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1st OS

Me-Me-Mega Obsidialix

Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!
1st OS
No item

Level: 1489
EXP: 6,187,393 /6,655,831

Health Points 343
Attack 339
Defense 605
Sp. Attack 181
Sp. Defense 267
Speed 135
Pokédex No. #208
Rarity Event
Nature Impish
Trainer Corrish
Origin. Trainer Corrish
Obtained 4 Years and 4 Months ago
Obtained through Event Distribution
Family Tree
Hatched 4 Years and 4 Months ago


1st OS wants to train with you a bit!


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Natsuki_unknown, keife, JustinTPT, WalkingOnSunshine, GabrielX, Thaaya, Katrielwen, VirizionGaming, NovaWolf, Nu11notf0und, WiseWarlock01, lNyxx, Renanzim2199, Cdem24, PsychicJaved, Piplupfan6828, crazyform, Enforcer, pie93, BoomBoom, HeliasRex, CatLady, NinjaYeti, Yuri_chan, robloveeric, Gabre2201, MasterJeje, Castiello11, simba, loketoke, Sesu, Purrloin, -UnknownPokefan-, jorrrrrrrrge, Libbey, BarnacleBoy, Littleflea5614, BlindBoxhorizon, unova22, Indra-Y, Rezmag, EpicFailure, ashmon, Absbor, Kommieq, Rapmon, hoopafreak54, Zilgamesh, KARUbin, Zarbes, SaltyCactus, starbeat10, HyperBeam, GlizzyGobbler, Takuto, ShiroTempest, Homework_sis.