Lemondrop: Meh I’m doing ok.
TD: *looks to the side awkwardly, as she can’t speak*
Alarm Clock: I’m good!
*This post was sponsored by YOYLECAKE Central.
Teardrop~, Marker, Lemondrop~, and other names made by @Lemondrop~
are property of YOYLECAKE Central. Please do not use YOYLECAKE
CENTRAL characters without permission!*
Lemondrop notices this.
‘Oh god! Take those off right now!!!’
*This post was sponsored by YOYLECAKE Central.
Teardrop~, Marker, Lemondrop~, and other names made by @Lemondrop~
are property of YOYLECAKE Central. Please do not use YOYLECAKE
CENTRAL characters without permission!*
Noty is hovering off to the side, fiddling with his bracelets
and just observing. He's looking for a time to chime into the
conversation, not wanting to intrude or be rude.
"Cool... uh. Cool shades.... Shades!" he pipes up, smiling
awkwardly at Shades.
*This post was sponsored by YOYLECAKE Central.
Teardrop~, Marker, Lemondrop~, and other names made by @Lemondrop~
are property of YOYLECAKE Central. Please do not use YOYLECAKE
CENTRAL characters without permission!*
Noty just kinda stares at Shades for a bit, not reacting to the
SUN. in his eyes.
Then very delayed he jolts back.
"Oh! Uh, ahhh...! You're. Blinding me. Please stop."
Lemondrop looks directly at the sun without getting blinded, and so
does Teardrop. Alarm Clock is scared of looking at it.
*This post was sponsored by YOYLECAKE Central.
Teardrop~, Marker, Lemondrop~, and other names made by @Lemondrop~
are property of YOYLECAKE Central. Please do not use YOYLECAKE
CENTRAL characters without permission!*
Ruby: Wait, didn’t you know? All of the Teardrop family can look
directly at the sun!
*enter Firey*
Firey: Wait really?
*This post was sponsored by YOYLECAKE Central.
Teardrop~, Marker, Lemondrop~, and other names made by @Lemondrop~
are property of YOYLECAKE Central. Please do not use YOYLECAKE
CENTRAL characters without permission!*
Firey: Hey Leafy.
*enter Animatic*
Animatic: Wow, what a unique and tranquil location you guys found!
*This post was sponsored by YOYLECAKE Central.
Teardrop~, Marker, Lemondrop~, and other names made by @Lemondrop~
are property of YOYLECAKE Central. Please do not use YOYLECAKE
CENTRAL characters without permission!*
Ticket appears. Ticket smiles and waves at all the other objects.
"Hello darlings! How are we all doing today?" They are holding a stapled stack of papers that shuffle in the
"Tis very tranquil!" they acknowledge Animatic.
Ruby: Uhmm what does that mean?
Firey: Ruby are you stupid? It means “How are you’
Ruby: OHHH!
TD: *smacks her face*
*This post was sponsored by YOYLECAKE Central.
Teardrop~, Marker, Lemondrop~, and other names made by @Lemondrop~
are property of YOYLECAKE Central. Please do not use YOYLECAKE
CENTRAL characters without permission!*
Animatic snatches the script from Ticket.
‘Ooo! Whatcha reading?’
*This post was sponsored by YOYLECAKE Central.
Teardrop~, Marker, Lemondrop~, and other names made by @Lemondrop~
are property of YOYLECAKE Central. Please do not use YOYLECAKE
CENTRAL characters without permission!*