Forum Thread
Spectral Archives Lottery [CLOSED]
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → Spectral Archives Lottery [CLOSED]Emera town, called the ground of precious stones. A place where trainers from different walks of life often gather and train.
A rumor started spreading around the verdant town of Emera that an ancient and incorporeal looking library appears at the dead of the night around the secluded area of Route 53.
A trainer once stumbled upon the said place and was welcomed by a feeble man wearing an old and hooded long robe. He also found that it is creeping with apparitions, ghost pokemons guarding some astonishing treasures.
There, the old man offered him a chance to obtain one of the amazing treasures inside the library`s vault in exchange for a certain number of gems. Gems that are dark blue in color that possess ghostly properties.
Unfortunately, the traveler dont have the gems the old man is looking for and time is of the essence. The vault of the library is only open for a month before it disappears to the void never knowing if it will ever appear once again.
"So here we are again hoping to achieve our goal. We are trying to collect as much ghost gems as possible. A chance to win amazing rewards for the ghost gems that youll be donating. Like the last time, this will be a lottery where every participant will get the chance to win... (*drum roll) SM Mons and a Ditto ^___^"
Three (3) lucky players will get the chance to win...
Grand Prize
SM Manectric
Second Place
Third Place
SM Pidgeot

Bonus Tickets for sending Bulk amount of Gems (Should be sent at once / Not Accumulative)
50 Ghost Gems = +1 Ticket
100 Ghost Gems = +3 Tickets
150 Ghost Gems = +5 Tickets
200 Ghost Gems = + 8 Tickets
250 Ghost Gems = +10 Tickets
Fill up the form and include every necessary details it requires
No posting of questions.
Concerns should be PP/PM directly to me to keep the thread`s neatness and
Please be polite in case you have some requests.
How it works?
1)You send the Ghost Gems to me via gift with "a label stating that its for the Lottery" or I will consider them as gifts. JK ^_^
2) Ill check every post if you got the right amount of tickets base on the items you sent (for fairness) and...
3) Ill send a PP/PM that the items and total tickets that you contributed are acknowledged.
Now in any case that I wasn't able to acknowledge or receive the items, please be kind and bear with me. We might be in a different time zone and I might be resting or might be too busy at work. Rest assured that all of them will be taken care of as soon as possible.
Number of Gems sent:
Bonus Tickets (if any):
Total tickets in this order:
Sample Post

Username: Altreo
Number of Gems sent: 200 Gems
Bonus Tickets (if any): 8 Tickets
Total tickets: 20 + 8 = 28 Tickets
Number of Gems sent: 200 Gems
Bonus Tickets (if any): 8 Tickets
Total tickets: 20 + 8 = 28 Tickets
You are to count the total number of tickets you`ll contribute before posting to make sure that you got them right. Don`t hesitate to ask me if you`re unsure about it ^_^

Top Three
1) Cynical_Cryptid - 76 Tickets
2)PenguinPowerful - 70 Tickets
3) Kastel - 63 Tickets
1) Cynical_Cryptid - 76 Tickets
2)PenguinPowerful - 70 Tickets
3) Kastel - 63 Tickets

The Rest
1) NAMUH - 50 Tickets
2) ShinyZata - 42 Tickets
3) BanzhanMushroom - 35 Tickets
4) Boss_Bakugo - 28 Tickets
5) SilverShinyCharizard - 28 Tickets
6) solo34 - 20 Tickets
7) Shibishirasu - 20 Tickets
8) Turtlegamgamer - 15 Tickets
9) Bolt~ - 13 Tickets
10) Alysrazar - 9 Tickets
11) BlackberryPiemon - 7 Tickets
12) ImperialHound - 6 Tickets
13) RafaelKakoczki - 6 Tickets
14) MercilessPurge - 6 Tickets
15) Foreveralone - 4 Tickets
16) Milotic6721 - 4 Tickets
17) Aura~ - 3 Tickets
18) zenglewis839 - 2 Tickets
19) ShatteredDiamond - 2 Tickets
20) Darknight07 - 2 Tickets
21) Joyfuldoggy - 1 Ticket
22) ~Zellia~ - 1 Ticket
23) Eita_Semi - 1 Ticket
24) -Peace- - 1 Ticket
25) shark136136 - 1 Ticket
26) Komainu - 1 Ticket
27) Purpleeda - 1 Ticket
1) NAMUH - 50 Tickets
2) ShinyZata - 42 Tickets
3) BanzhanMushroom - 35 Tickets
4) Boss_Bakugo - 28 Tickets
5) SilverShinyCharizard - 28 Tickets
6) solo34 - 20 Tickets
7) Shibishirasu - 20 Tickets
8) Turtlegamgamer - 15 Tickets
9) Bolt~ - 13 Tickets
10) Alysrazar - 9 Tickets
11) BlackberryPiemon - 7 Tickets
12) ImperialHound - 6 Tickets
13) RafaelKakoczki - 6 Tickets
14) MercilessPurge - 6 Tickets
15) Foreveralone - 4 Tickets
16) Milotic6721 - 4 Tickets
17) Aura~ - 3 Tickets
18) zenglewis839 - 2 Tickets
19) ShatteredDiamond - 2 Tickets
20) Darknight07 - 2 Tickets
21) Joyfuldoggy - 1 Ticket
22) ~Zellia~ - 1 Ticket
23) Eita_Semi - 1 Ticket
24) -Peace- - 1 Ticket
25) shark136136 - 1 Ticket
26) Komainu - 1 Ticket
27) Purpleeda - 1 Ticket
on reaching our goal so please subscribe to our thread for more updates.
I wish the best of luck to all the participants!!
PS: This lottery will only run for a month after it has been approved so make haste and donate more to get better chances of winning. Good luck ^_^
This Lottery is Rogers`, im merely a manager tasked to do this XD
Thread has been approved on March 12, 2023 and will end on April 12, 2023
Note* current gems collected - 3, 422
Number of Gems sent: 10
Bonus Tickets (if any):
Total tickets in this order:1
Number of Gems sent: 10
Bonus Tickets (if any):
Total tickets in this order:1
Link:Say no to RACISM
This fanpage is written in 2 languages: Vietnamese and English. Hope you like it!
Thank you very much for all the donations, please subscribe on our thread for further updates.
Number of Gems sent:10
Bonus Tickets (if any):
Total tickets in this order:1
Number of Gems sent: 250
Bonus Tickets (if any): 10
Total tickets in this order:35