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Level: 753
EXP: 663,552 /2,129,109

Health Points 329
Attack 262
Defense 232
Sp. Attack 189
Sp. Defense 235
Speed 204
Pokédex No. #634
Rarity Rare
Nature Impish
Trainer JellyMew
Origin. Trainer JellyMew
Breeder Professor Rowan
Obtained 11 Months and 5 Days ago
Adopted from the Lab
Family Tree
Hatched 11 Months and 4 Days ago


Phoe wants to train with you a bit!


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Received interactions today (48)

Marz_00, Glenlivet, KnownBruh, Suzaku7699, gnarlyybrown, Pearlstardust, Darkdragonbz80, -ShiningRayquaza-, Alorian, Fionna, marinaspencer_, MysteriousMe, TQBFgender, Csoxi, Bresrk, Calcarius, Anya_Musume, Castiello11, loketoke, Guro, Lionhart, h0tsalsa, Samepswd_1, MorbidlyAnxiouss, dreadforg8, Shiny, BarnacleBoy, Free-Hugz, LukeShadow, Daemon666, Calamity_Sass, AquamarinaX, Mistwing, Boots, SouthParkFirefly, Ashlie, Rinne, Shinekiara, Mayuri, Nadgobus, Matthew0021, KARUbin, NapTime, Zarbes, punisher023, ShatteredDiamond, ShiroTempest, Cyain.