Auraora goes out of the house and flys around then lands behind
shay and pokes her then mvoes not being seen "hehe"Auraora though
thn the internet turned back on
*Hearing the voices of a trainer he readied himself for a battle he
thought about the moves he would use first he would use nasty plot.
He thought to himself then quickly Final Gambit. A poison jab in
between then though. He threw his ace card behind the trainer and
her absol it landed firmly in the ground this distraction has to
work.. he waited in his bush.*
Auraora then throwed absol to the ground after using physic then
pokes Shay again and goes into a bush "Please go away"Auraaora
though but could prank them more
Auraora then slowly runs from each bush to the other trying to
distrace them then landed by shay again poking shay again and
laughed then wen to go into the bush but falled to the ground
The Absol took no effect from the Psychic, being a Dark Type.
Shay looks confused and tries to focus on both things at once.
"Ok, one thing at a time..." she said and made her way over the
bush the trainer was in.
Absol follows Auraora with every step it takes.
"Hello." it says to the Mew, coming out as it's own species name to
her trainer.
Auraora then pked shay again being a troublesome pranking pokemon
and just wants to have fun "You cant catch me!'Auraora said and
flyed around in circles in the air having fun (Maybe some could
catch Auraora?)
*Riolu felt the trainer coming not wanting to scare himself he
leaped out of the bush closing his eyes and jumping jabbing the
trainer with a poison jab.*
(Oh hello, little mew, I'd love to have you first thing starting my
journey! xD)
(I'll catch you ;P)
Shay squirmed a bit, not liking being poked. She flailed and fell
on her back.
Absol took this as a threat and fired two Shadow Balls at the Mew
and trainer.
Auraora had so much fun that she adcentally hit a tree then a
pokeball rolled to her meaning you might be able to captur eher
then se got up hppy 'No one can catch me hehe!"Auraora said and
keep flying in circles but not getting hit by the shadow ball
Absol looked at the Mew.
"I'll battle you. If I win, you get to be my trainer's first
catch." it said to it smirking, knowing it's immunity to Psychic
Type moves would come in handy.