Sp. Attack 48
Sp. Defense 42
Speed 50
Pokédex No. #5
Rarity Starter
Nature Timid
Trainer BloatedBulbasaur
Origin. Trainer BloatedBulbasaur
Breeder BloatedBulbasaur
Obtained 5 Hours and 58 Minutes ago
Bred in the Daycare
Family Tree
Hatched 5 Hours and 33 Minutes ago


Charmeleon wants to train with you a bit!


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Received interactions today (72)

Monkeynuts, I_Love_PACHIRISU, BlueTiger, WalkingOnSunshine, NoctisWolf, Maguro, ourvesh, Gyutaro, BLEACHIchigo1, momalia, Nika~, Neva, ~Bunny_Lord~, Hipsterpotamus, Fernando, Mycorrhiza, Csoxi, G4untl3T, SengarBlade, Tarany, Lolb1ts, Aisaka, Xiao, Camikuh, Yonoru, Zamasu, BloatedBulbasaur, Redrose199, Leaf~, loketoke, Vampirecat, Iggystar, izka197, Sorasdra2simp, mcbeeftarts, Shiny, Wolfette, Tuna, BarnacleBoy, Alexeggutor, Psique, HlyFghtr, -XYZ-, Sharktibolt, Finhawk, haisyhdaisyh, MWERZU, Jorunna, Sheezusx2, Milotic6721, vvangel, 5evven, juicyjae19, Qiaokeli, Nadgobus, Solev, Purgatory, luxxxray, Espevahr, Axeli, MaksGrom, ShyViolet, apache_885, TomatoSoup, HyperBeam, Galvadyne, -Max, Takuto, Miso-Soup, Beachy72, sprigatito, ShiroTempest.