Forum Thread
Find the Honey Jar!
Forum-Index → News → Find the Honey Jar!Find the Honey Jar!
The next days will be filled with special events to get some more honey :)
Honey everywhere! Spend some time on PokéHeroes and you might randomly find a Honey jar on your screen. Click on it to put it in your Itembag.
Note: This Event is limited to 30 jars per user.
Feel free to discuss about every topic on this day in our forums! You have a small chance of receiving a honey jar after each forum post you make.
Note: This Event is limited to 10 jars per user.
Postings in the "Forum Games"-section do not count for this Event.
On this day, the gem collector will give you 5x Honey Jar for 5x Grass Gems.
Note: This may be your LAST Chance to trade your Grass Gems for Honey!
With every interaction you make on this day, you have a small chance of finding a honey jar.
Note: This Event is limited to 10 jars per user.
So you get a 50 % off on this day.
Thanks to pucky for letting me know about this misinformation.
'coz I've found 6 of them.. Lol. :D
EDIT: Whoa! :O I just gotten a honey notification..! Thanks! :D
Honey obtained!
You received 1x Honey Jar for your last forum post. Keep up sharing your opinions!
You received 1x Honey Jar for your last forum post. Keep up sharing your opinions!
Honey notification?... That sounds awesome. xD
As for me, I was at school yesterday... So yeah...
Still, at least I have a chance at Honey over these couple of days...
-I like pianos. And bee2. Haha, I'm kidding. I do like pianos though. And Klavier Gavin, though that's kinda irrelevent.
-According to the Homestuck God Tier Test, I'm a Heir of Doom.
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs