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Fall, Little Warriors, Fall (Sign-Ups)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Fall, Little Warriors, Fall (Sign-Ups)
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 199
Posted: Thu, 27/06/2024 00:26 (3 Months ago)
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Thu, 27/06/2024 00:30 (3 Months ago)
hey diamond I feel like we have enough people to start it now, I think you would be a good idea to make the play now to get it off the ground and then the people can join later lol


behold the shiny beta giraffe!


Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 199
Posted: Thu, 27/06/2024 00:58 (3 Months ago)
I agree. We have quite a few people, and though we currently have none in RazorShockClan we can at least begin the Tale. So-

The Official Roleplay has been made!
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Thu, 27/06/2024 01:02 (3 Months ago)
I am actually filling out forms for each type four type of the clan as we speak on a separate tad on laptop so we can lmao

don't worry about me struggling with numbers of characters, I have controlled many at once over the years of role-playing lol


behold the shiny beta giraffe!


Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Thu, 27/06/2024 04:39 (3 Months ago)

Saw there's no one in the Razorshock playing so i'm making four other characters each type real fast, so each Clan can at least have one character!

Username: ShimmeringSuicune
Character Name:
Trishanku (Meaning "The one adorned with a trident")
Pokemon Species + Typing:
If Dual Typing, what Typing do they prefer to use (put N/A if Pure Type):
Steel Attack (even though this Pokémon learns only three Steel type attacks for some reason even know Steel type...)
a rather normal shiny-looking Empoleon, but what makes them stand out is they have a upside down trident going down the front of the wings compared to other ones of their species, as well as having bigger and longer horns compared to most you would find.
originating from the Sea Clan as when Trishanku was only a small Piplup as they couldn't simply find themselves being able to stand or relate to the more peaceful and calm nature that the Sea clan had, instead wanting to get out there and fight on the lines and battled it out to there heart contents and not play around and swim in the water like most would do around, desperately waiting until they reach adulthood to their final evolution to join and fight for the Razorshock clan they always had their eyes on. Trishanku is incredibly prideful to a unbearable degree and will not hesitate to cut you with their wings if you dare try to hurt their ego, unable to really hear out anyone else's opinion except their own and will not hesitate to talk down on you if they find you be stupider then most, which was just about everyone in reality, certainly having that ferocious temper as it can go from being bossy to trying to cut you in slices with their wings. Trishanku definitely only interacts with the ones that bring them a good battle or can think they can bring down a good battle, and will intentionally ignore you the kingdoms come if they don't find any interesting or redeeming qualities about you, not hesitating to say what they had on your mind even if it hurts feelings but they really didn't care much about what feelings have been hurt or not, as long as your voice is heard and they can boost their ego then that's all that matters to them. but even if they were the most hardest person to get along with when it comes to their loyalty to fight for their clan, then Trishanku will fight until they're no longer able to stand and fall to the ground, intentionally edging them on to get the best out of them and to especially get a rise out of them, even doing it to any individual that they cold-heartedly desperately wanted to battle it out with them.
Birth Clan:
Rockysea Clan
Chosen Clan:
Razorshock Clan
Flash Cannon - Ice Beam - Water Pleage - Air Slash
Insert password here

Character Name:
Pokemon Species + Typing:
If Dual Typing, what Typing do they prefer to use (put N/A if Pure Type):
Fighting Attack
A normal looking Hakamo-o, they wear a special necklace of a Kommo-o front head scale that is their fathers that passed away in battle.
with their father being a famous Kommo-o who protect and battle the land for Generations until going in a certain battle between three legendary Pokémon as Haku was only a baby Jangmo-o with their mother upon revealing the devastating news that the father has been killed in battle and only bringing back his head scale that was left of them, as Haku committed themselves to follow their father Legacy with his mother supporting him all the way throughout the decision, even granting him their father scale to be a reminder of who he is honoring for and to be a part of him every step of the way by making it a necklace he could wear around his neck. Haku by nature is incredibly determined as well loyal and does every task they were given with excitement and eagerness without even talking back a little bit, very much unable to relax or ever take a break until every little thing he was given was completed and accounted for, with Haku taking their training very seriously and always makes it to priority over everything else, having most think that he wasn't a social or talkable person due to them always running around and not staying still from making sure to constantly be doing something. but in reality Haku is very calm and down the earth as they're definitely someone you can talk to an offer some solutions for whatever your issue may be, as well as having to have fun and jokester side to him as he did enjoy cracking a joke or at least trying to attempt to once or twice and being a smart and intelligent one that could come up with solutions and tactics on the spot rather quickly, not being one to have what others say to him bother them so much as Haku was only worried about his goal of becoming a warrior to honor their father, making them insanely good friends with Trishanku as a two would often fight together with Trishanku greatly holding back to give them a fighting chance.
Birth Clan:
Razorshock Clan
Chosen Clan:
Razorshock Clan
Level (keep reasonable with Rank):
Moves (four at any time, try to keep them of the Typing your Character prefers to use):
Bulk Up - Brick Break - Drain Punch - Dragon Claw
(unsure yet if moveset will change upon Evolution because this is a pretty good one by default so we'll see!)
insert password here

Character Name:
Pokemon Species + Typing:
Tyrunt - Rock/Dragon
If Dual Typing, what Typing do they prefer to use (put N/A if Pure Type):
a normal looking but shiny Tyrut, they wear a black collar with the spikes being the Dragon fangs item.
being the daughter of a shiny Tyrantrum that ruled and was king of the land for many years before the Razorshock Clan had came across this land and decided they wanted to make it their territory as well, this Tyrantrum being deeply annoyed and kept their distance while it would hide away from these unknown Pokémon, but it was inevitable that one was going to come across the king of the land as it let out a angry roar and charge at this Pokémon with the intent to attack as soon the rest of the Clan came to their aid to fend off this beast, but they soon notice something behind this in enrage Tyrantrum which was an egg as a soon connect that this Pokémon here was a father, making a promise that if they didn't ever hurt their newborn daughter or son then they could live in this land with them in peace, with this Tyrantrum agreeing to this rule they offer. Chompers is very much a daddy little princess girl. She loves the praise and attention and will put into anything that will get them noticed in a good way, as she's very much prone to temper tantrums and definitely doesn't like to be told no or she can't have something. She will hold a grudge against he will not talk to you for about a day, actively getting upset seeing others getting something that she wants to do to her high selfishness and unwilling to share, not hesitating to rip the item out of the other's hand and run away with it herself. but Chompers is at the same time as you're stereotypical incredibly energetic and playful as she'll run into the other games that the kids might be playing without invitation, understandably a few times where a kid gotten hurt by her getting too invested and not looking around her surroundings, not she was one to pay attention what was going on around her and to stay on task for the life of them.
Birth Clan:
Razorshock Clan
Chosen Clan:
Razorshock Clan
Level (keep reasonable with Rank):
Moves (four at any time, try to keep them of the Typing your Character prefers to use):
Dragon Claw - Dragon Dance - Rock Blast - Poison Fang
(some move will change upon evolution)
(will change to Rock Head upon evolution.)
Password: insert password here

Character Name:
Pokemon Species + Typing:
If Dual Typing, what Typing do they prefer to use (put N/A if Pure Type):
a average size and height but one of a kind Biltzle, as their body is a white color with the stripes being the black color as well as the mane but the hoof and nose color staying the same, as well as their eyes and ears being the yellow and the outer inside being the blue.
Before the Razorshock Clan inhabited the lands as multiple herds of Zebstrika made their home here which they still reside even after the Razorshock has made their home here also, as they were in for surprise when a certain Blitzle was born with the body being white and the stripes being black as well as the mane, the eyes being yellow as well as the inside of the ears with the outer side of the eye being the blue, shortly giving this little special one the name Blitzy as they would play with Chompers when the two had come across each other and became good friends even up until now, deeply loyal to each other as no protect one another with no fear or hesitation to do so. Biltzy is much more reserved and quiet as well being one to easily be picked on as they had very little confidence to speak up for himself, easily submitting to others wishes without much of a fight as Blitzy tend to enjoy more staying off to the side and being alone compared to playing with other kids, not that they didn't want to but were incredibly shy to do so and then have the effort or motivation to do such a thing. Blitzy is a nice and caring soul but usually has to be the voice of reason for Chompers and push them off to side when things are getting out of hand, tending to even actively taking the blame themselves of what they may be at fault for much as Chompers protest doing so, as is one of the only few friends but also the only one that Chomper will notice and will never hurt so they can step in and intervene when they need to.
Birth Clan:
Razorshock Clan
Chosen Clan:
Razorshock Clan
Level (keep reasonable with Rank):
Moves (four at any time, try to keep them of the Typing your Character prefers to use):
Supercell Slam - Quick Attack - Flame Charge - Smart Strike
(will change a bit upon evolution.)
Motor Drive
insert password here



behold the shiny beta giraffe!


Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 199
Posted: Thu, 27/06/2024 14:54 (3 Months ago)
Accepted Suicune! Sorry for late reply.
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 80
Posted: Thu, 27/06/2024 19:34 (3 Months ago)
Username: CarnifexCoronatum
Character Name: Execor
Pokemon Species + Typing: Bisharp (Steel/Dark)
Preferred Type: Dark
Shiny / Mega-Able: No
Appearance: Normal Bisharp except the head crest is slightly notched and he covers himself with rags to disguise his shiny metallic body
Personality: Execor was born in Razorshock clan yet he was shunned for being a dark type. This eventually led him to joining Shatterclan yet he still has a burning hatred towards the living clans for their mistreatment and corruption. He trained as a warrior and is now one of Shatterclan's strongest warriors. He shows no mercy to any of his enemies and executes them brutally. He has a tendency to hoard the possessions of those he slaughters, keeping them as trophies of his many victories.
Birth Clan: Razorshock Clan
Chosen Clan: Shatter Clan
Rank: Warrior
Level: 60
Moveset: Sucker Punch, Night Slash, Iron Head, Low Kick
Ability: Defiant
Password: no

Username: CarnifexCoronatum
Character Name: Delune
Pokemon Species + Typing: Zoroark (Dark)
Preferred Type: Dark
Shiny/Mega-Able: Shiny
Appearance: Normal shiny Zoroark except he wears a long, flowing indigo trenchcoat that is lined with pockets on the inside in order to store various items.
Personality: Incredibly conniving and manipulative of others, Delune compensates for her lack of physical strength with immense knowledge of poisons. She often uses his ability to shapeshift and cast illusions to trick and weaken foes much stronger than her, allowing Execor to finish them off.
Birth Clan: Shatter Clan
Chosen Clan: Shatter Clan
Rank: Healer
Level: 30
Moveset: Night Daze, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Psychic
Ability: Illusion
Password: no

Username: CarnifexCoronatum
Character Name: Baccrux
Pokemon Species + Typing: Hydreigon (Dragon/Dark)
Preffered Type: Dark
Shiny/ Mega-Able: No
Appearance: Same as a Normal Hydreigon but his body is covered in scars and small cuts.
Personality: Baccrux is insane, there is no sugarcoating it. He was born in Razorshock clan however he was demented by ... something... The healers of the clan believed him to be tormented by Darkrai themselves. Thus, similar to Execor, Baccrux was exiled and ended up joining Shatterclan. Despite not being able to come up with a coherent battle plan, Baccrux's brute strength allows him to remain a fierce warrior. He often talks to himself and is extremely hyperactive. Though he often frustrates Execor and Delune, they keep him around simply because they haven't found someone to replicate Baccrux's raw power.
Birth Clan: Razorshock Clan
Chosen Clan: Shatter Clan
Rank: Warrior
Level: 75
Moveset: Dark Pulse, Crunch, Flamethrower, Dragon Pulse
Ability: Levitate
Password: no
The Sign Ups for the Primal Legends League are OPEN. Battle for the chance to win legendary summon items here!
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 199
Posted: Thu, 27/06/2024 21:25 (3 Months ago)
@Carnifex, all Accepted!
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Fri, 28/06/2024 04:48 (3 Months ago)
seeing how I own the razorshock clean right now I might as well take 2 Leaders with two others sooo-
Also I promise this is my last set after this.

Character Name:
Pokemon Species + Typing:
Toxtricity (Amped)-Electric/Poison
If Dual Typing, what Typing do they prefer to use (put N/A if Pure Type):
Electric Attacks
a normal looking but shiny Toxtricity, they wear a pink spike collar with black spikes right around their lower neck for no other reason that they like the look of the collar.
born with a rare coloration since they were a little Toxel as they may have been strange from the very beginning but they equally as stand out as much and definitely wanted to be on the top of the very top and stand out the most they can meet, definitely being an attention seeker but one that knows when to back down and constantly wanting praise on a daily basis to admittedly make themselves feel better and to use it to make excuses to cover up their behavior, yet it didn't take long for them to show off their true potential when it comes to battles and becoming beloved and iconic for all the electric type Pokémon that looked up to them, enjoying this admiration as it wasn't surprising when everyone took a vote for who's going to be the electric leader, Hendrix was pick without a second thought in anyone's mind. Hendrix themselves are very short-tempered as well as very much aggressive and can't help but treat every little thing has an intent to get him and his secretly short self-esteem that he's a master at covering up, not hesitating to flick toxic sweat into other Pokemons faces that their body can produce without a even hint that they were sorry for doing so, very much arrogant and allowed talker that doesn't know when to back down and only backs down from a potential fight if they can tell that they weren't going to be able to beat this Pokemon, but of course not before smack talking you a bit more when they back down as Hendrix was very good at that also. he's also good at making everything incredibly flashy when they don't need to be and likes to intentionally antagonize Pokémon into a fight as well as getting a rise or reaction from them, only finding fun and enjoyment when he did do this and didn't feel sorry or bad in his slightest, the only way you'd be getting an apology out of them if it simply fixes the situation and they could leave quicker, as well as understandably loud and reckless two unbearable degrees as the loudness was simply tied into his final evolution species, not caring the slightest for moments that they had to be quiet and simply does continue to be loud as they wanted, consequences didn't exist to them nor did they care when consequences would happen, charging in was clear recklessness no matter how dangerous or serious the situation is actually be.
Birth Clan:
Razorshock Clan
Chosen Clan:
Razorshock Clan
Electric type leader that represents the electric types.
Level (keep reasonable with Rank):
Moves (four at any time, try to keep them of the Typing your Character prefers to use):
Overdrive - Boomburst - Thunderbolt - Sludge Bomb
Punk Rock
You know the drill by now

Character Name:
Pokemon Species + Typing:
If Dual Typing, what Typing do they prefer to use (put N/A if Pure Type):
Dragon attacks
A normal looking Baxcalibur, they wear a collar that is smooth ice with a dragon Gem hanging down on the middle by it being clipped on going through a small hole in the ice collar.
being long and fierce respected warrior for the sea clan, wanting to shift up from using ice moves to their dragon typing that they've been using for so long even if he still holds it close to his heart and will actively protect any member from that Clan as well as his own, with Badick picking the Razorshock clan that they already had in mind as it didn't take long for them to see and him to be chosen as a great leader to represent the dragon types now, as before he represents the ice type back to his original clan which he still likes feeling the cold and icy environment still. Badick is very protective and doesn't like much chaos and make sure things run smoothly and they have everything they need, being one that doesn't hesitate on going long rants if the member that he has to go get something that they happen be low on coming back empty-handed, certainty being incredibly demanding but in a good way as his demands were always reasonable and understandable when it comes to needing something for the rest of the members and such, they actively cannot stand greediness and selfish and will punish members that won't share with another member the may try to hog everything for themselves. Badick is very good at managing, giving, as well as getting tasks done as they would always check everything was right in place before he would call in the night, as they were someone that was hard to guide off of when they were given a task or doing one at hand, they're also a rather hard person to annoy do the high tolerance and them knowing that they can't really tell others what they can't or can do, simply letting the electric leader get his way because he simply didn't like fighting as long as he was in the frontline to attack or protecting the clan and its members, staying quiet most of the time as he preferred quietness much more than chaotic loudness, as composure was definitely one of Badick strong suits,
Birth Clan:
Rockysea Clan
Chosen Clan:
Dragon type leader to represent the dragon types (even though is the least looking Dragon one but who cares lol)
Level (keep reasonable with Rank):
Moves (four at any time, try to keep them of the Typing your Character prefers to use):
Breaking Swipe - Dragon Claw - Glaive Rush - Icicle Crash
Ice Body
I think you know to drill

Character Name:
Pokemon Species + Typing:
If Dual Typing, what Typing do they prefer to use (put N/A if Pure Type):
Poison attacks
a normal looking but shiny Sneasler, they wear a chain with blue diamonds hanging down carefully and tightly wrapped around her entire ear feather.
A species that was thought to be extinct but actually had a well and stable population until they were rediscovered once more as they made their home in the rocky snowy mountains where they were the species that rule as most other species had no hope on beating their kind, being the daughter of the first two Sneasler that join a Clan with other kinds of Pokémon that resided also as Katana was quick to become a powerful face and tool for the Razorshock Clan by the help of her own training, the clan training, and training from her parents, not surprising that she would become a deputy from a warrior that she was destined to be quite fast. After serving the Razorshock Clan for a good portion of her life as Katana wanted a change of scenery and to serve her deputies duties to a different Clan as she didn't want to be stuck here for the rest of her life serving, going with the Cindersky clan to become more tune with her poison typing then fighting typing she was before, enjoying to finally shake up their moves and try different combinations this time. Katana species are ingrain with solitude so it understands that she enjoys solitude more than the opposite of solitude, doing her best to avoid the crowded areas and big group but she was able to tolerate small groups if she was have to be placed in one, thankfully being rather tolerable as she won't complain if she's in a big group or has to be in a crowded space, as Katana is someone who doesn't speak much and like keeping everything inside and to themselves as when she did talk it was either a bit condescending due to them be a little bit of a know it all, but the more common one that it was incredibly monotone with no emotion behind it as showing emotion wasn't her strongest suit, instead of being a little bit smirky and stuck up but that was a given. Katana at the same time though was incredibly caring and sweet and was intensely loyal to most people, only losing that loyalty if you stabbed her in the back which would turn into hatred and holding a good grudge, but when it came to battling then Katana truly shines and shows her true potential that she intentionally kept hidden by the naked eye, perfectly able to keep her own ground without teamwork as she wouldn't protest if someone gave her a helping hand, making sure to include them and fight alongside them together, even doing the same herself and she doesn't hesitate to charge when someone seems to be struggling to give them a fighting helping hand.
Birth Clan:
Razorshock Clan
Chosen Clan:
CinderSky Clan
Level (keep reasonable with Rank):
Moves (four at any time, try to keep them of the Typing your Character prefers to use):
Dire Claw - Poison Jab - Screech - Home Claw
Poison Touch
I think you know the drill

Character Name:
Shi No Tensh (Japanese name meaning "Angel of death")
Pokemon Species + Typing:
Oricorio (Sensu Style)-Ghost/Flying
If Dual Typing, what Typing do they prefer to use (put N/A if Pure Type):
Ghost attacks
A normal but shiny Oricorio Sensu Style, they wear a necklace with a clear see-through vial that contains purple nectar in it for a good luck charm.
Shi No Tensh has a special but disturbing way to fight as well attack in battle unlike most pokémon you would find as Shi No Tensh doesn't actually attack his foe themselves and is incredibly rare for them to do such a thing, as Shi No Tensh by doing a special elegant dance to call in a spirit of a dead pokemon of any they wish to choose that listen to their commands by every whim and making sure to choose the most ill will pokemon to bring back to temporarily give them the physics of a living body, causing this Pokemon to be able to be hit like any living spirit would and to be defeated and causing them to go back to a simple spirit to lay dormant once again like the rest once they're defeated, Shi No Tensh intentionally picking Pokemon that their opponent would be weak to to make them incredibly dangerous when it comes to a fight and unable to tell or predict any move that they would command from the Pokemon to do as they only make sure to use the move once before using another move to switch it up then going back to the move when they feel like the time is right to strike again. Shi No Tensh can also place curses by drawing power from malicious spirits, as this works in the same way as the Pokémon move does, only difference is that she isn't sacrificing health and slowly chips at the opposers health while there already dealing with the attacking spirit Pokemon that was brought back by Shi No Tensh. Shi No Tensh himself are very flamboyant and overly charismatic while treating everything like it was a stage when it desperately did not needed to be, but at the same time they were feared by many as the room would usually go a little bit silent as they step in to look at them, not that just stop them from being any less sociable and loving to join in large groups to have the fun also, not being one day hesitate to help others or offer ones to join them that seemed lonely and maybe buy them a little treat of a small drink such. Shi No Tensh isn't someone to appreciate hostility or harsh attitude towards others, as Shi No Tensh isn't actually inherently violent or attacks outright but make sure to dance up a curse to place on them, if you weren't being nice then you deserve the little punishment in their eyes as well if you were beginning to destroy the mood and fun for others around you.
Birth Clan:
Chosen Clan:
Level (keep reasonable with Rank):
Moves (four at any time, try to keep them of the Typing your Character prefers to use):
Quiver Dance - Revelation Dance - Teeter Dance - Feather Dance
I think you know the drill

Character Name:
Pokemon Species + Typing:
If Dual Typing, what Typing do they prefer to use (put N/A if Pure Type):
Bug attacks
a normal but shiny Scolipede, they wear steel shoes that stop where the black lines are that has a silver powder casing on top of the steel and purple pointed barbs on the tip of their feet that is made to go over its nails when wearing the shoes.
becoming a Apprentices when a mere Venipede and then a Warrior when they became a full-fledged Scolipede as mere Slither present usually sends a shiver down most due to their poisonous capability and they're large but dangerous horns that they can easily be caught in between and thrown without much effort, it was understandable that their species would strive to do such role even when little and weak but when fully grown then they excel at fighting away most of everything from sheer size alone. Slither is a little too dedicated to his role as a simple hello can send them into a ball and roll you over as chill is very much nine their dictionary, simply being prone to overreact to almost everything and then respond by swinging their horns like a madman, even they heard the smallest bush does the littlest shake or see something out of the corner their eye then they'll immediately roll over to investigate and hunt down whatever made it and will not stop until a few hours have passed of searching. it's not surprising that they're incredibly aggressive as their species was born to when they hit their final evolution so calming down is definitely a challenge for them, as long as you tread the water safely then you would be fine from the wrath and a stab poison they can deliver from their upper clothes as soon as they dig into their foe, but when given a task of duty then they do not complain in the slightest and will make sure it's done when under their watchful eye, not much of a surprise also that hyperfixation is their biggest enemy as they can multitask for the life of them and will actively swipe others away that try to bother him when they're busy doing their duty. they are insanely good friends with Katana and training partners for each other due to her poison attacks not being very effective against him and his bug attack very not being effective against her, so the two can home in their skills and attacks without worrying of easily knocking each other out and can do this for a long time thanks to their resistances of each other.
Birth Clan:
Cindersky Clan
Chosen Clan:
Cindersky Clan
Level (keep reasonable with Rank):
Moves (four at any time, try to keep them of the Typing your Character prefers to use):
Fury Cutter - Megahorn - Skitter Smack - Cross Poison
Poison Point
I think you know the drill.

Character Name:
Pokemon Species + Typing:
If Dual Typing, what Typing do they prefer to use (put N/A if Pure Type):
A normal looking but shiny Quaxly, they wear a prism scale necklace that Mika order to be made.
when they were still a small egg in a nest with two other ones as floods sadly weren't anything new for the Rockysea Clan with many Pokémon having to take shelter when this would happen, as one time when this happen as a pair of a shiny and a non-shiny Quaquaval rush back to their nest to grab there eggs so they could take it back to their shelter with them, but they did intentionally leave behind the egg that they found least interests or value in as they knew they couldn't save every egg here but they didn't mind seeing how they can easily make another one. this egg being left behind as it was wash away by the flood as It laid on its side when the flood settle down but was hidden by leave, sticks, and debris so it couldn't be spotted by plain sight, but thankfully this egg was found before anything bad could happen to it by Mika as she frantically took it home to keep it safe and healthy, anxiously taking care of it as as she pondered away countless days and nights thinking what possibly can hatch out of it, having her questions be answered on one faithful day as a rare shiny Quaxly hatch out of the egg that she named Quiver. Quiver themselves are playful and energetic like any kid would be but as well as one to overthink every little thing they may come across or be presented with, refusing to play any game that they think is too dangerous or might be on the messy end, being someone that actively wants to keep everything tidy and will begin to freak out if they even have the slightest bit of dirt on them, spending hours on end arranging something until it's perfect in their eyes or cleaning up other Pokémons messes even if they weren't asked or told to. but another highlight is their intelligence and their smartness as they knew a lot more than kids their age as they enjoyed the act of reading and studying, making them a great planner and strategizers for looking at the multiple possibilities how a single situation could be solved, being one with great memory as he'll do something until he's able to do it on top of their head as well reading a book over and over again until they remember certain quotes on top of there, as well as being a great time manager as they try to do their best to use whatever time they have in a moment to use it the most effectively, they can't help but to brag sometimes also that their own mother is the water representative leader for the Rockysea Clan.
Birth Clan:
Rockysea Clan
Chosen Clan:
Rockysea Clan
Level (keep reasonable with Rank):
Moves (four at any time, try to keep them of the Typing your Character prefers to use):
Liquidation - Wing Attack - Rapid Spin - Work Up
(Move set will change throughout evolution except Liquidation.)
I think you know the drill.



behold the shiny beta giraffe!


Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 12
Posted: Sat, 29/06/2024 15:45 (3 Months ago)
Username: Spindle Thread
Character Name: Linh Hon
Pokemon Species + Typing: Ghost Flying
If Dual Typing, what Typing do they prefer to use (put N/A if Pure Type): Flying
Shiny/Mega-able?: Shiny
Appearance: A shiny Oricorio. Their seems to be some red feathers on their head piece.
Personality: Sensu was once an adventurous spirit before an incident happened. No one knows what happened to the Baile dancer that day. All the pokemon only saw a different figure come back. Now Sensu is a sort of recluse only talking to those that seek their help.
Birth Clan: Cindersky
Chosen Clan: Spirit
Rank: Healer
Level (keep reasonable with Rank): 30
Moves (four at any time, try to keep them of the Typing your Character prefers to use): Roost, Quiver Dance, Swords Dance, Baton Pass
Ability: Dancer (When another pokemon uses a dancing move, this pokemon will copy it [without wasting a turn])
Password: llaF
Hello there...
If you wish to view a mystery, I shall be right here.

(Trying to get the Pure Strength Badge)

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The pokemon I am
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 199
Posted: Sat, 29/06/2024 16:15 (3 Months ago)
@Spindle_Thread, Accepted! Welcome to the RP.
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 154
Posted: Tue, 02/07/2024 02:38 (3 Months ago)
Character Name:Gre-Ninja
Pokemon Species + Typing:Frogadier , Type : Water (Later Water/Dark)
If Dual Typing, what Typing do they prefer to use (put N/A if Pure Type):To be RP'd
Appearance:Like a Normal Frogadier but a little bigger
Personality:Shy, Introvert, Cares a lot, Cute, Kind & Honest usually don't talk much
Birth Clan:RockySeaClan
Chosen Clan:To be RP'd
Level (keep reasonable with Rank):17
Moves (four at any time, try to keep them of the Typing your Character prefers to use):To be RP'd

BackStory:Actually He don't remember his real name bcuz of a accident happened few months ago,there was a species town (Greninja) used to live in the corner of RockySeaClan but a disaster took there all happiness, and He was the only one found there (or maybe not no one knows) after the destruction, he was found in cave being unconscious, when he woke up he forgot his past and now he is orphan, and then most of the pokemons thought that he is a curse which swallowed his whole species.But after few days of the accidentally he evolved,it is a still mystery why he evolved so of a sudden, and continued... (Another Part will be revealed in the RP
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 199
Posted: Tue, 02/07/2024 02:43 (3 Months ago)
@Dark_Fire, Accepted! Welcome!
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 794
Posted: Wed, 10/07/2024 22:20 (3 Months ago)