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Life of Odrein (Pokemon RP)(Accepting Applications)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Life of Odrein (Pokemon RP)(Accepting Applications)
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Thu, 12/09/2024 10:14 (1 Month ago)


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Atiport is one of Odrein's large cities. The local airport and cruise line make this town a hot spot for tourists with many shops, local diners and shopping malls. Often referred to as 'The gate of Odrein'. Iverness is a small extension of Atiport. Here tourists can hike the mountain trails and view the island of Aria, a rather secluded spot only accessible by boat (flying or swimming for those who can). The only building on this island is the event center. Many sports are held in this building: most notable Battles.
The small forest town of Forstford, secluded in the woods, is home to very few Pokemon. It's residents, though generally kind, can be wary of outside travelers due to the seclusion.
Fernress is a rather large town famous for it's local Combee honey and syrup. They also harbor extensive plant shops. This town is famous for it's greenhouses. less secluded than other forest surrounded areas, Fernress gets much more traffic.
Fort Tulo, the largest city of Odrein, has much to offer. From it's massive sky scrapers, it's local food hotspots serving dishes from all around the world, to the University of Odrein and sevral trade schools... This city truly is Odrein's gem.
Mosfell is a small industrial town, and the only accessing area to the tiny village of Frosthaven. Both settlements pride themselves on the quality of their famous wool and fur clothing don't think too much on the implications there along with their clear glacial water. This is nessesary attire to make the trek to Frosthaven. This small mining town owns the region's famous cargo train, while Mosfell owns the famous passenger train. The mining industry makes Frosthaven's jarl the richest Pokemon in the region, owning extended amounts of generational wealth. He controls the transport of goods to and from all of Odrein's major towns and cities.
Hartpool is not a destination for the weak... It's local volcano is the town's main attraction. Volcano ash is a common source utilized in local crafts. Aynor is a sister town, also known as 'glass city' for their glasswork.
Wingston small beach town known for it's 'seastone jewelry' made from glass imports from Aynor and local seashore rocks.
Bolete is a secluded town surrounded by Mushroom forest, this forest surrounds only the small area around the town. This town is an extension of the nearby Japanese-style town of Maltone, who reserve all rights to Bolete. No 'mons are able to enter Bolete unless native residents of either town OR given special permission by Maltone's superior council. Maltone is famous for it's Mochi and beautiful architecture.
Lakeshore known to be Odrein's most peaceful towns. surrounded by beach, it doesn't get many visitors. The locals however are welcoming. Not much here other than a few local homes and sand... lots of it.

So it goes...

In a world that's falling apart, we can only hope. But what is hope really? It comes by in time of need but quickly disappears when reality strikes. Maybe... just maybe, it doesn't need to be that way. I like to think our world has a chance. Maybe things won't fall apart. This only feels like false hope, as greed poisons the well. Well... we may figure it out. Come along and see.

Main Storyline
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“Shh! I think I heard something-” snorted a Pignite. The snort echoed through the halls of an open cavern. Swarms of Woobat fluttered past the team of Pokemon.
“Shush us?” Whispered a (midday) Lycanroc. “You are going to get us caught!”
The Pignite snorted again “Well! That’s assuming the rumors are true! So far, all I see is an empty cave an-”
“I sense something,” said a Medicham. He sat down in meditation. “It’s big, proceed with caution,”
“Haha…” started Pignite, nervously. “You uh… you’re joking, right? Or or… it’s gotta be an onyx or… something?”
“Dude!” Lycanroc snapped. “Calm down!” She turned to Medicham. “What do you see?”
Medicham snapped out of meditation, “The rumors… they’re true,”
All members of the team froze in fear. Pignite, in a clear state of panic, hyperventilated “You mean to tell me it’s near us? We’re this close?”
“Yes, so let's be quiet!” Lycanroc huffed. She was done with Pignite “Do you want to fight a Lugia?”
“I… I knew this was a bad job to take… the amount of teams who haven’t come out of this cave…”
“We’ll leave you then,” said Lycanroc. She and Medicham walked deeper into the cavern.
“N-no don’t leave me!” he stammered and wattled along.

The team stumbled into an open room, flowing with water leaking from several crevices and pooling at their feet. Presented in front of them was a giant cluster of crystals. The team stood in awe.
“The life of Odrein… it… it’s real!” Gasped Lycanroc.
“Let’s set up asap! Lugia may be here any moment!” Rushed Medicham.
“Oooh! We’re going to get so promoted once the boss gets his hands on this!” Pignited squealed in glee.
Medicham threw a small disk on the ground. The disk expanded into a small drill that silently pierced a hole through the rock. It placed a small device into the center.
“Now remember, once this thing blows, we gather as much as we can and run” exclaimed Medicham. The team nodded.
Soon the crystal blew into several shards. The explosion rang through the caverns. A loud cry roared back. Shards of crystal hit the floor and quickly disappeared. The team stared at the shardless ground, devastated at what they had just witnessed.
“Where… Where did they go?” Licanroc panicked.
“The boss is gonna kill us!” Pignite retorted.
“Forget the boss! Lugia-” Medichan started, but was interrupted as the beast entered the room.
Within an instant one hyper beam lit the corridors. The team was never seen again. Shards have been turning up in places all over the world, calling for their finders to take them back to their home.

Lore Notes
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-This is a world completely inhabited by Pokemon: no humans.
-"wild" Pokemon refer to Pokemon that are often found on routes outside of cities. These Pokemon are feral and don't/can't communicate with civilized Pokemon. Definitely not just a cheap writer's trick to justify eating meat/wearing clothes made of fur/leather. We see this with the region's mascot: a wild shiny Shuckle.
-During the creation of Odrein, a giant crystal (which lie in the depts of this region) known as 'The life of Odrein' exerted energy that caused the region to flourish with life. Ho-oh and Lugia took oath to protect this crystal. The public was never made aware of it's actual existence, but rumors spread and it became the region's most told stories. Though it was once deemed rumor, it is now evident to be true as our characters find these mysterious crystals appearing out of nowhere, beckoning them to arrive in Odrein.

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-Of course, all basic RP rules apply. Please make sure you’ve read these rules before applying to this RP

-This RP is NOT intended for folks under 18. This RP Will contain heavy adult subject matter such as (but not limited to): Foul language, violence, drugs, alluding to NSFW context (No extreme explicit details).

- For battling fellow RP-ers: I understand that battling in RP can be tricky, as we can’t exactly measure how a battle will go. Please no god-modding here. Don’t be afraid to allow your fellow RP-ers to take a win, especially if your character is at an obvious disadvantage. If battles last too long, I reserve the right to step in and monitor whether or not a character can/can’t avoid attacks, what their health is at, etc. I will do so fairly and mathematically. Thank you for your cooperation.

-Let’s try to keep things realistic!

Make sure your backstory explains your character’s personality. Backstory is the basis of a character’s development and is meant to explain why they do the things they do. Also, please be real with the rest of your character’s profile. Explanations below:

Level: If your character has a high level, it must make sense with their backstory/training/education.
Moveset: This must also make sense with your character. Their moveset must be learnable at their level OR be an egg/TM move. Keep in mind if you have a character that is not a battler, their moveset might reflect other aspects of their life like their occupations.
Egg moves: please note which parent/species it came from.
TMs: If there isn’t an obvious reason within a character’s backstory (ie. raised with wealth or resources at their disposal) please explain briefly how a TM was acquired when listing it on your application.

-Please be aware of possible triggers! Please, when describing sections that contain content relating to abuse, SA, drugs, and/or violence of any kind: put these in spoilers AND preface with (TW) and briefly tag what type of trigger will be disclosed. I do plan for this RP to contain this type of content, so please be kind to yourselves and one another and proceed with caution.

-Be kind to one another: There is much of a difference between our characters’ interactions and ours as people. I’d like for my fellow RPers to find a disconnect between our characters and us as people. Don’t take character interactions personally and don’t make character interactions personal. Don’t harass fellow RPers, NO BIGOTRY of any kind, no hate speech, no personal attacks… you get it. If you have qualms with fellow RPers, please message me.

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Appearance: (N/A if nothing special)
Occupation: (What do they do for a living?)
Backstory: (Must be at least 5 sentences)
Personality: (Must be at least 5 sentences)

Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Thu, 12/09/2024 11:57 (1 Month ago)
My Characters:

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Name: Finley Riveera
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Species: Buizel
Appearance: N/A
Level: 83
Moveset: Liquidation, Rain Dance(TM), Taunt(TM), Ice Fang(TM) (TMs explained in bio)
Ability: Swift Swim
Occupation: Fighter
Backstory: Born in a breeding facility, Finley was bread to be sold as a fighter. He was born with perfect IVs. promise he's not an incest baby He was then sold to a Kingambit by the name of Yoshin. Yoshin is a highly regarded master in fighting. He invests in training fighters to enter into tournaments. His facility is known as Tranquility Institute, where he housed and trained many Pokemon he adopted from breeding centers. This is where Finley grew up. With access to an abundance of resources such as battle items, TMs, berries, etc. Finley got to spend many of his early years studying battle strategies. He trained to specialize in speed and physical attack, making him able to out speed most of his opponents and hit hard. Finley trained hard and passionately. Though he was a favorite of Yoshin, he was often criticized by his peers. Namely Sian, a Floatzel. Sian lost in combat to Finley the first day they met. They were pitted against one another for training purposes. Sian has treated Finley with hostility since, and convinced many other residents to also treat him poorly.
Personality: Finley tries to see the best in everyone. When he can't see good in someone, he's quick to call out their terrible behavior. He's dedicated to put others in place when they treat others badly. Finley is dedicated to helping anyone he can. Even to the detriment of himself. He values taking a logical route, valuing intelligence to solve problems. He is a problem solver and innovator. He's kind, gentle, and genuine.

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Name: Axel Thorne
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Species: Grovile
Appearance: N/A
Level: 35
Moveset: Sunny Day (stolen TM), Solar Beam(stolen TM), Double Team, Giga Drain
Ability: Overgrow
Occupation: Thief
Backstory: Axel grew up in the large city of Fort Tulo. His parents were alcoholics/drug users. He grew up with little stability. His parents were both hostile towards one another and him. They often couldn't afford any means of living. Axel resorted to stealing from a very young age as a means to survive. It wasn't uncommon for Axel to get into fights with others over petty qualms. It wasn't long before he was expelled from school at the age of 14. This led to a massive fight with his father. They nearly fought to the death, so Axel ran away. He snuck onto the cargo train and rode down to Maltone. The atmosphere in this town is peaceful. Unfortunately for them, Axel brought old habits with him. He caused havoc but managed to get away with his wrong doing by his cunning and framing others for his wrong doing. While on a run to steal food from a local market, he met a Mienfoo about his age, her name was Hanako. Hanako also lived in poverty and had a difficult time finding food. Axel offered assistance and quickly connected with Hanako. The two of them spent years together, surviving. Over these years Axel developed deep feelings for her that he was never brave enough to admit. One day while going to meet Hanako, she never showed up. She didn't show the next day, or the next. She seemingly just disappeared. Worried, Axel went to investigate their home. To his surprise, it was being sold. This made no sense, as their family didn't seem as if they could just up and move on a whim. Nevertheless, there was nothing Axel could do at this point. He moved on. Heartbroken, he decided to start traveling town to town. Part of him wishing he'd find Hanako again.
Personality: Cynical. Axel takes good care to portray himself as someone who doesn't care about anyone. In reality he's afraid of rejection and abandonment.

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Name: Sylvi Friis
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Species: Mawile
Appearance: N/A
Level: 33
Moveset: Sweet Scent, Attract (TM, gifted), Crunch, Iron Defense
Ability: Hyper Cutter
Occupation: Mechanic
Backstory: She grew up in Mosfell with her mother and father. Her ancestors migrated to Mosfell due to the rich industrial movement in Frosthaven. Her ancestors worked for the mining industry. This passed down to her father who spent his whole life in the mines. Their family was extremely poor due to the low wages of mine work. Her mother did odd jobs to make ends meet. Ages 7-14 - Sylvi, who looked up to her father at the time, became highly invested in his work. She'd often sneak with him to the mines. At first, her father tried to stop her. Eventually, he accepted it and taught her the trade. She learned fast, and became interested in engineering. Starting with small trinkets and moving up to working motors, she became an expert by the age of 12. The town of Mosfell began construction on a new train, meant to hold passengers. The only other train on the island was Frosthaven's cargo train. During construction, Sylvie was invited to join the team due to her extended knowledge. She worked as head mechanic. Once finished, the train was named after her. Age 14 - Her mother got sick with a rare virus known as Cut Plague. This plague thrives in cold weather. It attacks one's immune system. This usually means 3 days to live. Her father's boss offered to loan money to help pay for medical expenses. This kept her mother comfortable until she eventually passed. After the death of her mother, her father couldn't keep up with medical bills. He made a deal with his boss to sell Sylvi to the mines. This paid off the debt, but Sylvie is now owned by her father's boss. Wracked with guilt, her father fled town. Never to be seen again. Age 16 - Sylvie has now worked full time in the mines for two years. She was forced into the home of her new owners, Thorir Evarsson (Incineroar) and his wife Isgerd (Florges, White FLower).
Personality: Bullheaded. Due to her history as a minor/mechanic, she's tough and rugged. She's quick to fight back when told what to do by others. She often gets in trouble for her tendency to do things her own way (which, as she sees it, is just the right way). Although she has a tough exterior, she has a very soft interior. She wants to be loved but has a hard time reaching out out of fear of abandonment.
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 568
Posted: Thu, 12/09/2024 23:15 (1 Month ago)
This seems very interesting. I'm going to leave this post here and edit it with the character application soon, if that's alright with you.


Name: Calress
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Species: Kommo-o
Level: 75
Moveset: Close Combat(TM), Iron Defense, Poison Jab(TM) Clangorous Snout
Ability: Soundproof
Occupation: Forager/Explorer (I don't know if a mon can have multiple occupations)

Backstory: Calress grew up an orphan in the town of Forstford. Sheltered by the forest around him, he moved to apply to the trade school of exploration and survival in Fort Tulo in his early teenage years. His main interests were in helping forage for berries and documenting knowledge of the lands history, and he applied himself to learning everything he could. Due to his parents being largely unknown to him, he avoids talking about his past. He spends his time keeping up to date with the events relevant to his job.

Personality: Cheerful, but a bit of an isolationist. Calress speaks little outside his closest friends and fellow colleagues when necessary. He carries around a small drum, being fond of music as a means of relaxation. Enjoys being around nature, and those affiliated with the wild.

Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Fri, 13/09/2024 01:44 (1 Month ago)
Thank you for your interest! I'm looking forward to reading your character application.
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 568
Posted: Mon, 16/09/2024 18:44 (29 Days ago)
Edited my last post
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Tue, 17/09/2024 02:29 (29 Days ago)

Title: Accepted

Thank you for submitting your application. I noticed I forgot to put down my notes for the region's towns, so feel free to read them.
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Thu, 26/09/2024 10:45 (20 Days ago)
This looks so cool! Like PMD! I hope this is right:

Character name: Crim (Crimson)
Pokemon type: Hisuian Zorua
Gender: F
Nature: Quirky
Level: 20
Occupation: An explorer and a traveling healer/sage
Moves: shadow sneak, extrasensory, curse, and hex

Appearance: a darker hisuian Zorua, imagine a hisuian zorua with the color scheme of regular zorua. A charcoal and scarlet color applet coats them, looking more like a smoking fire than a ghost. With the same yellow eyes of a normal hisuian Zorua.

Personality: they are quiet and untrusting, usually keen to observe in the background and sneak either food to themselves or herbs to others. When they find someone they trust, they can be quite curious and protective.

Backstory: some groups of pokemon toe the line between wild and civilized, surviving by nomadic means and tried and true methods in the harshest of environments. Such is the way of the Hisuian zoroark, surviving the harsh mountain domains in tight knit families, rarely allowing those on the outside through their illusions that protect their land. Likewise, many do not leave their families and explore outside of their home, except for a curious or brave few. One such Pokémon is Crim. Due to their unique pelt they found it hard to hunt or hide from enemies in the snow, and so they turned to aiding their group’s injuries and scaring away enemies with curses and illusions. In return they were hidden and protected by their family and society. They were happy with their lot, safe and appreciated in what they could do, but with the promises of new medicine and spiritual awakenings, once of age to go on their own journey, they took the chance. The chance to hopefully evolve, they set out for the first time to grow and befriend, and to learn and to defend, no longer seeking to hide.
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Wed, 02/10/2024 23:23 (13 Days ago)
I love the concept you've come up with here! I was going to say something about the lack of detail for personality, but the backstory of this character being a sort of feral/civilized hybrid makes a lack of personality type make sense. I'd love to see where this character goes in RP, so I'll accept it!

I'll start the RP soon now that we've gotten a few on board. I'll wait a couple days before then.