Forum Thread
-Cat’s Card Collection
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My collection of pokemon cards! (Definitely no ai art cards, all of them are real Pokémon cards)
the card shop nearest to me has card packs in most languages, but im mostly using the english ones as references since I can easily find them in the ptcg database and you guys can read the text on the cards :D


-so many references (beware a wall of words)

(wishiwashi, meowth and incineroar on
the left, litten and galarian meowth books/posters? on the shelf,
another litten hiding behind a book with a lum berry on it, a
fluffy tail (actual item) next to the books/posters, a litten
plushie sitting on top of a pokeball box, a pair of meowstic (my
beloved <3 ) behind Fake Out, a shiny litten and a zeraora as
the book covers, and a lum and oran berry on the blanket
-just beautiful :D (I dont regret buying this card)
anywho, new ceruledge and meowstic cards?! im going for it immediately, take my money *crazy cat noises*
right, the new AR/IR cards. nothing too special, and honestly the ceruledge card could’ve been cooler, but hey ill take it. the milotic/pikachu sar gives off a really like nice and gentle touch, and the hydreigon is cool >:) the maushold card is pretty awesome too, love the colors
i will probably buy a box of terastal festival in december (hey its eeveelutions, theyre cute) i really hope there isnt another moonbreon situation, you know
supercharged breaker/ surging sparks is sold out everywhere lol, im still aiming for that ceru art rare and meowstic. i can’t wait to get my hands on terastal festival when im in Japan, id really like the ceruledge sar or eeveelutions. im hoping that it won’t be like 2023 when ruler of the black flame was released and i could only buy individual cards

-nice vibes, very thanksgiving-y
-not the sar I wanted (rainbow terapagosss) but ill take it over electric spider
-the cutest card in stellar crown. period