Forum Thread
Vietnamese Clan
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Vietnamese ClanTh? là có clan r?i nha :"> vô ?i vô ?i~
Lmao most of the accents are taken out
Seems like it'll be hard to chat in Vietnamese here :s
But what I meant to say was: "Hello, we have a clan now, so feel free to join in" or in Vietnamese without accents: 'Chao moi nguoi! The la co clan roi nha, vo di vo di!"
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Mình tốt nhất nên lập 1 danh sách người Việt Nam...
EDIT: Có rồi! Đây nè:
420Blaziken-It, aaddaaz, anhquan1729, beopoka, DANGVUMlNH, Gamergame, Ieander10, joliene1, Kimm, manhben10, Emolga_Queen (trước là natalie1002), DarylDixon (trước là NhoxPro), saber5, UzumakiKushina (trước là ScaleafTheSnivy), swag, StreamTheMinccino~, Thebro2003, MinhTheMegaDeoxys, Yue*, Yuki_Onna.