Forum Thread
Vannah's Diary!!!
Forum-Index → Diaries → Vannah's Diary!!!🌸Welcome to Vannah’s Diary!!🌸
anyways, bit of an intro.
Name - Vannah, but you can also call me V.
Pronouns - any
Age / Birthday - Seventeen, August Sixteenth
Gender - Agender, but I present decently feminine. (partially due to still being in the closest irl)
Romantic Orientation / Sexuality - Aromantic Asexual
Home - Indiana, USA (Hoosier, American)
Favorite Color - Lavender
Favorite Food - Pasta
Languages - English
Learning - French (Understand Decently Well, maybe intermediate level)
Via Duolingo (Don't understand that well) - Polish, Esperanto, Haitian Creole, Ukrainian, Welsh, Czech, Dutch, Hungarian, Greek, Danish, Portuguese, Korean, Zulu
Want to Learn - Icelandic, Luxembourgish
Handedness - Left-Handed
Other Sites - Check Linktree in contacts tab
Favorite Song - Dreamy Night - LilyPichu
Pokemon Specific
Favorite Pokemon -

Favorite Type(s) -

Favorite Region - Kalos
Favorite Game - Legends Arceus
Favorite Gen - 6!
Favorite Gen 1 PKMN -

Favorite Gen 2 PKMN -

Favorite Gen 3 PKMN -

Favorite Gen 4 PKMN -

Favorite Gen 5 PKMN -

Favorite Gen 6 PKMN -

Favorite Gen 7 PKMN -

Favorite Gen 8 PKMN -

Favorite Gen 9 PKMN -

Favorite Gen 1 Starter -

Favorite Gen 2 Starter -

Favorite Gen 3 Starter -

Favorite Gen 4 Starter -

Favorite Gen 5 Starter -

Favorite Gen 6 Starter -

Favorite Gen 7 Starter -

Favorite Gen 8 Starter -

Favorite Gen 9 Starter -

Favorite Legendary -

Favorite Mythical -

Favorite UB -

Favorite Regional Form -

Dex Completion
PP or PM me if you have any of the missing Pokemon listed and are willing to sell them to me. I likely have the items, so I can send you the item back along with whatever price.
Kanto - Complete
Johto - Complete
Hoenn - Complete
Sinnoh - Complete
Unova - Complete
Kalos - Complete
Alola - Uncomplete
(Type: Null - Dex Completion)
(Silvally - Dex Completion - All Forms)
Minior Green
Minior Indigo
Minior Orange
Minior Yellow
Magearna Great Ball
Magearna Ultra Ball
Magearna Master Ball
Galar - Uncomplete
Cramorant Shiny Gulping
Cramorant Shiny Gorging
Morpeko Hangry
Zacian Crowned Sword
Zamazenta Crowned Shield
Urshifu Single Strike
(Calyrex - Dex Completion)
(Calyrex Ice Rider - Dex Completion)
(Calyrex Shadow Rider - Dex Completion)
Hisui - Uncomplete
(Dialga Origin - Dex Completion)
(Palkia Origin - Dex Completion)
Hisuian Lilligant
Hisuian Braviary
Hisuian Sliggoo
Hisuian Goodra
Hisuian Avalugg
Enamorus Therian
Paldea - Uncomplete
Great Tusk
Iron Treads
Gimmighoul (Chest)
Mega & Giga
Nat. Dex
Egg Dex
-Vannah- hunted Bulbasaur!
Chain 172 - July 14th, 2020 - 4:24 PM
-Vannah- hunted Mudkip!
Chain 78 - January 13th, 2021 - 1:56 AM
-Vannah- hunted Treecko!
Chain 87 - April 26th, 2021 - 5:27 PM
-Vannah- hunted Torchic!
Chain 58 - December 6th, 2021 - 11:06 PM
-Vannah- hunted Scatterbug!
Chain 39 - December 28th, 2021 - 9:53 PM
-Vannah- hunted Eevee!
Chain 166 - February 12th, 2022 - 1:55 AM
-Vannah- hunted Buneary!
Chain 187 - March 31st, 2022 - 11:15 PM
-Vannah- hunted Goomy!
Chain 100 - May 7th, 2022 - 12:18 AM
-Vannah- hunted Noibat!
Chain 354 - January 2nd, 2023 - 8:09 AM
-Vannah- hunted Krabby!
Chain 51 - January 23rd, 2023 - 5:00 AM
-Vannah- hunted Skrelp!
Chain 159 - February 22nd, 2023 - 11:47 PM
-Vannah- hunted Wooper!
Chain 292 - April 26th, 2023 - 4:27 PM
-Vannah- hunted Froakie!
Chain 107 - May 31st, 2023 - 7:14 PM
Giveaways & Winners
9 Nebula Stones - ~Dark_Helix~
Ho-Oh - DrGrimm
All other entries received one random gem (excluding Normal, Steel, Rock, Dragon, and Fairy-type gems)
1x Star Piece - DragaliaAseZace
100x Normal Gems - ~Apples~
40x Normal Gems - Luna~
100x Grass Gems - Professor__Rowan
30x Rock Gems - JHappy0709
40x Water Gems - RedNinjaRules
1x Flame Plate - letus
3x Dusk Stone - ~Jelly~
2x Soothe Bell & 2x Sun Stone - Norton
5x Red Mystery Key & 1x Pink Mystery Key - hoopafreak54
1x Gold Mystery Key - Unicornlover8910
1x Purple Mystery Box, 1x Red Mystery Box, 1x Green Mystery Box, 3x Ice Stone, 3x Dusk Stone - GodKitty
1x Brown Mystery Box, 1x Pink Mystery Key, 3x Dusk Stone, 2x Ice Stone - Professor~Adminus
Ho-oh Code - ~Monarch~
3x Nebula Stones - DarkMoonCat
5k pd - Sparky~
5k pd - PinapBerryPiemon
Mystery Items + Gems - GodKitty (9 under)
Mystery Items + Gems - greenowl~ (27 over)
50x Grass Gems - Foxez
50x Poison Gems - Boss_Bakugo
50x Flying Gems - ShinyVirizion
20k pd - Milotic6721
Grass Gems, Xerneas, and Maushold - Mushboi
Speed Click Saturday - February 25th, 2023
Interaction Goal - 2,000 interactions
4 am (EST - 11 pm) - 1,713 interactions
6 pm (EST - 1 pm) - 2,093 interactions
8 pm (EST - 3 pm) - 2,038 interactions
10 pm (EST - 5 pm) - 2,357 interactions
SC Tokens: 837 -> 971
Shiny Tapu Fini Progress: 97.1%
Missing No. Log
1 - Around Dec. 2021
2 - Unknown Date
3 - Unknown Date
4 - Unknown Date
5 - Unknown Date
6 - Unknown Date
7 - Feb. 18, 2023 (EST) / Feb. 19, 2023 (Sitewide)
8 - Feb. 26, 2023 (EST and Sitewide)
9 - Mar. 5, 2023 (EST) / Mar. 6, 2023 (Sitewide)
10 - Mar. 13, 2023 (EST and Sitewide)
11 - Apr. 1st, 2023 (EST and Sitewide)
12 -Apr. 11, 2023 (EST) / Apr. 12, 2023 (Sitewide)
06/27/23 - Up to 15 hatched, 16 obtained as egg.
Spooky Stuff at School (and not in a good way)
First personal post, but I genuinely thought my school was going to catch on fire yesterday. Lights were flickering, and not even at the same time. We thought it was funny at first, especially since it happened to the rooms around us without it actually happening in the choir room, but then we started to smell smoke. Unplugged everything, called it down to the main office. No one comes to look or anything, but about five minutes later, someone gets on the intercom and says that we were staying at school and to do business as usual and that teachers can turn their lights off 'if they want to' and that they don't have to. They also said that the smell of smoke was because of the heat.
Later, I'm talking to two of my friends and one of them said that around twenty minutes before the announcement weird things started happening in the class she was in and that all of the rooms around the one she was in lost power. No one went down to check there either. Projectors stopped working and everything was just generally messing up. Her room also smelled of smoke, even worse than the choir room. Around this time, another friend texts a group chat with me and a bunch of other friends saying that a machine in the engineering room that had never been on before turned on. The generator also wasn't working, since we were apparently on that.
Looking into it, those were a bunch of warning signs of an electrical fire. The other friend at lunch had her house burn down because of one not that long ago, so of course she knew the signs. During lunch, administration and the police officers that work at the school just kept walking laps, obviously checking for anything. It was just generally scary.
Wondertrade Log - March 2023
Staraptor => Panpour
Pidgeotto => Cramorant
Skrelp => Rapidash (Galarian)
Staraptor => Gumshoos
Skrelp => Gloom
Butterfree => Raticate
Raticate => Happiny
Staraptor => Combee
Skrelp => Buneary
Staraptor => Palpitoad
Cleffa => Raticate
Spearow => Woobat
Staraptor => Zebstrika
Heracross => Jumpluff
Spearow => Barboach
Staraptor => Snom
Jumpluff => Cloyster
Venusaur => Woobat
Buneary => Volbeat
Eevee => Braixen
Woobat => Pichu
Staraptor => Hippopotas
Palpitoad => Gardevoir
Happiny => Mr. Mime
Gloom => Toxapex
Barboach => Volbeat
Vanillite => Cleffa
Mr. Mime => Loudred
Gardevoir => Vespiquen
Snom => Archen
Vespiquen => Fletchling
Panpour => Linoone
Loudred => Solrock
Fletchling => Vivillon (Archipelago)
Volbeat => Noctowl
Roggenrola => Swadloon
Woobat => Tentacruel
Raticate => Swadloon
Volbeat => Gardevoir
Noctowl => Luxio
Swadloon => Cosmog
Linoone => Gyarados
Luxio => Gyarados
Roggenrola => Golbat
Wooper => Skarmory
Gyarados => Beautifly
Golbat => Swellow
Wooper => Combee
Gyarados => Azurill
Tentacruel => Scyther
Wooper => Ambipom
Combee => Luxio
Quagsire => Tentacruel
Wooper => Weepinbell
Hippopotas => Noctowl
Quagsire => Pichu
Wooper => Pidgeotto
---Cry Log - March 2023 - EST---
3/9/23 - Math
3/12/23 - Math
3/14/23 - Stress over School
3/19/23 - Stress / School taking over my life
3/20/23 - Stress / Math
3/22/23 - Stress / Math Test I'm going to fail
3/23/23 - Stress / Math Test I'm going to fail
3/23/23 - Stress / Math Test I'm going to fail (again...)
Huh? - IRL
Before we get started, now feels like a good time to remind anyone who reads this that I am an aromantic asexual person.
So, I was doing my Environmental Science homework, and while I'm flipping through my packet, a note falls out. I read it, and it's literally a guy in my class who I let borrow my packet to get an answer asking me out. Bro literally says "[Name I have a complex relationship with], I'm relatively nervous writing this. Nonetheless, I'll get to the point. Please don't kill me. Would you please have dinner with me sometime in the near future? Please just text your response to [phone number]. I shall now strategically avoid you for the time being, as this obviously is relatively nerve-wracking." First of all, bro put it in there without a name. I was lucky that when I texted my friends about it, one of them had his number. I mean, I assumed it was him because he's the only one who borrowed that packet, but still. Secondly, is it obvious tho??
I have no clue how to deal with this, and I even had a whole response planned out for if someone were to ever ask me out in person. But no, this guy has to go and write a note. Because I have no clue how to deal with this, I am choosing to ignore it for the time being. If I get confronted about it, I'll be honest, but other than that, I've got nothing.
Giveaway Winnings
CherryBlossomWolf's Shiny Giveaway - Shiny Grubbin Line
#appleaddseveryone20 - Sail Fossil, 2 random mystery boxes/keys
#ChristmasMareep - Mega-Able Mareep
#ThreeFreeLugias - Free Art, Zigzagoon Plush, 10k pd, a Lugia
#Nubulaandlugia - 2 Dragon Gems
#GeckoQuest - 50k pd
#GEEMS - 10 fighting gems, 5 electric gems, and 3 flying gems
CherryBlossomWolf's Mega Giveaway - Megaable Altaria, Heracross, Aggron, Scizor, Dunsparce, 1x Mega Stone
#GreiFightsArt - Megaable Feebas
ALz_'s like to win from my bag giveaway - 5x Dragon Gems
#WelcomeMaschiff - Oran Berry Tropius Breeding Pair, 10x Ground Gems, 10x Poison Gems, 20x Rock Gems, 20x Steel Gems
Cooking Pot!
Hi, -Vannah-! How are you?
I recently noticed your great cooking skills and I thought about making you a special present for your diligence!
I bought the Cooking Pot "Star" at the Emera Mall and replaced your old cooking pot by it!
This new cooking pot has a higher max. temperature, which lets you cook even more recipes. You can also put more recipes in your cooking queue to save some time.
The seller at the store also promised me that this cooking pot is more energy efficient and reduces the cooking time of every dish a little!
Sounds great, hu?
Anyway, enjoy cooking and bon appétit!