Forum Thread
Pilufa's Sprite Shop [CLOSED]
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Spriting → Pilufa's Sprite Shop [CLOSED]

Hey there! Here's mins sprite shop! The sprites are free!
1. All PH Rules apply.
2. To ask your sprite only post in this topic your request. When is possible I'll answer you if it is possible to do it or not. If it is possible after some time I'll give your sprite.
3. Tips are always welcome! :P
What can I do:

Type Change

How to request:
Hey Pilufa! My pokémon is changing its type!
Pokémon: Leafeon
Type: Water
Other: Please puter the Water type in the leafs.
Hey Pilufa! My pokémon is changing its type!
Pokémon: Leafeon
Type: Water
Other: Please puter the Water type in the leafs.


How to request:
Hey Pilufa! My pokémon is strange!
Pokémon: Bulbasaur
What you need to do: Take away the bulb.
Hey Pilufa! My pokémon is strange!
Pokémon: Bulbasaur
What you need to do: Take away the bulb.


How to request:
Hey Piufa! My pokémons are fusioning!
Pokémon 1: Gardevoir
Pokémon 2: Mawile
Other: Please put Gardevoir body and Mawile ears (and big mouth).
Hey Piufa! My pokémons are fusioning!
Pokémon 1: Gardevoir
Pokémon 2: Mawile
Other: Please put Gardevoir body and Mawile ears (and big mouth).


How to request:
Oh! My pokémon is an angel!
Pokémon: Ponyta
Color: Red to yellow
Oh! My pokémon is an angel!
Pokémon: Ponyta
Color: Red to yellow


How to request:
Hey Pilufa! My pokémon looks like a painting!
Pokémon: Charmander
Hey Pilufa! My pokémon looks like a painting!
Pokémon: Charmander



How to request:
Hey Pilufa! My pokémon is back to the past!
Pokémon: Dragonite
(Only Kanto pokémon)
P.S.: Some Retros are very strange!
Hey Pilufa! My pokémon is back to the past!
Pokémon: Dragonite
(Only Kanto pokémon)
P.S.: Some Retros are very strange!


How to request:
Hey Pilufa! Look at my pokémons!
Trainer (Find here): This recolored as this.
Pokémon 1: Jolteon (Shiny)
Pokémon 2 (Optional): Lucario (Shiny)
Pokémon 3 (Optional): Venusaur
Pokémon 4 (Optional): Aerodactyl
Pokémon 5 (Optional): Mega Charizard X
Pokémon 6 (Optional): Hydreigon
(To trainers, copy the image URL and paste)
Hey Pilufa! Look at my pokémons!
Trainer (Find here): This recolored as this.
Pokémon 1: Jolteon (Shiny)
Pokémon 2 (Optional): Lucario (Shiny)
Pokémon 3 (Optional): Venusaur
Pokémon 4 (Optional): Aerodactyl
Pokémon 5 (Optional): Mega Charizard X
Pokémon 6 (Optional): Hydreigon
(To trainers, copy the image URL and paste)
Current orders
Let's make sprites!

Credits: Bulbapedia, Pokédex - Pokémon Showdown.
Pokémon: Lopunny
Type: fighting
Other: Please put the fighting type in the fur :3
Banner drawn by Hime-Nyan~
Pokémon: lillipup
Type: Dark Ghost
Other: Make it have a ghostly tail (like the ghost type ponyta) And REALLY big fangs like a sabertooth tiger color and the color of its fur Grey+black and its eyes dark red O.O in my head its REALLY creepy.
Oh yea and if u make moving sprites make it look adorable then evil XD