Forum Thread
The One, The Only, NaxRelu
Forum-Index → Diaries → The One, The Only, NaxRelu

Happily Married ♡ to Coffin.
*Finally got him to make an account lol
Just call me Nax, I am female.

DOB: July 15th, 1990

♡♡♡ClOsE FrIeNdS♡♡♡

Favorite Region: Johto
Favorite colors: Black, Blue & HotPink
Favorite Drink: Mt. Dew & Monster
Favorite Pokemon Game: Crystal, Legends Arceus
Favorite Game: Final Fantasy XII & Tactics Advances 2, Ark Survival (Evo & Asc), Warframe, Fortnite
Favorite TV shows: Supernatural, Criminal Minds, S.A.O

I hate drama and will do my best to avoid it.
If you ever need someone to talk to or vent to, send me a palpad

That's enough about me, now onto my shiny hunts, items I'm collecting and all kinds of other info :)

Nintendo Switch FC: SW-8100-5066-4638

Pokemon Go FC: 1987 4662 1292
PSN: NaxRelu

1.) This is
my diary/journal, DO NOT POST!!
2.) I do NOT lend out Pokèmon, do NOT ask!
3.) I only sell items in the GTS Market. Do NOT ask!
4.)Do NOT steal art made for me. All art is credited and most will be linked to their shop. Commission for your own!
Credit here&Here
Any & All user(s) who do not follow the rules will be blocked!
Blocked User: 0
2.) I do NOT lend out Pokèmon, do NOT ask!
3.) I only sell items in the GTS Market. Do NOT ask!
4.)Do NOT steal art made for me. All art is credited and most will be linked to their shop. Commission for your own!
Credit here&Here
Any & All user(s) who do not follow the rules will be blocked!

Blocked User: 0

~Post 2.) Shiny Hunt History
~Post 3.) Gem Collections
~Post 4.) Item Collections
~Post 5.) Pokédex
~Post 6.) Quests
~Post 7.) Berry Garden
~Post 8.) Dream World
~Post 9.)
~Post 10.)
~Post 11.) Art Credits - Non Houndeon
~Post 12.) Houndeon My OC/Pokesona Description
~Post 13.) Houndeon Dex info. And Art
~Post 14.)TBA, Maybe Mega or Pre-Evo of Houndeon
~Post 15.)Random Pokemon Quizzes & Horoscopes


Shiny Eevee Chain #145
February 11th 10:19PM
Shiny Nidoran (m) Chain #51
March 4th 01:11AM
Shiny Scyther Chain #194
April 3rd 05:26AM
Shiny Growlithe Chain #41
April 14th 07:04PM
Shiny Eevee Chain #112
May 11th 04:19PM
Shiny Eevee Chain #122
May 14th 05:48AM
Shiny Eevee Chain #280
June 17th 12:33AM
Shiny Rockruff Chain #81
August 5th 03:14PM

Shiny Onix Chain #84
January 7th 09:14PM
Shiny Onix Chain #102
January 8th 09:03PM
Shiny Onix Chain #140
January 12th 01:59AM
Shiny Eevee Chain #60
January 29th 06:57PM
Shiny Eevee Chain #94
February 5th 09:57PM
Shiny Eevee Chain #99
February 6th 10:33PM[/right]
Shiny Eevee Chain #152
February 16th 05:07AM
Shiny Eevee Chain #175
February 21st 08:37PM
Shiny Eevee Chain #181
February 26th 12:07AM
Shiny Eevee Chain #182
February 26th 12:18AM
Shiny Rockruff Chain #32
March 6th 12:59AM
Shiny Rockruff Chain #46
March 6th 09:05PM

March 15th 11:23AM
Shiny Goomy Chain #64
April 3rd 07:31PM
Shiny Goomy Chain #74
April 5th 05:37PM
0 Shiny Hunts with Radar


February 3rd 02:57AM
Shiny Houndour Chain #66
February 14th 04:59PM
Shiny Yamper Chain #77
March 11th 05:04AM
Shiny Yamper Chain #108
March 12th 11:28AM
Shiny Caterpie Chain #87
March 13th 08:06PM
Shiny Caterpie Chain #105
March 14th 12:13AM
Shiny Caterpie Chain #127
March 14th 09:40AM
Shiny Caterpie Chain #197
March 15th 10:21AM
Shiny Girafarig Chain #49
April 4th 04:21AM
Shiny Girafarig Chain #86
April 12th 05:21PM
Shiny Relicanth Chain #66
April 24th 12:31AM
Shiny Grubbin Chain #124
April 28th 04:45AM
Shiny Grubbin Chain #188
May 1st 02:42AM
Shiny Grubbin Chain #197
May 1st 01:57PM
Shiny Chikorita Chain #52
May 11th 11:26PM
Shiny Chikorita Chain #86
May 15th 11:30PM
Shiny Chikorita Chain #105
May 17th 06:40PM
Shiny Chikorita Chain #132
May 20th 05:48AM
Shiny Chikorita Chain #169
May 31st 12:24AM
Shiny Chikorita Chain #222
June 10th 03:16AM
Shiny Chikorita Chain #278
June 20th 05:57AM
Shiny Chikorita Chain #335
July 1st 11:19PM
Shiny Drowzee Chain #426
December 26th 09:00AM
Shiny Arrokuda Chain #2
December 27th 07:04PM
Shiny Arrokuda Chain #52
December 30th 10:38AM
19 & Counting

January 1st 10:10AM
Shiny Pichu Chain #90
January 27th 08:55AM
Shiny Pichu Chain #102
January 27th 09:02AM
Shiny Pichu Chain #24
January 27th 11:10AM
Shiny Pichu Chain #57
January 27th 12:28PM
Shiny Pichu Chain #63
January 27th 04:20PM
Shiny Pichu Chain #109
January 28th 03:02PM
Shiny Pichu Chain #147
January 28th 11:50PM
Shiny Pichu Chain #160
January 29th 03:06AM
Shiny Pichu Chain #175
January 29th 10:13AM
Shiny Pichu Chain #205
January 30th 05:34AM
Shiny Pichu Chain #237
January 30th09:41PM
Shiny Pichu Chain #238
January 30th 09:41PM
Shiny Pawmi Chain #53
January 31st 10:35PM
Shiny Pawmi Chain #130
February 7th 08:17AM
Shiny Pawmi Chain #231
February 13th 11:34PM
Shiny Houndour Chain #44
February 15th 01:12PM
Shiny Houndour Chain #105
February 18th 08:50PM
Shiny Houndour Chain #151
February 24th 04:05PM
Shiny Wurmple Chain #52
February 26th 10:56PM
Shiny Wurmple Chain #189
March 6th 10:03AM
Shiny Eevee Chain #75
May 1st 12:09PM
Shiny Eevee Chain #81
May 2nd 11:27AM
Shiny Eevee Chain #84
May 2nd 08:32PM

~°Item collection°~
~•Bottle Messages•~

~•Dynamax Crystal•~

Goal = 500
~•Mega Stone•~

~•Resolute Stone•~

~•Star Piece•~


~•Armor Fossil•~

Goal = 150
~•Bird Fossil•~

Goal = 150
~•Claw Fossil•~

Goal = 150
~•Cover Fossil•~

Goal = 150
~•Dino Fossil•~

Goal = 150
•~Dome Fossil•~

Goal = 150
~•Drake Fossil•~

Goal = 150
~•Fish Fossil•~

Goal = 150
~•Helix Fossil•~

Goal = 150
~•Jaw Fossil•~

Goal = 150
~•Old Amber Fossil•~

Goal = 150
~•Plume Fossil•~

Goal = 150
~•Root Fossil•~

Goal = 150
~•Sail Fossil•~

Goal = 150
~•Skull Fossil•~

Goal = 150

~All progress bars auto update~

~•~National Dex: 1715/1743~•~
~•°Kanto Dex: COMPLETED°•~
Shiny: 43/151 ~ Shadow: 82/151
~•°Johto Dex: COMPLETED°•~
Shiny: 24/127 ~ Shadow: 64/127
~•°Hoenn Dex: COMPLETED°•~
Shiny: 25/155
~•°Sinnoh Dex: COMPLETED°•~
Shiny: 13/138
~•°Unova Dex: COMPLETED°•~
Shiny: 7/175
~•°Kalos Dex: COMPLETED°•~
Shiny: 4/117
~•°Alola Dex: 140/144°•~
Shiny: 9/144
~•°Galar Dex: 125/129°•~
Shiny: 11/129

#896: Glastrier
#897: Spectrier
#898: Calyrex ShadowRider
#898: Calyrex IceRider
~•°Hisui Dex: 26/27°•~
Shiny: 1/27
~•°Paldea Dex: 50/50°•~Completed
Shiny: 6/30
~•°Emera Dex: 354/357°•~
Shiny: 13/342
~•°Mega & Giga Dex: 110/126°•~
Shiny: 7/126

#80: Mega Yorebro
#181: Mega Autumn Ampharos
#181: Mega Summer Ampharos
#181: Mega Spring Ampharos
#248: Mega Mecha Tyranitar
#257: Mega Robin Blaze
#282: Mega Festival Gardevoir
#306: Mega Crystal Aggron
#323: Mega Winter Camerupt
#334: Mega Candaria
#373: Mega Salamence
#428: Mega Easter Lopunny
#445: Mega Garchomp (Stone needed)
#448: Mega Lucario-sensei

#460: Mega Abomasnow

~•°Retro Dex: 45/45°•~
Shiny: 4/44
~•°Egg Dex: 539/802°•~

**Pokemon Listed below Dex in spoiler are the Pokemon I am still missing for that Region.**

~Harvest Sprites Shiny~

Current : 5,171


Current : 2,355,295

Current : 5

Current : 3,337

Current : 2,035

Current : 743

76/100 Hatched

Hatched March 13th, 2024

Shiny Meloetta Egg



Goal = 80,000

See profile for more updated Amount/Bar

Goal = 10998

Goal = 800

~Level: 50~
1417 / 21315







Harvested berries: 326,476
Watered plants: 102,390
Produced seeds: 100,392
Cooked products: 5,319
Bulletin board orders: 79
NaxRelu's Berry Booth

Level 7/8

Tasks completed: 1,896 / 24,576
Here are some of My Favorites <3



Goal = 30000
NaxRelu's Plushie Collection <3 NaxRelu's Plushie Gift Log

Title: Under construction 🚧
~~~Pokeheroes Site Links~~~

Your PH Stats
Break Chain??

Via PalPad or PM

Images below were made by Aisling for me <3




14.) 15.) 16.)









Art by Enforcer

Made by Ramper

Title: OC info? Houndeon
It would be a mix of Umbreon & Houndoom kind of like Mamobot drew. >>>Mamobot
* Thank you SternenNacht for finding the artist <3.
It's colors would be Black, Blue and Silver.
Body: Black {#000000}
Details: Blue including eyes {#0917b5}
Bones/Bangles: Silver {#d5d3d3}
Underbelly & Snout a different color like houndooms (to be blue).
I would like it to have maybe a skull mask or something close to what houndour has. But that goes between the ears on top of its head and below the ears but doesn't connect in the back & that comes down to its nose and over its eyes so that it's blue eyes glow through the skulls eyes.
Claws on all 4 paws and Bangles/Shackles (like houndooms) bands on all 4 legs (2 bands/shackles) and around the ears where umbreons bands would be. I would like the shackles/bands to have like wear marks like it's been through some stuff.
The skull that hangs from the collar I want to resemble the skull it wears. *Collar to be part of the bones on it back *see next sentence for back bones
Keep the bones down it's back like houndooms are. *Including the collar one
And I want it to have houndooms tail (But slightly thicker) and with some kind of bone or shackle accessories on it.
And depending on how the mouth is drawn maybe have some fangs.
Additional/ Background: blue/black/purple flames under its paws or behind it.
If anybody would like to draw it, I'll post it here in my diary with your name tagged <3 Always give credit to the artists.
I would call it Houndeon <3
Name: Nax
Species: Houndeon
Gender: Female

Type: Dark & Fire
Info: The Moon Fire Pokemon. Little information is known about this Pokemon. It's believed to be an Eevee evolution variant. It is unknown how this species of Pokemon came into existence. Only one of its kind has ever been spotted or heard of.
Evolutions: Unknown
Mega Evolution: Unknown
Egg group: Unknown
Height: 1.4m (4ft 7in)
Weight: 50kg (110lbs 3.6oz)

Drawn by RainWingThing

Drawn by MeepTheMareep02

Drawn by HisuianZorua

Drawn by: Enforcer

Drawn by : Rice

Made/Drawn by Komodoragon / Mimicco_

Drawn by -Remi-

Drawn by: SternenNacht a.k.a Absbor

Drawn by: CasualPokemonFreak now ~SpiritBeholder~

Drawn by: -DreamingDragons-
If this isn't okay please let me know and I'll remove
-Virtual Adopts-


PokePets Referal Link
1.) Moomoo Ranch New Item
2.) Moomoo Ranch Special Encounter
3.) Moomoo Ranch Collect All Option
4.) Moomoo Ranch Notification Upgrade/Update
Please vote and give me feedback on my ideas, Its greatly Appreciated <3