Forum Thread
P.T.B.C.C | accepting new members
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → P.T.B.C.C | accepting new members
The berry shop is now closed for reconstruction! But don't worry, It'll be back soon!


be fair, kind, and don't ever spam or lie.
no foul langue, younger kids may be reading...
don't post unneeded things like: I like pie
never abuse anyone.
feel free to ask me or anyone in the club to battle ( if we're online. )
Co. Admin, Pika (GamingAbsol) IS allowed to accept AND deny pending forms.
You may see pokemon widgets in our posts, That was until we found out about the rule that you can't post them. So please don't do that at all costs.
@ new rules are added sometimes, so check back often.
be fair, kind, and don't ever spam or lie.
no foul langue, younger kids may be reading...
don't post unneeded things like: I like pie
never abuse anyone.
feel free to ask me or anyone in the club to battle ( if we're online. )
Co. Admin, Pika (GamingAbsol) IS allowed to accept AND deny pending forms.
You may see pokemon widgets in our posts, That was until we found out about the rule that you can't post them. So please don't do that at all costs.
@ new rules are added sometimes, so check back often.

I wanna join!
Why do you want to join?:
nicknames ( optional ):
pokemon you want trained the most (currently ):
I wanna join!
Why do you want to join?:
nicknames ( optional ):
pokemon you want trained the most (currently ):
Warned: ( 3 warns and your banned )
Banned: ( can't post/ will be removed if in club )
Who has joined?:

Enderknux (mod, admin, artist, event planner, event mod. )
GamingAbsol= Pika ( only reposes to Pika ) (mod, Co. Admin, artist. )
Ironsaad= Iron
XxshinyRayquazaxX= Shiny
allicat11= Allicat
Catbloxxer= Catbro
Sylvia (mod, artist. )
Gkinight20= Gkinght
CrimsonFatalis= Kyrios
foodslover= Shade
Shiny_Lanturn= S_L/Lanturn
Why do you want to join?: For reasons.
username: GamingAbsol
nicknames ( optional ): Pika (I will only respond to Pika
pokemon you want trained the most (currently ): All pokes in my party
other: Mega B;aziken is going to Terra Cave at lvl 200, he is at 191!
(Make this Team Rocket's first Ally? Use the ally form under "Forms")
I will interact with ur party
( no other groups as of now )
lol guess not
It's a new day for the P.T.B.C.C! ( i go by eastern time deal with it, lol ) So If anyone in the club would like to share some pokemon widgets, you're welcome to do that anytime! But, please don't post the same widget twice it's considered spamming! ( so you might get warned depending on how much ).
I go by eastern time too, and it is really early for me