Forum Thread
berry garden can't claim seeds due to accessibility
Forum-Index → Bug Reports → Resolved → berry garden can't claim seeds due to accessibilityfor example sending out rumbles is difficult because the windows of the different rumbles overlap
but i'm not here to complain about that
what's much more of a problem is that i can't access one part of the site at all - the berry garden seed maker claim seeds button

i even turned off high contrast mode to show it's not just invisible because of that

i tried messing around with my settings again, even basically resetting them entirely, but the button just won't show up
zooming in or out doesn't help either
i have no idea how else to make it show up again
the problem started when i switched to mozilla firefox on my main laptop and so far it only shows up here, but like i'd like to use my main browser for the site i'm on the most yk
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Bigger lettering needs more space and pushes down the lines under it. In your case, the bigger lettering pushes the "claim" button out of bounds. It's not caused by the site, so there's not really something we can do ^^'
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but changing the letter size didn't make it appear either, what's the normal letter size of ph?
(also, not an important question, but why does it only affect the claim seeds button but not the make seeds button, i've been so confused about that xD )
(thank you!)
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This is already a problem with other features of the game where people are excluded from certain features ( I wont even start loudly wishing for Accessibility in the other features because many people often get super aggressive over disabled people pointing that out and wishing for more Accessibility) , but the seed maker problem seems to me like its a problem that really could be fixed, because it would just need a different layout. I am personally not knowledgeable at all with coding, but I know that no other website ever had this problem for me. The layout just "adjusts" to the font and moves the buttons.
So long story short, Accessibility is super important because of ableism, and it would be super cool if the berry garden became more available to all players!
Edit addition: I just realized this may be the place to point out another accessibility feature of the berry garden: somewhere in the last few weeks / months something changed at the bulletin board for me. I have to use the dark mode, and in the beginning that was never a huge problem, because the writing of the bulletin tasks would stay black. But now it makes the writing white on a bright yellow beige background, where it becomes almost unreadable. Which means I have to either guess from the image which item is needed and just cook/ buy enough of that item until the green check appears, or show my screen /send a screenshot to a friend and ask if they can somehow read it out for me. Maybe this could be made more accessible too? Thanks!
What device are you having problems with?
Is 'Advanced Mobile Support' ticked on?
Why do you have to use a dark mode?
(changes in the display when using 3-party programs, might be because of changes in the 3-party program, not the site itself)
Edit to add - This should really be a different thread, because the original issue wasn't a compatibility issue.
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
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that's exactly how it used to be in my old browser (opera gx) too! and i'd have to zoom out to see it in the first place (but zooming out doesn't fix it in firefox for some reason)
it's so annoying to just try to play a game and run into these random issues barely anyone else seems to have (and some people for some reason object to having fixed (i have read several suggestion threads on here where someone tried to make something more accessible and everyone else basically just went 'noone needs that, and it's too much to ask for'))
it sucks when accessibility settings do stuff like this or make buttons difficult to click or text unreadable
or when you encounter something you can't accessibility settings away like the palpad notification being invisible or the freaking gem cauldron mini game
sorry i'm just rambling about this, it's just been annoying to deal with on this site
tbh i'm just glad i'm not the only one dealing with this – it's nice to know i wouldn't be the only one who'd appreciate the layout being changed a bit
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To aswer this question - Because the Make Seeds/Berry List menu already has a scroll menu, so bigger lettering only affects the length of the scroll bar, not the size of the box.
There's no such separation on the left. It's one box, with an image and text, so any changes affect the whole box, not just a part of it.
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
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