Forum Thread
The Infection
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Inactive RPs → The InfectionRules:
No double posting
No godmodding
No spamming
Don't be overpowered, you gotta be a regular person.
No killing characters without permission.
You can have NPC characters, though you need permission to kill them.
Gun are illegal, only bows and any weapon.
The virus is spreading, to make sure you're alive, fill this out:
Abilities: (good and bad)
Siblings alive?: (Yes or No)
You see a paper, it says:
Username: SteelTheSeal
Name: Terry Zek
Appearance:Brown hair, brown eyes, Black shirt and jeans. Also blue shoes.
Gear:Backpack with a bow, a pan, and noodles.
Abilities: He is good at gymnastics, but very weak.
Siblings alive?:Yes, Auraora.
History:To be told
Name: Crystal Wolven
Gender: Female
Appearance: She has long, dark brown hair, sky blue eyes and glasses. She wears a red jacket and slightly torn up blue jeans.
Gear: A backpack, a bow, and assorted junk.
Age: 15
Abilities: She's good with her bow, but she is easily distracted.
Siblings alive?: She's unsure of where she is, but she believes her sister is alive. Her sister is Bella-Rei
History: Untold, except for that she got separated from her sister at some point.
Other: Added appearance and gender, and someone can be her brother if they want to.
Another note: She has a bit of a temper, otherwise she is kind. She's also a bit jumpy.

Name:Auraora Sky
Appearance:Like Normal (Brown hair,blackd ress,blue eyes,boots)
Gear:Food Cans,Water,Bow(with arrows)
Abilities:Running,Using a bow,Climbing/Not Good At Fighting up close And is kinda weak
Siblings alive?:Has a brother but hasn't seen him in a long time
History:Later in the rp
Name: Bella-Rei Campbell
Gender: Female
Appearance: Why do you ask? I need to make it, since I don't want to type any longer than I have to.
Gear: She's got a throwing knife in her pocket (Covered), and a sword in her hand/ by her at all times. She may also have food in her bag, depending on if she has it for not.
Age: 17
Abilities: She delivers a hard blow, and is very accurate, but she doesn't have a very good way of finding food, and she can be snuck up on easily. She is also forgetful, but it's backed up by her knowledge of what she does remember.
Siblings alive?: She has two alive, her brother, but she hasn't seen him since her last cousin died. She also has a sister (Crystal) who ran off with her brother, but she thinks they were separated too.
History: Ask her.
Other: ~~~