Forum Thread
I'm Still Here (Pokemon: Gary's Raticate)
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanfictions → I'm Still Here (Pokemon: Gary's Raticate)Tears fell down the boy's face as he ran from the building, the doors slamming shut behind him as he left the Lavender Town Graveyard. He headed into the woods nearby, the falling night leaving him to the silence except a few chirping Kricketots. While walking to a stop, he looked around with a blurred vision, trees and darkness all around him.
"Why are you leaving me? What's going on?" Raticates soulful body glimmered in the darkness, the faint light it gave off showing him the path his master too. Crying as he looked around, he was scared and felt hurt. He felt as though he was abandoned.
Leaning against a tall tree, he rest his head on his knees, the last of his tears soaking into his pants. Looking up at the dark sky of the new moon night. Pulling a pokeball from his side, he let his Growlithe out, it barking happily at him. Looking at the little canine Pokemon, he gave a small smile but it soon faded. "Growlithe, could you make a small flame so I can see a bit better?" He barked at him, soon a little flick of fire was set out on the ground.
"But Master... Why are you crying? Why are you sad? What's wrong?" He stared with pain-filled eyes up at the boy, tears mocking the boy's as they dripped down his furry little cheeks.
As the boy looked up, his Growlithe whimpered, the pain and sorrow in the boy's face tearing the canine's heart. He pet his Pokemon, the dog trying to nudge his leg in comfort. "It's alright boy," the boy choked as he spoke quietly to his Pokemon. "Raticate is in a better place now." He looked down at his lap, tears shedding from his eyes once again as his hair fell over his face. Growlithe whined, licking the boy's cheek clean of the salty tears.
"I.. I'm right here though... Gary... I'm right here..." Raticate whimpered, scurrying in front of the boy. His eyes were filled with tears, hurt that his master wasn't acknowledging him.
As he looked up at the sky, Gary wiped away his tears. "I'll get him back for this. I promise. Raticate, you won't go out without revenge." His voice trembled, his Growlithe flicking another little flame to the ground where the grass was already burnt. "Growlithe, you'll help me," he looked to his companion while whispering to him, "Right?" He barked confidently to Gary, agreeing that he would help make things right.
"Growlithe.. Gary.. I'm still here, I'm right here! Why won't you listen to me?!" As his voice cried out even more, Raticate trembled, looking right up at Gary as he stood up. "I'm right here by your side... Forever and always...." With that, he walked on, following at the side of his master as they left through the night.