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No item

Level: 121
EXP: 8,860 /49,599

Health Points 285
Attack 191
Defense 105
Sp. Attack 219
Sp. Defense 99
Speed 207
Pokédex No. #441
Rarity Hard
Nature Brave
Trainer BerryGeneral
Origin. Trainer WolfieDire
Breeder WolfieDire
Obtained 4 Months and 20 Days ago
Bred in the Daycare
Family Tree
Hatched 4 Months and 19 Days ago


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Night5hade, 33LC, keife, JustinTPT, sneeble, Pearlstardust, WalkingOnSunshine, ~ShiningRayquaza~, Katrielwen, LOVE_BL, guillaup, NovaWolf, Mafia, BeetleB, crazyform, Mycorrhiza, BatIDK, Ghost_ada, bohemianpatsody, HexTheSilly, Nisora, natjacker, CatLady, BerryGeneral, robloveeric, MasterJeje, mimikboo, Castiello11, MeipandaQueen, loketoke, Bezash, Purrloin, DrVerdant, -UnknownPokefan-, OmeathianJade, DragonEmperor, Lapras2025, GreenTaurus, BarnacleBoy, TheRiako, Gem325, Lycored, BlindBoxhorizon, unova22, Indra-Y, EpicFailure, Boots, doctorsung, arthurdx5, Kommieq, OneShinyRobin, GizmoTheSloth, BillyToretto, Zilgamesh, Randolph4811, KARUbin, Thebookdevorador, Zarbes, GreenTiger09, HyperBeam, kaylakentuckyfried, ShiroTempest.