Forum Thread
the wrath of Giratina- The sky lord: RP thread
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Inactive RPs → the wrath of Giratina- The sky lord: RP threadRules:

listen to me an any other person i may
give the authority to
no legendary/fully evolved pokemon are allowed to be one of your two starters.
no cheating. this means no 1 hit KO's, no critical hits, and no dodging every move
and finally, all other rules for Pokehero apply to this thread.
no legendary/fully evolved pokemon are allowed to be one of your two starters.
no cheating. this means no 1 hit KO's, no critical hits, and no dodging every move
and finally, all other rules for Pokehero apply to this thread.
You can choose to be a part of the evil team Borges , or you can be a trainer (ages 13-16) and fight against them.
Team Borges:
Borges leader: 1/1 (Gives orders and does some missions)
Borges Admin: 1/2 (Does difficult missions that the boss(es) orders them to do)
Borges Grunt: 0 (Steals pokemon and does simple missions)
Trainers: 4 (Battle team Borges to protect the sinnoh region)
Cynthia (the champion. character must be female and have the name Cynthia): 1/1
Riley (Is now Cynthia's boy friend. he's the one who gives you the riolu egg in the games): 1/1
you are allowed to start with any 2 pokemon as long as it isnt legendary or fully evolved. (example: charmeleon is allowed to be a starter.) Cynthia and Riley are allowed to start with 6 fully evolved pokemon (only one legendary)
There will be events. i will anounce them and how to get the legendary pokemon. everyone wil be able to get their own.
if you want to be miltiple characters, fill it in the " other " section

I want to be a beginning trainer!
Rp name:
Starter pokemon:

I want to be a team Borges member!
Rp name:
Type of Borges member (leader, admin, grunt):
Starter pokemon:

i want to be Cynthia!
Rp name: Cynthia
Gender: Female
Six pokemon: (must have 1 Garchomp)
description: looks like Cythia. (hair color and clothes can be different)

I want to be Riley!
RP name: Riley
Gender: Male
Six pokemon: (must have 1 Lucario)
Description: Looks like Riley (clothes and hair can be different)
My form:

I want to be X (made up character. i start with three pokemon. 1 legendary)
Username: TurTle-WaR
RP name: Delujay
Gender: Male
Starter Pokemon: Luray, lucario, and Xerneas
Description: Somewhat dark skinned, dark hair, brown eyes, 5 foot 1, T-shirt, jeans, pack on back, wears a silver watch, running shoes, and a hat with a green and blue pokeball.
Other: None
Username: FlameMaster
Rp name: Zero
Gender: Male
Type of Borges member (leader, admin, grunt): Leader
Description: White hair, Blue eyes and Black Clothes (He look kind and he's good on missions because of it)
Starter pokemon: Quilava name:Power Male (Can it be shiny?) and Deino Male Name: Black
History: Ask and you will see (You must be trusted by him)
Other: Yay
Rp name: Cynthia
Gender: Female
Six pokemon: (must have 1 Garchomp)Garchomp(Male), Lucario(Female),Charizard(Male),Darkrai(No gender but refered to as a Male),Gallade(Male) and a swellow(Female)
description: looks like Cythia. (hair color and clothes can be different)Looks exactly like cynthia
Other:Is Riley's Girlfriend
(Cythia is like my hero she is awesome for a girl she is a girl that kicks butt[in pokemon]

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Username: SandeviRae
Rp name: Sandevi
Gender: Female
Description: Age 13, Long red hair, Mismatched eyes(1 green 1 gold), cheerful, quirky, & energetic
Starter pokemon:
Pokemon: Chikorita(Chika), Cyndaquil(Cynder)
Username: Ghost_Rayquaza
Rp name: Sage
Gender: Female
Description: A blue haired,pale skinned,blue eyed person. Likes to wear black and white suits.
Starter pokemon: Emolga(If not,then Shinx) and Monferno
History: Not known
Other: :D
interact with my sentret i want her to become big n strong
tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active there)
lets just start!
it was an average morning. X woke up in his house next to the pokemon league and went to the kitchen to make pancakes for him and his little brother. when he was walking, he had a weird feeling in his stomache. he heard several loud explosions comming from the league building. but these explosions were too loud to be from a battle against the elite four/champion. Everyone ran out of the building. nurse joy, the mart clerk, and the elite four, but there wa no sign of Cynthia.
Rp Name-Sam
Description-A black hair, brown eyed, a pale skin person. I normally like to wear red t-shirt and jacket over them with fancy pants and matching hat.
Starter Pokemon-Herdier. And Graveler.
History:- unknown
Age 15
Others- want to be Pokemon master as well as a co-ordinator. (Y)

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