Username: kazutora9
Pokemon I'm Ordering: dirndltank
Dex Region I'm Trying To Complete: n/a
Shiny Or MA Pokemon I'm ordering: n/a
Pokemon I Want A Certain Gender & What Gender: n/a
Pokemon I Want A Certain Nature & What Nature: n/a
Payment: pokedollars
Evolution Items I'm sending: n/a
Tip & Type:
Username: ShinyVirizion
Pokemon I'm Ordering: Summer Mareep, Fall Mareep, Spring Mareep
Dex Region I'm Trying To Complete: Emera
Shiny Or MA Pokemon I'm ordering: no
Pokemon I Want A Certain Gender & What Gender: Female is preferred
but I'm fine w/ male too
Pokemon I Want A Certain Nature & What Nature: no
Payment: 15000
Evolution Items I'm sending: no
Tip & Type: Pd 3000 (i would do plushies but I'm outta dream
Username: Mewtwo2
Pokemon I'm Ordering: Summer Mareep
Dex Region I'm Trying To Complete: Emera
Shiny Or MA Pokemon I'm ordering: no
Pokemon I Want A Certain Gender & What Gender: perfect pair or
breeding pair
Pokemon I Want A Certain Nature & What Nature: no
Payment: 10000
Evolution Items I'm sending: no
Tip & Type:
I Just hatched my Mega Charizard Y
on 22/03/24 and Mega evolved my other Charizard into Mega Charizard
Mewtwo2- For a breeding set it would
be double the price since it's double the Pokemon. It would be 30k
instead of 15k since you'd be getting 2 of each.
Username: Imbored
Pokemon I'm Ordering: Walrein, huntail, metang, registeel
Dex Region I'm Trying To Complete: Hoenn
Shiny Or MA Pokemon I'm ordering: NIL
Pokemon I Want A Certain Gender & What Gender: NIL
Pokemon I Want A Certain Nature & What Nature: NIL
Payment: 250+500+500+17100 (stonks) = 18850 pd
Evolution Items I'm sending: Deep Sea tooth
Tip & Type: 500 pd
Made by Acoustic!
😃 This is Bob! Post him around PokeHeroes to explore the
-|- world! I want Bob To have a good time exploring so help
/ \ Him explore! Users chain: Blaziken_90 Pikachow berrypass
Drakonia $hinyDONuT Imbored[/spoiler] A good shop for dex filling!
Username: Nadhujhan
Pokemon I'm Ordering: Happiny
Dex Region I'm Trying To Complete: Kanto
Shiny Or MA Pokemon I'm ordering: N/A
Pokemon I Want A Certain Gender & What Gender:N/A
Pokemon I Want A Certain Nature & What Nature: N/A
Payment: 500 pd
Evolution Items I'm sending: N/A
Tip & Type: plushies
PS: Can I pay in maps and legendary items if I don’t have pd? I
need a Happiny, the three Kanto birds and a ditto to finish my Kant
dex so this is why I was wondering.
Username: Mewtwo2
Pokemon I'm Ordering: Winter Mareep
Dex Region I'm Trying To Complete: Emera
Shiny Or MA Pokemon I'm ordering: no
Pokemon I Want A Certain Gender & What Gender: perfect pair or
breeding pair
Pokemon I Want A Certain Nature & What Nature: no
Payment: 5000 or was it 2000
Evolution Items I'm sending: no
Tip & Type:
I Just hatched my Mega Charizard Y
on 22/03/24 and Mega evolved my other Charizard into Mega Charizard
Mewtwo2- Order accepted - would be 4k
for the pair.This is also the last order I will be
filling until I open again. 🧡Mewtwo2's order is completed and
paid for.
Username: KaoriSanoHaruchiyo
Pokemon I'm Ordering: Chocoluv
Dex Region I'm Trying To Complete: N/a
Shiny Or MA Pokemon I'm ordering: N/A
Pokemon I Want A Certain Gender & What Gender: Male of possible
Pokemon I Want A Certain Nature & What Nature: any
Payment: pokedollars
Evolution Items I'm sending:N/A
Tip & Type: tip I'll give you 4k