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Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!
No item

Level: 7
EXP: 57 /78

Health Points 25
Attack 11
Defense 12
Sp. Attack 18
Sp. Defense 12
Speed 8
Pokédex No. #577
Rarity Event
Nature Jolly
Trainer Cheesy
Origin. Trainer Cheesy
Breeder Cheesy
Obtained 8 Hours and 16 Minutes ago
Bred in the Daycare
Family Tree
Hatched 6 Hours and 4 Minutes ago


Solaris wants to train with you a bit!


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BlueberryPiemon, cresco, Floette, Pokomoninhumandisguise, Ashe012, Noboaku, Lady_Oshawott, ManiacMedic, Unseen05, WalkingOnSunshine, Another_Wolfie_Cryptid, Rivete, SourApple, -ShiningRayquaza-, Thaaya, K3Nxiii, Chilenka, MoneyMace, KAMATOSE, Pokemonred, DemonDoll, Redfieldy, Mad_Lad_Godzilla, TiaKing69, cloverangel, shwc1994, WonderWeb, berrykit, momalia, paivansade, LuckyKalsana, Angel2024, Kochengsaur, pokemonblack, Piplupfan6828, Lady_Litwick, PinkCat222, Bambiii, Aaron93Young, Fomantis, malceptorfreak2, Code002Lover, Newt-Newt, Nisora, Nikmander, BrookeOak, natjacker, Sakuraa, shiningblaze, CatLady, Kloppo, VarsityRisneX, Cherry_Blossom, Solo~Leveling, Himari, quilavant, ShadowGiratina, ARzyn, shrijit, MeipandaQueen, Marzipanalia, loketoke, Swiftphoenix, WisteriaAria, Defronix, Cheesy, Milli, izka197, Kimie, Keat0n, gloomurai, VeniceGuy, Destroyercam, Casseyr2, Tsubasa90, snowybliss, BarnacleBoy, ponson, shadowforcea7x, Verenka, Lycored, AmeliaHamAndEggs, Morgan-Anderton, CelestialStitch, NovaShine666, NotHumanPeople, ENDove, EpicFailure, Rice, 806907354, Finhawk, Meow_Arche, MWERZU, Zoen, ValentinesEuphoria, Ilona, Etielon, RunicFox, Acoustic, Shinekiara, Frostbite, vvangel, NelvixAzone, Nadgobus, Purgatory, *Snowflake*, EeveeLover, Zarbes, Espevahr, Eto_Yoshimura, schporty, B0MBus, GooBear, SensGirl25, KondaTyan, Magnoliag995, HyperBeam, Nobutsunas, HostilePeach.