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Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!
No item

Level: 30
EXP: 68 /2,534

Health Points 81
Attack 58
Defense 37
Sp. Attack 32
Sp. Defense 33
Speed 59
Pokédex No. #397
Rarity Easy
Nature Lonely
Trainer AshGreninga27
Origin. Trainer AshGreninga27
Breeder Professor Rowan
Obtained 6 Hours and 4 Minutes ago
Adopted from the Lab
Family Tree
Hatched 5 Hours and 26 Minutes ago


Staravia wants to train with you a bit!


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Received interactions today (75)

Thorns, BlueberryPiemon, WalkingOnSunshine, Rkainjel, ShadowXTM, WendyAlice, Moonlight-Haven, momalia, Lemeyx, TheTracker, Fernando, JustCarl, axelforce, Bambiii, roberto22, MoonSomnia, Fomantis, HexTheSilly, SengarBlade, Calcarius, primrose_paw, CatLady, Phe_Awish, Menxi, BerryGeneral, WisteriaWoods87, Himari, FlufferBuffer, Castiello11, loketoke, Vampirecat, Hoangan09, Sorasdra2simp, alexalience, Kimie, Briethecrestie, MonkeyPopper21, AshlyKagome15, Maato11, Oreoapocalypse, BarnacleBoy, ChaosAzeroth, Verenka, Kurumi, HlyFghtr, NovaShine666, Mistwing, EpicFailure, Rice, Boots, Rapmon, NitaKalaga, DrData, Ilona, exodius, Etielon, RunicFox, CaptainParisStarr, Hugoto, Darenia, IgneusAnima, Tenshi, *Snowflake*, -carter-, devilexe, KondaTyan, Franquinho69, Liana10, Professor__Rowan, GengarKeepsGrinning, Beachy72, KingVee, ShiroTempest, Cyain, Arrow000.