Forum Thread
Kyurem and its Shiny Plushie
Forum-Index → News → Kyurem and its Shiny Plushie
The frosty creature, Kyurem, is finally back in Emera Town! It has already been seen in some spots of the town - and as always it seems to be searching for dedicated and caring trainers, like you!
This year, Kyurem is ready to offer you two different gives: A mysteriously glowing egg or a cuddly warm Plushie!
This event ends on February 10th, 2024, 23:59.
→ How to get Kyurem:
Kyurem will appear randomly in your Userbar while you're interacting. The more interactions you make, the higher are your chances to meet it. Interacting with berries has a 20% higher chance of making Kyurem appear!
It can take 100 interactions to meet it - but it can also take 10,000 interactions or even more. You'll need a little luck and patience! Once Kyurem is in your Userbar, it will stay there until you claim its gift.
Kyurem's Gift
This year, Kyurem will give you the choice between two different gifts:
A legendary Kyurem Egg or a Kyurem Plushie (which has a 20% of being shiny). The decision is up to you!

Increase Kyurem's shiny chance
Starting from this year, you can actively increase the odds of receiving a Shiny Kyurem egg by first accepting Kyurem Plushies as the gift you receive. Every time you claim the plushie gift, the shiny chance for the next Kyurem egg you'll claim increases. Your current shiny chance is always displayed below the Kyurem egg option on the event page.
As soon as you claim a Kyurem egg, however, the chance resets back to normal and you'll have to "shiny chain" the plushies again. So it might be advisable to stay patient until the odds are high enough!
And if you are superduper patient and want to reach a 100% shiny chance, then there's good news: The shiny odds are carried over to the next time Kyurem comes back, so you can continue to raise it event by event - however long it will take you.
→ Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Can I have more than one Kyurem in my Userbar?
A: No
Q: Can I get more than one Kyurem during this event?
A: Yes, it's theoretically unlimited.
Q: Do clicklists count?
A: Yes, all interactions count. Training, feeding, clicklists, free hugs on the Index-Page... everything!
Q: Do my interactions for this event reset at midnight?
A: As said, there is a random chance of finding Kyurem after every interaction. There is no counter that has to reach a limit or whatever. The chances are the same after each interaction, with a 20% boost for berry interaction.
Q: Does my Kyurem automatically disappear from my Userbar?
No, Kyurem will stay in your Userbar until you claim its gift (i.e. the egg) or until the event ends. Even when you try to claim the egg while your party is full, it will still stay there and wait for you to come back.
Q: Does Kyurem break my shiny chain?
A: No.
Chances for shiny plush? Nvm

Me: *at school*
My dad: *checks grades*
My dad: *sees an A-*
My dad coming to beat the shell out of me

Me: *at school*
My dad: *checks grades*
My dad: *sees an A-*
My dad coming to beat the shell out of me

Hi, nice to meet you!
Just so you know, I'm about 6 hours behind game time.
I'm aiming for all the plushies so missing ones will be much appreciated. This part is mainly aimed at the plushie exchange contest!
Also, I don't have a battle team so, plz, no battle requests!
I'm aiming for ditto so any normal gem offers or letting me borrow your ditto once I have enough gems would be very appreciated! I'm always buying them!
Just so you know, I'm about 6 hours behind game time.
I'm aiming for all the plushies so missing ones will be much appreciated. This part is mainly aimed at the plushie exchange contest!
Also, I don't have a battle team so, plz, no battle requests!
I'm aiming for ditto so any normal gem offers or letting me borrow your ditto once I have enough gems would be very appreciated! I'm always buying them!
-Zenitsu Agatsuma, Demon Slayer
“The trees can’t be harmed if the Lorax is armed”
“You touch my trees, I will break your knees”
-The Lorax, 2023
“I see now that one's birth is irrelevant. It's what you do that determines who you are.”
-Mewtwo, 1998
I'm pretty sure the FAQs are just a copy-paste of this thread. (There was also contradicting information in Zeraora's news post)

Me: *at school*
My dad: *checks grades*
My dad: *sees an A-*
My dad coming to beat the shell out of me

Me: *at school*
My dad: *checks grades*
My dad: *sees an A-*
My dad coming to beat the shell out of me
Cant you hear can’t you hear that thunder?
You better look, You better take cover, (yeeaahhh)

Photos of my figs!
If the shiny chance percentage formula is the same as Shaymin/Zeraora/Zarude, then it should be this:
((P/50)^2) * 100
where P is the number of plushies obtained in a row
Which gives this graph:
50 plushies + 1 encounter (for the egg) are needed for a guaranteed shiny.