SMALL UPDATE!!! I've more or
less sorted out my boxes which resulted in new additions to my UFT-
Normal box. I've also added new box from which you can choose: UFT
- Special (here you can find various special, shiny, mega-able,
event, retro or Legendary pokémon that I simply have too many of
^^) Price list is still in the works so just refer to what is
written there for the time being ♡
Hi, LeoRia,
Pokemons I would like to buy: Mew and Retro Squirtle
Which box: UFT Special
Others: (specific gender, etc.) : N/A
Everstone: No Need
Payment method: PD
Thank you!!
Hi, LeoRia,
Pokemons I would like to buy: Ho-oh, Tauros (Paldea Combat , Paldea
Blaze, Paldea Aqua)
Which box: UFT Special
Others: (specific gender, etc.) : N/A
Everstone: No Need
Payment method: PD
Thank you!!
Hi, LeoRia,
Pokemons I would like to buy: 1G2S Sizzlipede and 2S Clodsire
Which box: Uft Normal
Others: nil
Everstone: yes for the sizzlipede pls
Payment method: Pd
Sorry for asking this but how much do people usually pay for the
Pokémon in your uft? I’m scared the price I’m offering is too
little so I just wanna check just in case, thanks!😭😭🙏