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weirdcore og fic (i need name ideas)

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions weirdcore og fic (i need name ideas)
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Thu, 16/02/2023 02:08 (2 Years ago)
All it could remember was a roboticist towering over its finally finished body, looking sorrowful. He said something, but it sounded garbled and messed up, almost static-y. He stopped staring at his creation, standing up and facing a screen.


and a soft thud.

With a click and a whir, a hooded figure approached the edge of the woods. Its footsteps were soft and light, and its body seemed to glow in the moonlight. It was a curious thing, bound to the objective it had last heard from a familiar voice, which was...how many years ago was it?

It shrugged. It didn’t how old it was, because age didn’t matter.

A sound, a lot like television static, cut through the silent night, and a blue light shone on the forest. Skipping ahead, the figure reached a hand to touch the nearest tree.

It...no. Th30, named after the roboticist that made it, continued to stare at the blue-illuminated forest. It seemed confused.

“Hey, hey!” A voice behind it called. Th30 didn’t look behind it, it simply continued to stare forward. “What are you doing this late at night, kid? And what’s that on your head?”

There was no response from Th30, but instead a slight tilt of the head.

“Kid, do you hear me? It’s near midnight now, go back home, you hear?”

Static noises started to play, and got louder and louder, louder and louder.

And there was a soft thud.

And Th30 continued on into the quiet forest. Now, the creation could speak. It didn’t bother to, though. It would speak when it needed to. But now it hummed a quiet tune and skipped through the dark woods, the blue illuminating the path ahead.

What could it remember about its creator? Not much. Just faded blue hair that looked soft, and a sad look in his eyes. He always seemed distracted, as if thinking of something, or possibly someone, else. He spoke carefully, and calmly. He didn’t give his creation a name, though, not before his disappearance. Th30, when it became active, had wandered about the roboticist’s lab and found the name Theo written on multiple papers, all seemed important. So it gave itself the name Th30, because what else was supposed to name it?

It didn’t remember anything else. Just small memories that never lasted long.

There was one that was clear as day, though.

A sigh started out the recording, with the roboticist adjusting his glasses.

“Test...um...By god, time is running out.” He muttered, looking down at a clipboard then at the wall, staring into space.

“What I have done here is...uh...built a basic, functioning robotic body, and...the main- The best feature in my opinion would be the old television head as a...well, as a head.” The roboticist fumbled with a pen, dropping it. He didn’t bother to pick it up.

“What this feature can do is record information, change the screen that is being displayed, and even play parts from movies and...and videos. It can speak, too, I just haven’t...haven’t given it a proper voice box yet.” He tapped his fingers on the clipboard, sighing again. He seemed nervous.

“There’s...there’s not much to it yet. I have so many plans, I just don’t know if I can get it done in the time limit...”

The recording ended with that.

Th30 happily skipped through the forest with not a care in the world.

Soon, a small clearing came into view, illuminated by moonlight.

“Name? Uh...I’ve never been good with names. I can’t think of one right now. I have to go work on a...different project. She’s coming along nicely, I would say. I also don’t have a name for her yet, I just need a simple...”

The voice trailed off, the roboticist walking away.

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Thu, 16/02/2023 03:28 (2 Years ago)
The only thing Th30 really had left from its creator was a notebook. A simple, leather cover notebook, with a few blank pages for drawing. Almost every page was filled. Some were drawings of other mechanical figures, others were ramblings, and some were just plain old diary notes.

Th30 held the notebook in its hands, stopping before the clearing. It was a small clearing, surrounded by endless trees, and the moonlight seemed to shine directly onto a strange play structure in the middle. It glanced around before stepping closer, and closer.

The play structure was complete with a slide and swings. Sitting down on one of the swings, Th30 held the notebook. The leather cover was smooth, and it made the creation comfortable. It never really had the time to inspect it fully, but now it seemed as if time stood still. He flipped it open to a random page, reading it.

Experiment One

A small, robotic girl. Work seems to be going well on her, it’s all successful so far. I haven’t thought of a name yet for her, I’ve always been bad with names. I’ll ask Luna if she can figure one out.

This experiment is a small, blonde child-robot. Around 10, I think she suggested. The idea struck me when I was talking to a dear friend. I might show her the design so far, I think she’d like it.

I’ve been disregarding all my other projects for this one. I don’t know what I’m hoping to achieve with her, but at least it’ll be a brilliant way to test my abilities.

The rest of the page was about a different experiment. All of it was written in messy cursive.

Experiment Two

I’ve figured out a cure for my allergies that isn’t a hypoallergenic cat. (Honestly, I don’t get why people hate Sphynx cats...they’re adorable!) It’s a small animatronic kitten. It’s based on my old cat...

That was all there was on that page. The next page was even more messy than the previous ones, almost unintelligible.

I met this guy at the store earlier. Or, well, I may have...bumped into him. (...how embarrassing.) He’s kinda handsome. So I bumped into him, and apologized, and he said he recognized me. I told him I live nearby, and he said that he’s a stand up comedian and he does shows, and the place he does them at isn’t even that far! I couldn’t stop staring into his eyes, gosh, I’m so embarrassed. He probably noticed. I’ll go to one of his shows later today, I’m sure my work can wait.

At the bottom was more writing, most likely written the next day.

I actually went to it, my god. He’s really underrated too, there weren’t a lot of people there. I’ll tell some of my friends about it later. Anyway, I talked to him after the show, and get this! He called me cute! I can’t stop thinking about it. I might ask him to go out for some coffee or something...

Th30 shut the journal, holding it by the spine. It looked around once more, before deciding to hop off the swing and examine the playground. It had a few steps, a ladder, and a slide. Pretty underwhelming, for something hidden deep into the forest. Which was a good question, why was a playground in a forest?

Th30 didn’t want to look into it. Instead he went up the steps, and looked down the dark slide. Its boxy head made out of an old television probably wouldn’t fit. The square doesn’t fit in the circle hole, that's just common sense. The creation seemed irritated, annoyed even. It wanted to have fun. Static came from it as it hopped down off the ledge meant for the ladder and went back to the swings.

It noticed something move but didn’t pay much attention.

“I...uhm, eh... wow, good going Theo.” The roboticist mumbled, leaning back in his chair. He cursed under his breath, running a hand through his hair. “I can’t stop thinking about him...” He sighed, then looked at his creation. “I’m giving you fake mechanical wings...hopefully they’ll help you.” He said, then glanced at his journal. “I wonder what he would think if he saw all this...”

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Thu, 16/02/2023 04:26 (2 Years ago)
Th30 was happily swinging, kicking its legs in the air. It was wearing a dark purple sweater, rainbow socks and child-like tennis shoes. (How the sweater fits over the head, I have no idea.) Its clothes were made for comfort and flexibility, but also made to look child-like. There were holes in the back of the sweater made for its mechanical wings, a feature he quite enjoyed.

A scuttling sound could be heard nearby, and Th30 stopped swinging. It looked around, looking for the source of the noise. A small shadow moved between the circle of trees, quick and nimble but also robotic-like. Glowing eyes pierced the darkness, looking directly at Th30.

“So...the coffee date was successful...I guess. We talked, and talked, and drank some coffee. ...His voice is comforting. He’s a really funny guy, and he teases me...The attention feels nice. Y’know? ...You wouldn’t know. Ah, yeah, don’t mind me, talking to my creation like it’s a therapist!” A small chuckle came from the roboticist as he smiled. “But yeah...Gosh, he’s gonna think of me as a madman if he ever comes here...”

Th30 stared at the thing in the darkness. It wasn’t scared. It wasn’t supposed to get scared, or even feel any other emotions. If it was the end of the poor creation, he wouldn’t run. He would let it be.

The creature stopped between two trees, seemingly glancing around. It approached the clearing, and with a shaky paw, it showed itself in the moonlight.

The creature was familiar to Th30. It was mentioned in the journal, a cat animatronic that was supposed to act like a real cat. But, looking at it, it didn’t look to be in good shape. The fake fur on its arm was ripped off, and its back leg was completely uncovered, showing the inner workings.

“I made this cat to resemble the one I had as a child, really. His name was Oreo. Kinda dumb name now that I think about it...”

Th30 slowly approached the animatronic cat, holding a hand out. The cat hesitated, before shakily approaching it. The cat, named Oreo, was a black and white spotted cat with green eyes, and it was fairly small.

Th30 slowly picked it up, cradling it.

“Poor...thing.” It said, its voice was robotic and monotonous as it pet the cat. As if almost by instinct, Th30 started playing a song he heard a lot back in the lab days. It was a relaxing lullaby about the moon, which shone brightly above the two creations.

“So uh...creation..? I still don’t have a name for you yet, oh well...” The roboticist scratched the back of his neck, sighing. “The, uh, the guy I’ve been talking about..?” He smiled, staring off into the distance. “If you see him while I’m gone...best tell him that I miss him. Alright? You can do that?”

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Thu, 16/02/2023 11:08 (2 Years ago)
The poor cat had fallen asleep in Th30's arms. Oh well, it thought. It didn't have much else to do, so it continued to cradle the cat and pace the treeline.

"Gosh, there's...so many things I want to add. I might go to him for creative insight." The roboticist chuckled nervously, looking down at it's creation. "I'll see him again soon-" He was about to add more, but a knocking sound cut him off.

Sighing, he stands up and walks out of view, and only voices could be heard.

"Luna! Hey, what're you doing down here? This area is just for big brother, okay?"

"But I came up with the perfect name..." A little girls voice said.

The roboticist sighed. "Alright, just this once. You can look at her, and another thing I'm working on. Maybe give me some ideas?"

"Ooh! I wanna see, I wanna see!"

The girl and her big brother appear, just barely in view. They seem to be looking at something out of view.

"She's pretty!"

"Yeah? If you like her, you might like another thing."

The memory cut off, and showed the roboticist in his chair with his knees up to his head. He seemed to be sobbing.

The memory ended.

Now, Th30 didn't have empathy. It didn't even have any emotions, so feeling empathetic was a challenge. It didn't even know why it's creator was crying, the pieces just didn't fit. It stopped walking for a moment, looking at the mechanical cat in it's arms. Perhaps the damaged state of the cat and this memory were connected, somehow.

"Oh gosh...what have you done..."

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Thu, 16/02/2023 15:07 (2 Years ago)
Th30 inspected the cat. It was damaged, a little beyond repair. It's left back leg was completely uncovered, and it's front legs barely had any fur. Various clicks could be heard, almost like Th30 was holding a ticking time bomb.

There was only one thing left to do for the poor animatronic creature, Th30 decided.

"So...um, ah...Yeah, sorry, I'm gonna have to cancel." The roboticist held a phone to his ear, mumbling. "Something important came up...I...hope you understand." He said, then hung up. "God...damnit. If the police find out..."

The black and white spotted cat lay on the grass, unmoving. It was as dead as a robot could be. Th30 had decided to put it out of its misery. It seemed like a good choice, really.

Th30 clutched a sort of robotic 'heart' in it's hand as it towered over the cat. It didn't feel sad. It didn't feel anything.

"So, um, he...the guy I've been talking about. I'm just realizing I don't quite use his name often. He...might be coming over later. I hope you understand why I have to power you down for this." The roboticist seemed fidgety. "I mean, you're not gonna get mad, you don't have feelings. Not yet, anyway."

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Thu, 16/02/2023 18:13 (2 Years ago)
Silently walking away from the cat, Th30 retreated back to the swings. It stood there for a moment before walking to the trees. It didn't glance back at the cat, it stared dead forward into the pitch black forest. It's work was done here.

"The deadline still isn't met yet." The roboticist seemed even more nervous than before, as he kept on glancing down at his watch. "I still have to finish this...and her, and...God damnit, what have I done? It was my fault.."

The roboticist suddenly got up and disappeared to another room. The recording glitched, playing a loud beeping sound before it shut off.

Th30 continued its journey through the woods, stopping briefly at moments. Creatures could be heard, like the galloping of deer or the hooting of owls. Th30 made note of all the sounds it heard, and before long it eventually came to the edge of the forest.

The edge of the forest...looked exactly where he entered. There was even the body of a man not too far from the trees, most likely the man who tried to interfere earlier. Th30 looked back at the forest. Had it walked in a circle? Reaching for a tree, the wood felt...unfamiliar. It felt weird, almost not like wood.

It noted that the sun was coming up, the sky turning a dark orange. It was sure it didn't spend over a couple hours exploring.

"Let's see..." The roboticist fidgeted with a pen, eyeing the creation every few minutes. "I'll have to remove the face recognition component for a moment...it seems like it's broken."

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Thu, 16/02/2023 21:19 (2 Years ago)
The streets were deserted, despite it being early morning. Houses and building lights were off, all except one. It seemed to be a coffee shop. It was a small building that Th30 had never seen before. It reached for the door, and stepped inside.

Inside it was retro styled, with neon lights lining the walls. But the most peculiar thing about it were the people. They didn't look like people. They had...weird, object heads. Th30 felt an odd sense of deja vu as he slowly walked past tables. Every other table had people, usually one or two. Th30 caught the eye of a flower-head, with a big eye in the middle. It walked on, and on.

<"Hey hey! You're new."> A voice (Not really a voice, it seemed more to be in Th30's head) called, and Th30 noticed a waving figure that had a mug as a head. <"Welcome to my little petite coffee shop! What would you like to drink?">

"Can't...drink. Drinks mess with..." Th30 started, then just motioned to its head.

<"Ohh, so you're not like anyone else here."> The building seemed to get darker, and Th30 felt multiple gazes upon it...and then it stopped. <"Well, we don't mind! You're not in the human world anymore, which means you're special. A shifter, 's what we call ya'!"> The mug-head seemed to laugh. <"Y'see, most of us can't leave. We rarely get any new visitors, too. Name's Mocha, what's your name?">

"Th30. I'm-"

<"A robot. Yeah, I can tell. But you're not any ordinary robot.">

"Wings...stable. Face recognition component..." The roboticist spun in his chair for a second, then went to a desk nearby. "Needs to be fixed. Can't have another accident happening again. If it happens again...I won't be able to live with myself." He muttered.

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Fri, 17/02/2023 00:51 (2 Years ago)
"Not ordinary? How so..?"

<"You're a container. A soul container, basically. Ya got that...special aura.">

Th30 tilted it's head in response, a little confused. Mocha seemed to go quiet, then laughed again.

<"Silly, I'm not just gon' tell you what it is! Call it cliche, but you figure it out yourself. Any other questions?>"

"Yeah. Where exactly...am I?" It asked. That question had been bugging it for the hour (...half hour?) its spent here. Mocha laughed again. <"Gotta figure that out for yerself, kid. I'm really not allowed to give out information willy-nilly. Now, best you be on your way.">

Th30 nodded, and walked a little fast to get out of the coffee shop. "Odd experience." It muttered, recounting some of the useful information. <"You're not in the human world anymore"> particularly stood out. That would explain why there's nobody on the streets, and why the world seemed...dead. It glanced back at the forest nearby.

That forest definitely hid some secrets. Th30 started walking towards it but stopped, and glanced back at the coffee shop. It was gone, just a figment of Th30's memory. There's something happening, something strange. Th30...kinda didn't want to stick around to find out.

Walking the rest of the way to the forest, it reached out for the closest tree yet again. As it did earlier. The texture of the tree felt like normal wood. Th30 felt...some sort of relief, because it definitely didn't like this place. It wanted to get out of here.

A knock started out this memory. The roboticist put down what he was working on and answered it, a little hesitantly.

There was nobody there. He sighed and slammed the door shut. "A few days left...it's almost done."

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Sat, 18/02/2023 03:01 (2 Years ago)
Since Th30 had a ways to walk back, it recalled memories. Sure, they were all out of order, but it was smart enough to figure it out. (And hopefully you're smart, too. :) )

"Alright, all systems seem to be working." The roboticist mumbled, staring at something else. "It should be working.." He turned towards the creation, smiling. "It's a start, atleast."

The audio seemed messed up, and the recording glitchy.

Next was a recording of a little girl, short with blond hair.

"Hi! Gosh, it looks scary..." She mumbled, looking down at her feet. "Um...I'm not supposed to be down here. ...Don't tell Theo, okay?" She said, then giggled. "I'm his little sister! He spends all his time down here, so I was curious."

Grabbing the notebook, Th30 flipped to a specific page. The page had a picture on it of a family. There was Theo in the middle, Luna to the side of him and another little girl to the other side. No sight of any parents anywhere.

"Skye and Luna...they're little bundles of joy. They look like twins, but they're actually a few years apart. Skye's a little bit of a brat sometimes." He sighed, and rubbed the back of his head. "She yanked my hair once, pretty hard too."

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Mon, 20/02/2023 02:21 (2 Years ago)
Th30 was surrounded by darkness. It was fine with it, walking along slowly through the forest. Seeing a bit of light peek out ahead, it started to speed up. A voice cut through the darkness, stopping Th30 in it's tracks.

"Hey!" An out of breath huff could be heard. "Hey, wait up! Don't leave!"

"...Um...Gosh, I'm not used to running." The voice seemed closer now. "I noticed you in the coffee shop! You seemed cool...please don't go."

Th30 turned around, facing the person. There was a short, light-brown haired boy with different colored eyes and a yellow t-shirt.

"Hi!" The boy extended one of...seemingly four arms. "You can shift between worlds too? Wow! I've never met another person outside of this world before!" His other hands waved as the boy smiled cheerfully. "I don't know if you saw, but I was working at the coffee shop. It's...kinda a long story. Oh! I haven't introduced myself! I'm Ozzie!"

"Th30." It replied, not moving to shake the boys hand.

"Ooh, so like...robot! Cool! I noticed you were just leaving..." He said, gesturing to the light peeking through the other side of the forest. "But...I thought I'd make my first friend...and show you around! How does that sound?"

"Never really realized how alone I was until I noted how much time I spend down here. Heh...I seriously need to get out more." The roboticist chuckled quietly, staring at some papers. "I could...take a break later. I'm sure the girls want some time with their big brother."

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Mon, 27/02/2023 21:44 (2 Years ago)

“Wait, really? Yay!” Ozzie cheers, and hugs Th30. It stood there, a little awkward, before Ozzie released it. “Do you…have a human form?”


“Yeah! Like…without the big head. No offense.”

“No…do you?”

“Actually no, I don’t…I used to be a human. Staying in this world changed me. Oh! You should see Mocha’s human form! C’mon!”

Ozzie led the robot back to the coffee shop…or…atleast, where the coffee shop used to be. It was no longer a coffee shop, it was a casino of some type. Inside, it didn’t resemble the coffee shop at all. It was more…well, casino like, with games strewn about, a mess of the weird inhabitants, and a main bar. It didn’t seem to be serving any drinks, though, which Th30 found odd.

The carpet and floors were both an alluring red, with several dark wood accents, and scarce prints. And oh boy, it was loud. Conversations (although nobody really had any mouths here…) mixed with the yelling from dealers in various games of poker, or blackjack…was that a roulette game Th30 spotted out of the corner of its eye?

“It changes often. You never know what it’ll be like next… Come on! Mocha’s probably working at the bar! I have to get permission first. And maybe he’ll show you his human form!”

Just like the boy had said, there was the mug-head, standing at the bar counter. Th30 didn’t notice originally, but Mocha’s clothes had changed too. Originally, he was wearing a white button up with black jeans. He had kept the white button up, but was wearing a red tie and a black suit-jacket over it, and he seemed to be happily chatting away to a similarly dressed person (this one had a flower pot as a head.)

“One of the recordings is corrupt. I’ll have to fix that, and then-” A sharp inhale came from the roboticist as he clutched his arm. “Dang it… I don’t have time. Dang it, Theo, dang it!”

He slammed his fists on the table in a seemingly fit of rage. It was quiet, but sobs could be heard. “I don’t have time…”

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Tue, 28/02/2023 20:17 (2 Years ago)
<"Ey, Kid! Showin’ yer new bud around?"> Mocha said, and laughed. “Yeah! I was gonna ask for your permission to…at least leave this town.” Ozzie said, smiling. His eyes seemed to sparkle with hope. <"No need t’ask, yer quite old ‘nuff."> Mocha said with a nod.

“Pardon me, sir but…Ozzie here mentioned a human form..?” Th30 had found an opportunity to jump in and speak, and ask the question.

<"Oh, ‘course he did. Not right now, kid. Bit busy.">

“Oh, no, I wasn’t asking to see it. I was…confused.”

<"Ah! Well, yer gon’ hafta get used to that feeling. Hmm… It’s like a cliche twist in some child’s story, y’know? Don’ wanna anger the child authors that may be lingerin’ ‘round, so hush hush."> (Mocha, you should hush hush, I’m not a child >:( i quite think this idea is clever. [also, i already have a design for mocha and im kinda obsessed with it. I'm sorry it's cliche, but I love it] ) <"A select few can only really change. ‘S also classified as shiftin’, so I could pass as a ‘uman and travel to th’ human world. Might stick out a bit though. Make sense?">

“...A little bit of sense, yeah.”

<"Ah, well, that’s this world for ya. Makes little sense, but who needs sense anyway? ‘S borin’, the way of the world. Anyway, off wit’ you lot, go run off an’ ‘ave fun.">

Ozzie squealed, and grabbed Th30’s hand, and before it realized, the two were already outside and racing down the street, Th30 being dragged. It, of course, didn’t really say anything about being dragged, even though it was quite unpleasant. Ozzie…eventually slowed down, near the edge of the town.

“Woohoo! That was fun!” He said, clapping all of his hands together. “You’re gonna like it here!”

It was the first time it had spoken. The roboticist had given it a voice box after quite some while. It was observing the roboticist working on another robot in a different room. The robot was more-humanlike, with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes, and its small size.

“I can sense various emotions, mostly stress. Is there something wrong?”

“No no, it’s quite alright, you needn’t worry about me.” The roboticist mumbled in response, inspecting a piece of electronic hardware before putting it down.

“Stress can lead to lack of appetite, paranoia, and unwanted distancing.”

“I know.”

“Your anxiety and stress levels are high.”

“I know.”

“Would you like to know various stress relievers?"

"No. Please, let me work."


The rest of the recording was the roboticist talking to himself.

"Her name…what shall it be… Luna had…Luna had told me a name." He sounded like he was holding back sobs. "Wasn't it... Isabelle?"

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Thu, 02/03/2023 01:39 (2 Years ago)
Th30 looked around, there were more of the object heads on the street.

“Hm? Them? Oh, don’t mind them. They might look weird to your sense of normal, just don’t provo-”

A resident with a waxy head turned around, and seemed to stare right at Th30. It made a garbled noise, and Ozzie grabbed Th30's hand again. “Barely any of them speak english.” He whispered, trying to walk away.

The candle-head, which was originally a few feet away…had made it closer within seconds. Not before long, it reached for Th30, grabbing its shoulder and clenching it, making more weird garbled noises…

It had come face to…face? with Th30. Something clicked in Th30’s little computer brain, and the global translator turned on. How it had recognized the warbling as a language, Th30 couldn’t quite figure it out.

The warbling slowly turned into english.

<”You’re- hum-human-? A human? H-here?”>

Th30 stumbled back a bit.

<”S-sorry, am I being t-too…I’m s-sorry. I just…want to kn-know!”>

“...I can answer whatever questions you ha-”

<”R-really? Great, great! What’s the human world like-like? D-do you have any fr-friends? What are h-humans like?”>

“You guys…don’t get any humans here?”


“Isabelle. Yes. That’ll be her name.”

Th30 watched the roboticist work, watching him tweak the arm joints. The robotic design inside the robot was simple, seemingly an old design. A simple endoskeleton, with joints at the elbows, wrists, knees, shoulder blades and a neck joint.

The endo consisted of a head, stable enough for tan-colored plastic to cover it and hide the inner-workings. The head connected to the neck joint, which allowed the head to move around. The neck let the head connect to a body, also hiding the inner workings and wiring.

The body had two legs connected, complete with the aforementioned knee joints, letting the knees bend. The legs were simple, some rods connected to each other and joined at the bottom, where two simple-designed robotic feet held the robot standing upright.

The arms were the same as the legs, except the arms had wrist joins letting the wrist bend.

How could Th30 infer all this? Well, because it had robotic eyes. Obviously. Like I did not just spend half an hour working more on the description of a robot than the actual story, just for you to ask ‘how?’

The nerves of some people…

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Thu, 02/03/2023 03:26 (2 Years ago)
She felt the book cover between her hands. The soft, delicate leather.

She could see.

The thin indents on the side.

She could feel.

Her eyes lifted from the book and wandered the library. The walls were painted white, presumably from an older building that this once was. There were bookshelves of light wood, every shelf housing a complete row of books. The ground was a dark red carpet, which had scarce chairs and bean bags.

Isabelle was sitting on one right now, inspecting a book.

She, too, was made by the brilliant blue-haired scientist, but had…better memories of him. She had better processors than the creation before her, as Th30 had merely been a test. A successful test.

Isabelle had more vivid memories, and it was almost like the roboticist had treated her…more fondly. Almost like a sister.

To replace the one he lost.

She dropped the book suddenly, and then rushed to pick it up, hoping it didn’t call attention. She held it close to her chest and stood up, gracefully walking to the front desk.

He lost a sister and replaced her with you. You are nothing but a replacement.

She huffed, fixing her dress a bit.

He only wanted to show you off. He only wanted for people to be impressed.

She stopped halfway to the desk, looking down at her feet.

His special someone was certainly impressed.

“Stop…stop, stop, stop..” She whispered, almost losing grip on the book again.

I will be with you…the entirety of the way. Isabelle. I am here to remind you that you.




“I know. …But why can’t I pretend to be one?”

The voice stopped. It seemed to be finished annoying the poor robot girl...for now.

“Thank you.”

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Fri, 03/03/2023 20:45 (2 Years ago)
She stood there for a moment more, thinking. The puzzled look on her face was soon a look of disappointment for a split second, then turned into a happy look. Book in hand, she head to the front of the library.

There, sitting behind the desk, was a chubby, grumpy librarian. Nobody liked this librarian, so Isabelle kept her request short and simple.

"This book, please. And…do you have any new fantasy books?"

Her eyes twinkled. The librarian stared at her for a second, before scanning the book Isabelle had handed her. "No. No new fantasy books." She muttered in response, handing Isabelle back the book.

Isabelle looked sad for a moment, grabbing the book and walking away. Glancing at the other students in the library, she sat down at her favorite spot. A dark green bean bag.

She opened the book, staring at the first page before flipping through it and checking each page for pictures. She frowned. So it's not a picture book…

She went back to the first page, starting to read it.

She leapt up the stairs, taking them two at a time, and bound towards the front door, shoving it open and closing the door.

Isabelle lingered on the last word for a few seconds. It's a horror book… She wasn't too big into horror, but continued reading.

Celeste ran through the grass, past the grand oak tree that occupied the front yard. Her boots thumped against the sidewalk as she continued on the set path, slowing down a bit to catch her breath.

Isabelle didn't want to read this.

She was sure she wasn't being followed.

But Isabelle somehow couldn't close the book.

She looked down the dark, misty street. Branches from trees jut out, looking like claws scratching the darkness. The only light source was a nearby street lamp, but it flickered once, then twice, then went out.

Isabelle suddenly closed the book. She herself felt like she was being watched. She stood up, glancing around. The lights in the library were out. The shelves were empty, and nothing made noise.

Reaching out her hand to feel the nearest shelf, she realized. She was…glowing. A tiny hint of teal radiated from her body. Like a glow in the dark light.

— — — — — —

"Execution…" Th30 echoed, almost whispering.

<"But you're not a human, so we won't hurt you. Please, please, just a few questions. It's been so long since I've been out…">

"I'd…I'd really like to get going now-" The candle-head was starting to freak Th30 out, and it shouldn't even have the capacity to feel scared.

<"I…I scared you. I see, I'll-I'll leave.">

Th30 slightly nodded as the candle-head left. It looked around for Ozzie, but couldn’t spot him. “Ozzie?” It called. No answer.

“I have five different projects at once and I don’t know if I can do them in time.” The roboticist muttered, frowning. “Because I haven’t even finished the one and it’s taken over a month…” He seemed to be writing something down on a piece of paper, before a ringing sound interrupted his train of thought.

He put the phone up to his ear, turning away from his creation.


“Oh- uh, yeah, hi. Did you need something?”

“Uhm…Y-yeah, I have time. We can-”

“...mhm, mhm. No, no no, I’m not busy…It would help with stress, anyway.”

“Yeah. I-...er…”

Whoever was on the other end of the phone seemed to hung up and left the roboticist speechless. He was also slightly smiling now.

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 22:32 (2 Years ago)
We interrupt your…semi-regular story to give you a look into Theo’s journals!

First Page: Entry One, January 7th

The writing was messy cursive, pretty small.

“Number one. First robotic creation, one that will take forever to finish.”

There was nothing else on the page.

Second Page: Sketch One, January 9th

There was a sketch of a basic endoskeleton. It’s head seemed to be absent. There were notes all over the sketch, talking about measurements, materials, and notes.

The label said “Project One”

Third Page: Entry Two, January 14th

“I took apart the television today. Family wasn’t very happy, but it gave me creative insight. I’ll have to look for old televisions later.”

Fourth Page: Entry Three, January 21st

“We’re snowed in today. At least nobody will be bugging me to go outside and actually talk to another person. The more time for my studies, the better.”

Fifth Page: Entry Four, January 31st

“Phone has been…taken apart. Kinda regret it, found nothing interesting. At least I still have my computer to research and message friends. If anyone really wanted to message me, that is.”

Sixth Page: Sketch Two, February 6th

There was a sketch of a more detailed endoskeleton, one with an actual head. The head seemed oddly boxy, resembling a television.

It was labeled “Project One: New Draft”.

Seventh Page: Sketch Three, February 2nd

There was a drawing of a cat, with measurements and notes on the side. The legs were circled, with a note next to them.

“Hard to replicate.”

The page was labeled “Project Two”

Eighth Page: Entry Five, February 14th

“In the ‘spirit’ of Valentines, one of my friends tried to set me up with a guy. Went horribly."

“Not trusting my friends with my love life anymore.”


“I’ve figured out a cure for my allergies that isn’t a hypoallergenic cat. (Honestly, I don’t get why people hate Sphynx cats...they’re adorable!) It’s a small animatronic kitten. It’s based on my old cat…”

Ninth Page: Entry Six, February 15th

This page was more messily written, almost illegible.

“I mentioned that horrible date, yeah? Well, something…happened today.”

“I met this guy at the store earlier. Or, well, I may have...bumped into him. (...how embarrassing.) He’s kinda handsome. So I bumped into him, and apologized, and he said he recognized me. I told him I live nearby, and he said that he’s a stand up comedian and he does shows, and the place he does them at isn’t even that far! I couldn’t stop staring into his eyes, gosh, I’m so embarrassed. He probably noticed. I’ll go to one of his shows later today, I’m sure my work can wait.”

Below that was more writing, with a date messily scribbled. “February 16th”

“If that wasn’t awkward enough…”

“I actually went to it, my god. He’s really underrated too, there weren’t a lot of people there. I’ll tell some of my friends about it later. Anyway, I talked to him after the show, and get this! He called me cute! I can’t stop thinking about it. I might ask him to go out for some coffee or something…”

“If I have enough courage.”

Tenth Page: Entry Seven, February 19th

“I did ask him out for coffee. I was stuttering and stammering during it, I probably looked like a mess. He was grinning during it, I assume he was enjoying my suffering.”

“Well, it’s in two days. Down the street, too. I’m nervous.”

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess