"... Well, you could have just told me telepathically. You are a
part of the mewtwo family. And, I cam out for THIS? You could have
told us in the morning. What makes this so important?" Bell growled
out loudly and angrily. He angrily sighed, and looked quite
intimidatingly mad.
"This is getting old. Just stop." Bell growled. Why isn't this
thing in the distortion world or something? He
thought.\r\n(Well, we're annoyed. You've god-modded multiple times,
and I'm sick of it in real life.)
(If you're "Mewthree" then aren't you considered a Pokémon . -
(Accepted or not, it's still godmodding. & If you're allowed to, I
guess we should be able to.)
Shay began dreaming of more things that could take place in the
near future.
(Prove it. You are still annoying our characters for attention, and
you are telling the story slowly. JUST TYPE IT OUT.)\r\n"You can
blend in. The protagonist. It's fine, just stay a trainer. Live a
normal life. I bet you can control it." Bell sighed, trying to
knock some sense into this mewthree guy.
"years after mewtwo was created they started me but instead of pure
mew dna the used human dna. but before they could complete me i
escaped thats why i cant talk. i got mews ability to transform but
i was made to gather information to become the ultimate pokemon,
but i want to be a pokemon... be in battles contests and have a
trainer... but who wants to train a human"
he said
(I'd rather not have you ruin my fun, and stay here anyway and just
ignore you.)
Shay's Pumpkaboo's Pokéball shook and it let itself out so it could
stretch out.