Forum Thread
Completing My Dex
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Completing My DexI'm looking to complete my Pokedex :) If you have spares, please consider selling them to me here.
Other Notes
Work-in-progress Sections
sending over PD for all. If any of you end up not wanting to sell some of these, just PP/PM :)

Stonks pricing for each:
Kakuna: 47
Pidgey: 15
Rattata: 17
Venonat: 95
Diglett: 47
Machop: 62
Tentacool: 27
Geodude: 19
Gastly: 50
Omastar: 665
Total: 1044
Kakuna: 47
Pidgey: 15
Rattata: 17
Venonat: 95
Diglett: 47
Machop: 62
Tentacool: 27
Geodude: 19
Gastly: 50
Omastar: 665
Total: 1044

Stonks pricing for each:
Caterpie: 15
Total: 15
Wow, that's kind of awkward... it's below the minimum traded PD amount. Could you click on my Pokedex and use compare and see if there's any more 'mons from other regions you have spares of? Regarding your concern of the Pokemon evolving right away, unless someone happens to interact with the mon in those few seconds - unlikely if it's in your storage box - I think it doesn't (iirc?), but if it does, I'll still pay full price for it.
Caterpie: 15
Total: 15
Wow, that's kind of awkward... it's below the minimum traded PD amount. Could you click on my Pokedex and use compare and see if there's any more 'mons from other regions you have spares of? Regarding your concern of the Pokemon evolving right away, unless someone happens to interact with the mon in those few seconds - unlikely if it's in your storage box - I think it doesn't (iirc?), but if it does, I'll still pay full price for it.