Forum Thread
LeoRia's sale!!! (OPEN)
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → LeoRia's sale!!! (OPEN)Pokemons I would like to buy: aron,lavitar,pichu,meditate(2g),swinub,plusle,minun,chingling,phione,totidile( (retro)(if u want sell)
Others:in box UFT 1
Everstone: yes need
Payment method: Pd (please list pokemon PD or all PD i paying for trade)
Pokemons I would like to buy: Magicarp (Purple)
Others:In Fish Box
Everstone: No
Payment method: Pd 5K
Pokemons I would like to buyin box UFT 1: Nidorino,Persian,Machoke,Dodrio,Rhydon,Electabuzz,Mr. Mime,Porygon
Others: and fish box :Poliwhirl,Shellder,Cloyster,Horsea,Seaking,Staryu,
Everstone: yes need
Payment method: Pd and tip missing plusie(please list pokemon PD or all PD i paying for trade)
Pokemons I would like to buy:Nidorino, Persian, Porygon, Slowbro, Electabuzz, Clefairy.
Others: any gender
Everstone: yes please
Payment method: Gems but how much? please reply but dont put dragon gems bc i dont have them rn.
im just completing my kanto pokedex