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Sol's PWYW Art Stall

Forum-Index Fanmades Sol's PWYW Art Stall
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 234
Posted: Fri, 18/10/2024 12:07 (4 Months ago)


Hello, Hello, Hello! The name's Sol and this is my wandering art stall! I'm just a purple deer who wants to sell art from time to time. My art stall here won't be open for long so come and take a look around!

- All PH rules apply.

- I am mainly doing this for fun and also because I'm a bit broke right now so this is NOT a first come, first serve shop. I WILL CHOOSE which order to do so don't feel bad if I don't choose your order. I usually pick characters within my comfort zone and those with really interesting character designs.

- If your order wasn't accepted, you can try ordering again after 3 days with another character. If you received a finished order, you may order once again after 5 days.

- Do not rush me. I have a life beyond these screens so rushing me will get you blocked. It may take me from a couple hours to a week to finish your order so don't worry about me taking too long.

- This is a PWYW shop but the minimum price is 50k PD . I will not accept any offers below it.

- Please do not send the payment UNTIL I accept your order.

- Please credit me when you share/use my art anywhere. I prefer if you credit me with a link to my Toyhouse.

- I am not good at drawing characters from written descriptions so PLEASE give me a clear reference image. If you send a paragraph of descriptions. I am definetely not taking your order.

- If I haven't accepted your request, you can post another form with another character after 3 days. If you have commissioned and received art from me, you can post another form after the day you received the art.

- Do NOT steal my art or use it in an AI art website. I will despise you.

- If you have any questions, please PM/PP me. I don't want this forum page to be cluttered. As for the password, tell me your song / song artist!

- I'm a very indecisive person. This shop may open and close from time to time. The shop's format and some elements may also change from time to time too. Don't worry though, I'll most likely post updates.

- This is pretty obvious but: Blocked = Can't order. I'm sending the final product through PMs.

What I can draw:
- ferals
- flat-faced anthros
- pokemon
feel free to ask me if I am capable of drawing your characters. i will not draw characters that you do not own.

What I can't/won't draw:
- humans/humanoids
- mechanical/robotic/armored characters
- extremely complicated and cluttered characters
- extremely gore-y or nsfw characters

art examples


QuoteOther forms of payment:

- 1 Nugget : 2800 PD


What kind of art am I offering?
Honestly anything- It can range from headshots to fullbodies depending on how I feel about your character and my mood/motivation. I won't draw any sketches so the the art you will recieve will be at least a colored headshot.



[b]Hey Sol! Think you can draw my character?[/b]
[b]Additional Notes:[/b]


DO NOT USE THEM if you did not commission these characters

Trainerlevel: 82

Forum Posts: 774
Posted: Fri, 18/10/2024 12:45 (4 Months ago)
Hey Sol! Think you can draw my character?
User: JackalopeRose
Character: FlareonxSolrock or EeveexSolrock
Offer: 100kpd (or 200kpd if you choose to do both)
Password: Trigun:Vash the Stampede
Additional Notes:
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 310
Posted: Fri, 18/10/2024 13:31 (4 Months ago)

Hey Sol! Think you can draw my character?
User: @Mimicco_
Character: Mimicco!
Offer: 50K + tips maybe~ >w0
Password: Hmm lets choose.. y'know Zoro from One Piece :3
Additional Notes: Can you do it in like chibi? and some notes so you didnt confuse :) :
1. Mimicco hair is like in my pfp but you can do like other ref too -w- But i perfer what he look on my pfp :3
2. If you drew his tie down his eyes was still visible as it like his eyes didnt get blocked
3. Beside his glassess eyes it was scribbled eyes like mimikyu have ^^
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 234
Posted: Sat, 19/10/2024 06:40 (4 Months ago)
@JackalopeRose Accepting your Order!
Working on it right now!
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 234
Posted: Sun, 20/10/2024 07:28 (4 Months ago)
@JackalopeRose order is finished!
Please send the payment as soon as possible ^^
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 2,141
Posted: Sun, 20/10/2024 09:16 (4 Months ago)
Hey Sol! Think you can draw my character?
User: ~razberry
Character: this boy
Offer: minimum of 50 nuggets
Password: Ginko from Mushi-shi
Additional Notes: Canonically he has six petals; but u can draw how many petals u wish to if it would make the drawing better.
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 234
Posted: Sun, 20/10/2024 09:55 (4 Months ago)
@~razpberry Accepting your Order!
Working on it right now.
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 234
Posted: Mon, 21/10/2024 05:01 (4 Months ago)
@~razpberry order is finished!
Please send the payment as soon as possible ^^
Trainerlevel: 82

Forum Posts: 774
Posted: Tue, 22/10/2024 13:04 (4 Months ago)
Hey Sol! Think you can draw my character?
User: Purrloin (formerly JackalopeRose)
Character: EeveexSolrock
Offer: 100kpd
Password: Naruto : Naruto
Additional Notes:https://toyhou.se/10062015.flareon-x-solrock/35516402
Pose idea:ready to pounce!

Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 234
Posted: Wed, 23/10/2024 06:42 (4 Months ago)
@Purrloin Accepting your Order!
Working on it right now.
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Wed, 23/10/2024 13:51 (4 Months ago)
Hey Sol! Think you can draw my character?
User: Leolion
Character:Box (yellow form)
Offer: 100,000pd
Password: Kotetsu (Tiger and bunny)
Additional Notes: lighting around them is optional, if chosen have fun with the design ^^
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 234
Posted: Thu, 24/10/2024 08:14 (4 Months ago)
@Purrloin order is finished!
Please send the payment as soon as possible!

@Leolion Accepting your Order!
Working on it when I finish my assignments ><
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 234
Posted: Thu, 24/10/2024 23:05 (4 Months ago)
@Leolion order is finished!
Please send the payment as soon as possible!
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 234
Posted: Sun, 27/10/2024 11:59 (4 Months ago)


- Added a section showcasing finished art commisions
- Added a section showing other payment methods
- Changed the shop's name because it felt too long.
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Sun, 27/10/2024 13:26 (4 Months ago)
Hey Sol! Think you can draw my character?
User: Leolion
Character: Alexander
Offer: 100,000pd
Password: Mira (Primal)
Additional Notes: paint splotches are optional and can be any color if added!
Current avatar made by me. This one and the rest of the pride icon line can be found in my toyhouse (link in profile ^^.
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 234
Posted: Mon, 28/10/2024 04:15 (4 Months ago)
@Leolion Accepting your Order!
Will work on it when I go home from school.
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 234
Posted: Tue, 29/10/2024 10:02 (4 Months ago)
@Leolion order is finished!
Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 808
Posted: Tue, 29/10/2024 10:46 (4 Months ago)
Hey Sol! Think you can draw my character?
User: BabyEevee22
Character: Aria! XD
Offer: 100 dark gems :3
Password: Anya from SpyxFam 🫣🫣
Additional Notes: tip of the whipped cream goes up instead of down and also the sprinkles are rainbow coloured, thankyou!! XD
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in memory of xiaoblue822 who gave this to me and somehow got banned ;w;

oc is mine, do not use
art by Valcristsan
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 234
Posted: Tue, 29/10/2024 11:43 (4 Months ago)
@BabyEevee22 Accepting your Order!
Working on it right now!
Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 234
Posted: Wed, 30/10/2024 13:27 (4 Months ago)
@BabyEevee22 order is finished!