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< Shark’s Art Shop > [CLOSE]

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanarts < Shark’s Art Shop > [CLOSE]
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 420
Posted: Mon, 17/04/2023 21:29 (1 Year ago)
Welcome to Shark’s Art Shop, drawing is my habit so I decided to open this art shop for everyone
Sometimes I’ll randomly dump some art here

There’s some issue with the website I use in past so you won’t see most of my past drawing, please go to the newest page to check if you are interested -v-

If you didn’t store the image and have missing art piece please immediately contact me by PM or Pal Pad and I’ll send you back the image ^^

Also you can subscribe this forum since I’ll share some simple doodles and some art (if I have time to make)
I may also make some random events -v-

Rules :
Please read the rules if not you will be got a risk of being put in warning list or even BANNED LIST
Which I really don’t hope to happen in future

QuoteRules Cannot Break :

- All pokehero rules apply

- No rushing, yet you still can remind me if I use TWO months without having any news about it, I’m a perfectionist (only for art), of course I’ll also never do your offer casually

- You are allow to USE any art that you BOUGHT or have my AGREEMENT, you can use wherever BUT never use or claim them as your own art

- Scamming is not allowed, I’ll give you a warning if you do

- Go to Banned List of this ArtShop if you broke any rules from above or when I reached my limit about your action(s)

QuoteThings to be careful about :

- Do not have too high expectations, not all of my art will be reach your expectations
( I’ll still try my best )

- Once the slots are full, do not offer me anymore, if not you will not be in the ‘Slots’, I won’t start
your order will be put in ‘WAITLIST’

- I may decline your offer if it’s too complicated or with other reasons, however I hope that declining offer will not happen in the future
(I’ll try my best to finish your order tho)

- You all can order as many times as you can, but cannot more than one in same time
No matter in the slots or ordering in a post
Well if you still ordering, I’ll just simply put you in ‘Waitlist’, until your 1st order(s) done

- If you want to join the discount or other special events in this art shop, your account need to be 1 month old with at least 100 hours online or just 3 months old and more
( of course you still can have regular orders )
Prevent people make an account to join the event twice

- You won’t get a warning if you broke / accidentally broke the rules above


You say it’s an art shop, what do you sell here ?

I’m JUST A BIT EXPERIENCED digital artist, but I’ll still try my best

I’ll divide the art into 2 main part, ‘Create’ and ‘Reference’

Create :
Show hidden content

Guys my art in ‘creating’ may not reach your expectations in some points
Like having difficult fusion or type changing
So don’t have high expectations

All Pokémon Drawing in Pokémon Fusion and Pokémon but Type Change can have a Shiny Form
Feel free to contact me (when I start your order) if you want to make a shiny form by yourself

Pokémon fusion

- Luck for sure : 20kPD / 10 Nuggets

100% surprise. Pokémon choose by me

- Fusion : 50kPD / 25 Nuggets

You can choose any 2 Pokémon to let them fuse together

- Triple Fusion : 70kPD / 35 Nuggets

You can choose any 3 Pokémon to let them fuse together

Pokémon but Type Change : 20kPD / 10 Nuggets

You can choose any Pokémon and change them into 1 or 2 any other types

Draw By Description : 15kPD / 7 Nuggets

Gotta say this, this is much more like a game rather than order

this can be link to your writing level
You can type out the description of what do ya want me to draw, however please risk it that if somewhere in your description is not clear or didn’t been described, well… it will end up with my imagination
If you still ain’t sure how it work please check the examples ^^

I don’t really care do you want background or more than 1 character in here because it can be anything
But please don’t fill too many characters in (if you add less than 6 character in a same art then I’ll be really appreciate)

Reminder : the style will be look like the ‘Original’ Style
If you want another version of them please buy them as ‘Reference’ with a style that you want to choose

Reference Sheet : 7k PD / 3 Nuggets
Please Read

Reference Sheet is a selection that you can choose to buy after you bought an art that you like from ‘Create’

However this art sheet link to the design of the character
The more detail the character is, the more will draw on the sheet

Therefore think about this before buying

Reference : Don’t forget the price is ‘Style’ + ‘Size’ ^^
Show hidden content
You can post out the reference and I’ll draw it with the STYLE that you ordered :3
It can be the reference or image of Pokémon, your character, the Pokémon fusions or something else in ‘Create’ or even sprite.
However if your reference is not clear enough in some point, a part of the art may and end up with my imagination

This is price per character, so if you want 1 more than 1 character in a piece of art please correct the price
1 character = ‘Style + Size’ price, if 2 then it will be x2 of ‘Style + Size’

QuoteStyles of Art : Please check ‘Example’ since I can’t really describe these well in English

Original : 15kPD/ 7 Nuggets
Simple line art + not heavy shading

Experimental : 25kPD / 12 Nuggets
As its name, contain experiment on art
- may contain heavy experiment
- will be more detail than original

Sketch : 5kPD
- very simple I promise
- pencil as brush
- no colours

Doodle : 5kPD
- simple but at a different style
- has colour

Animation : 100kPD / 50 nuggets
A very tiny type of animation

- no detailed design
Example : No robotic, not suggesting human but can TRY
Don’t expect me to draw your character as nice as original style


QuoteSize : Don’t forget plus this for payment together

Except ‘Animation’ :

Upper body : 5kPD
Whole body : 15kPD / 7 Nuggets

Only For ‘Animation’ :

Upper body : 10kPD / 5 Nuggets
Whole body : 50kPD / 25 Nuggets

Please add all the Price ( Styles + Size ) together in payment please
Welcome to suggest more ‘Style’ to me if you have something that is not added in here
However this doesn’t mean I MUST add them here since I don’t really good at drawing in some styles

This is a NEWEST upgrade version, therefore the price and art style to sell is a bit different than before
Of course I won’t always change to price, only when having a very ‘LARGE’ upgrade


Form : if you write detail in PM/Pal pad, the finished art will not show in forum

QuoteFor the ones who buy ‘Pokémon Fusion’
Show hidden content
Pokémon Fusion
Username :
Order : Luck for Sure / Fusion / Triple Fusion
Pokémon as Base :
Pokémon as Side :
Pokémon as Side : <fill in if necessary>
Method of Sending : PM / Pal Pad
Payment :
Others? :


For the ones who buy ‘Pokémon but Type Change’
Show hidden content
Pokèmon but Type Change
Username :
Pokémon :
Type 1 :
Type 2 :
Method of Sending : PM / Pal Pad
Payment :
Others? :


For the ones who buy ‘Draw by Decription’
Show hidden content
Draw by Description
Username :
Species :
Gender :
Name? : <Fill in if necessary>
Mode? : pfp / og character / others
Description :
Others? :
Method of Sending : PM / Pal Pad
Payment :
Tips? :

A little note for the ones who buy this c:
Show hidden content
Species can be fill in anything :D
For example :
- Dragon
- Griffin
- Animal
- Pokémon but different

Here’s some tips
- What kind + colour of fur it got?
- Horns? What colour?
- Body description if you want something special
- Whatever but try to make it clear

For Example :
Species : Charizard
Description : Charizard but the main colour is black and blue. Can you make it seems like from the past?


For the ones who buy ‘Reference Sheet’ after having other Arts from ‘Create’
Show hidden content
Reference Sheet
Username :
Which Art? : (name/link/screenshot/whatever but I need to know)
Method of Sending : PM / Pal Pad
Payment :
Others? :


For the ones who buy ‘Reference’ except ‘Animation’
Show hidden content
Username :
Reference :
Style of Art :
Size :
Pose? :
Background? :
Method of Sending : PM / Pal Pad
Payment :
Others? :


For the ones who only buy ‘Animation’
Show hidden content
Username :
Reference :
Style of Art : Animation
Size :
Animation :
Method of Sending : PM / Pal Pad
Payment :
Others? :


How to pay
Show hidden content
How to pay?
You can pay in any method you want, however I only will take your payment once I accept your offer
You can also pay whenever you want, once I accept the offer or pay after I finish the art will be okay
If you would like to pay after I send you the final design, you would need to pay in 2 weeks time


Example : My style change a bit so I need new examples
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News Board ( last update : 17th October )
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Not really important :

- If I have TIME add some decorations in this forum ?

- Imma going to challenge to use all of my effort to make a masterpiece if only I have time
( Even drawing you guys orders won’t use too much time, I still got not much time to do it
So please feel free to order :3 )

- I may random put some art here if I finish all orders and no customer

- Once the Artfight start I want to join, and… I figure out I don’t even have an oc yet :’D

MAYBE Important for my dear customers :

- My Art Style have changed a bit, not much and I’ll call this as ‘Development’

- Okay guys when I look around the art shop I found that some image somehow went missing because of the image's website problem or my own browser problem.

It will too troublesome to all reload them again so I'll just stop using those website
If you need some missing art pic that you ordered before please pal pad or pm me ^^

QuoteSLOTS :
I plan to open the shop every time I empty the fulled SLOTS (not including waitlist slots)

- Blank

ETS = Estimate time to start

Waitlist : Only start when finish your last order or finish all orders that’s been ordered in proper time

- None

Don’t forget to pay if you decide to pay later or you are not online while I accepted/finished the order :3
Of course you still can pay whenever you want
(The payment that wrote below is the price, not including tips or extras

- None

There’s a chance to start/finish the orders faster or slower than estimate time
(I think I won’t be too slow, right ? ‘,:/ )

If something is not clear on this post or you are question about feel free to Pal Pad me :D
If ya want to credit my art welcome to use my pokehero or toyhou account OvO

Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 526
Posted: Sun, 23/04/2023 16:43 (1 Year ago)

Username : glitchly
Combo : Effort
Form : Luck for sure
Pokemon as base :
Pokemon as side :
Method of post : Private Message
Payment : 50kpd

Don't be lazy. Spare me a couple of clicks!
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 420
Posted: Sun, 23/04/2023 18:38 (1 Year ago)
@glitchly, thanks for ordering, your offer is accepted :D

Also thanks for being my first customer c:
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 526
Posted: Tue, 25/04/2023 19:18 (1 Year ago)
Np :D

Username : glitchly
Combo : Effort
Form : Pokemon fusion
Pokemon as base: Zeraora
Pokemon as side: Marshadow
Method of post : Private Message (mail)
Payment : free (bonus art)
Other: your art style looks really good!

Don't be lazy. Spare me a couple of clicks!
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 420
Posted: Tue, 25/04/2023 21:14 (1 Year ago)
1st Order from @glitchly complete
The simple doodles I do will be post in here for share :D
(I’ll put a watermark on it)
The normal plus shiny doodles and both normal and shiny extra drawings will be sent in private message
Show hidden content

Normal Form

Shiny Form

Empoleon x Carbink
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 420
Posted: Sat, 29/04/2023 15:42 (1 Year ago)
2nd bonus order from @glitchy
The Simple Doodles will be post here to share :D
The Extra Drawings will be send in Private Messages
Also this fusion is a bit challenging so sorry if it don’t match your hypothesis
Zeraora x Marshadow
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 478
Posted: Sun, 30/04/2023 12:18 (1 Year ago)
Username : wolfsgang
Combo : Simple Doodle
Form : Pokemon fusion / Luck for sure (luck)
Pokemon as base : sharpedo
Pokemon as side : dragapult
Method of post : Pal Pad (chatting device)
Payment : pd, will pay after it's done
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 420
Posted: Sun, 30/04/2023 12:29 (1 Year ago)
@wolfsgang, thanks for ordering, your offer will be start as soon as possible :D
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 420
Posted: Sun, 30/04/2023 14:57 (1 Year ago)
The Simple Doodle order from @wolfsgang is done :D
The Simple Doodle will be post out to share c:
Hope you guys like it

Sharpedo x Dragapult

The artwork without a watermark will be immediately send to @wolfsgang in Pal Pad
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Sun, 30/04/2023 17:39 (1 Year ago)
Username : alexiis
Combo : simple doodle
Form : Pokemon fusion
Pokemon as base : abra
Pokemon as side : dubwool
Method of post : Private Message (mail)
Payment : 60k pd
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 420
Posted: Sun, 30/04/2023 18:19 (1 Year ago)
@alexiis order accepted :D
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 478
Posted: Sun, 30/04/2023 21:12 (1 Year ago)
Username : wolfsgang
Combo : Effort
Form : Pokemon fusion
Pokemon as base : Zeraora
Pokemon as side : Koraidon
Method of post : Pal Pad (chatting device)
Payment : free (extra art)
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 420
Posted: Sun, 30/04/2023 21:43 (1 Year ago)
Bonus Order from @wolfsgang accepted

The Order from @alexiis is finished
The Simple Doodle will be post in here for share
The Doodle without a watermark will be send in the private message :D

Base drawing credit to Pokémon wiki image
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Mon, 01/05/2023 13:26 (1 Year ago)
Username : alexiis
Combo : Effort
Form : Pokemon fusion
Pokemon as base : Abra
Pokemon as side : Dubwool
Method of post : Private Messages
Payment : free (extra art)
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 420
Posted: Mon, 01/05/2023 13:59 (1 Year ago)
@alexiis accepted :DDD
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Mon, 01/05/2023 18:48 (1 Year ago)
Username : Daiko
Combo : Effort
Form : Pokemon fusion
Pokemon as base : Froslass
Pokemon as side : Roserade
Method of post : Private Message
Payment : 100k PD
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 420
Posted: Mon, 01/05/2023 20:11 (1 Year ago)
@Daiko ‘s order accepted
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 420
Posted: Mon, 01/05/2023 20:16 (1 Year ago)
@wolfsgang ‘s order finished :D
Both Normal and Shiny Doodles will be shared out

( Well, Zeraora(Main) x Koraidon(side) fusion is challenging,
so sorry that it more look like Koraidon(Main) x Zeraora (Side)
Koraidon has lots of characteristics tho )

The Simple Doodles without watermark and Extra Drawings will be sent to @wolfsgang immediately :D

Show hidden content

Shiny Form

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 420
Posted: Tue, 02/05/2023 15:14 (1 Year ago)
@alexiis ‘s order finished :D
Since you order both ‘Simple Doodle’ and ‘Effort’ for a same character, I make you a character sheet
You can use the character sheet I gave you anywhere
( as your og character, posting out or use it and pay to other artists to draw it )
Of course I’ll still be the og designer
Sent in PM
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Tue, 02/05/2023 15:29 (1 Year ago)
Username : LeoTheLion
Combo : Effort
Form : Pokemon fusion
Pokemon as base : Grimer
Pokemon as side : Magnemite
Method of post : Private Message (mail)
Payment : 100k PD

Name: Viktor
Adopt one yourself!
@Pokemon Orphanage