Forum Thread
The beach/fish shop!
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → The beach/fish shop!Rules (Read before asking to buy something)

Do not beg! Pokemon are hard to come by, and even if you just want a common pokemon, you will still need to offer a price unless stated otherwise.
Be patient. Fishing requires a lot of time in this game, and it may take a while to get the pokemon you need.
Use the template provided! Do not add, change, or remove anything from the template!
Be nice! If we say we cannot get a certain pokemon, then dont bother us about trying to get it.
Think about what you want before asking. We want to avoid canceled orders, as you cannot return pokemon to the tackle box after taking them out.
My personal rules (Read before asking to buy something from SPECIFICALLY me)

Please do not ask if something is free.
I do not sell the following:
Pokemon that are very hard to find (Like wailmer, phione, ect)
Pokemon i need for upgrading my rod
Edit: Retros
I do not own the magikarp rod, please dont ask me for pattern magikarps!
I currently do NOT give everstones for free. If you want your pokemon to have a everstone, please supply one in return.
I currently have the shiny rod, but not the magik or event rod. Be aware of that before asking me for a pokemon.
Pokemon that i will not sell (at this time)

Example template (Do NOT copy! This is just a EXAMPLE!)

Hey, can I get a pokemon?
Pokemon: Goldeen
Who are you asking?: Shadow_The_Hedgehog
Payment offer: 10000 pd
Other: attach everstone plz
My prices

To make this fair for everyone, i will NOT list prices. However, I will confirm with you before accepting your offer if your price is over what i want in return. Dont copy the example template. Goldeen is worth less than 10000 pd. Good lord.
If you offer a amount of money that is under what i want for the pokemon i catch, i will ask you to raise the amount of money you are offering.
If you offer too much money, i will let you know that the pokemon you want is cheaper than the price you are offering, and confirm with you if that is really the amount of money you want to offer.
Questions? Feel free to ask!
As you enter the shipwrecked boat that was turned into a shop, a girl with bright blue pigtails comes up to you from behind a water damaged desk, wearing a royal blue diving suit with goggles hanging from her neck. The diving suit seemed to have shells, coral and other knick-knacks from the beach strewn all over it. “Hello, welcome to the Emera fishing hut! I’m Umi and this is my Pokémon partner, Aquamarine! You also might see some of my co-workers around. We’ve got a lot of fresh catches for sale! What can we help you with?” She says as the aforementioned Milotic gives a happy trill.

Personal rules

I do not sell the following:
Pokemon that I need for upgrading my rod
Magikarp variants (I don’t have the Magikarp rod)
Pokemon that I need for upgrading my rod
Magikarp variants (I don’t have the Magikarp rod)

My stock:
Squirtle: 2
Poliwag: 14
Poliwhirl: 26
Tentacool: 79
Tentacool (Retro): 1
Tentacruel: 5
Shellder: 3
Cloyster: 9
Horsea: 5
Goldeen: 57
Seaking: 13
Staryu: 21
Magikarp: not selling at this current time!
Gyarados: 12
Chinchou: 14
Lanturn: 21
Marill: 5
Remoraid: 28
Mantine: 2
Mudkip: 1
Azurill: 40
Carvahna: 5
Wailmer: 2
Corpish: 4
Feebas: 4
Clampearl: 12
Huntail: 1
Finneon: 6
Lumineon: 11
Mantyke: 7
Phione: 1
Oshawott: 2
Tympole 6
Frillish: 13
Tynamo: 23
Froakie: 1
Inkay: 13
Skrelp: 11
Clauncher: 14
Crabrawler: 6
Crabominable: 2
Wishiwashi: 11
Wishiwashi (school): 2
Bruxish: 12
Arrokuda: 2
Barraskewda: 8
Squirtle: 2
Poliwag: 14
Poliwhirl: 26
Tentacool: 79
Tentacool (Retro): 1
Tentacruel: 5
Shellder: 3
Cloyster: 9
Horsea: 5
Goldeen: 57
Seaking: 13
Staryu: 21
Magikarp: not selling at this current time!
Gyarados: 12
Chinchou: 14
Lanturn: 21
Marill: 5
Remoraid: 28
Mantine: 2
Mudkip: 1
Azurill: 40
Carvahna: 5
Wailmer: 2
Corpish: 4
Feebas: 4
Clampearl: 12
Huntail: 1
Finneon: 6
Lumineon: 11
Mantyke: 7
Phione: 1
Oshawott: 2
Tympole 6
Frillish: 13
Tynamo: 23
Froakie: 1
Inkay: 13
Skrelp: 11
Clauncher: 14
Crabrawler: 6
Crabominable: 2
Wishiwashi: 11
Wishiwashi (school): 2
Bruxish: 12
Arrokuda: 2
Barraskewda: 8

My stock:
Shoal shell: 30
Shoal salt: 26
Pearl: 4
Big Pearl: 5
Deepsea Scale: 1
Deepsea Tooth: 1
Prism Scale: 1
Password is Fishe Samlon, post it in other when you are ordering from me!
Shoal shell: 30
Shoal salt: 26
Pearl: 4
Big Pearl: 5
Deepsea Scale: 1
Deepsea Tooth: 1
Prism Scale: 1
Password is Fishe Samlon, post it in other when you are ordering from me!
f2u pixel art made by SunkenAnchor on deviantart!
Pokémon B2/W2 Ace trainer sprite and B2/W2 Milotic sprite made by Game Freak and the Pokémon company