Forum Thread
Fakemon Collection Centre
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → Fakemon Collection CentreFirst, we must look at The Rules!!

1. Anyone may contribute their Fakemon to this thread.
2. This is not a shop. While you may do requests, no one is under any obligation to fill them.
3. Only Harkness or pre-approved forum mods may double post. If you had the last post, just edit it.
4. Only positive comments are allowed here.
5. You must ask the artist before using their work, and you should give them due credit.
6. If people message you rude things about your art, screencap and report to a mod.
Here, everyone and their Fakemon are accepted. From type mash ups, to our personal megas, to anything in between.
The Artists

1. Harkness
2. Finhawk
3. ~Eclipse~
4. Navuso
5. Klavier
6. Karma
7. Ilovcows
Thank you, and enjoy your stay!
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
My Fakemon!
Mega Cartipiie:
Bug Starters!
All three:
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Aaaanyway, this is such nice idea, I hope we'll get to see loads of
I just happened to draw that little fella this morning after getting few hours of shut eye so it's just a poorly drawn doodle. I swear I'm gonna post some pics with lots of colors later and I'm gonna actually scan them. ^^;
But what do you think? What type is this little cutie? Does it eat oreos? Will it dethrone the ducklett? We may never know....
Can they be sprites, and can they also be fusions? I cant draw new Pokemon out of my head >.< I can only draw out of imagination with dragons... If I could with Pokemon then I would. But.. XD

♫ She/her ♫ -7 PH Time ♫ ISFP ♫ Libra ♫
» Flight Rising » toyhouse »
In fact, I made a sprite of Mega Cartipiie

And Finny, it is sooo cute! I believe it eats apples and oreos. And that it is cooler than any troll duck.
(Also grass/flying?)
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
With that said, let me introduce, the Dragon type Eeveeloution x3

A few more for the heck of it :U
I definitely have more.. But I wont post all of them at once : p

♫ She/her ♫ -7 PH Time ♫ ISFP ♫ Libra ♫
» Flight Rising » toyhouse »

Kittame the fire sphinx Pokémon. (Its evolution looks more like a sphinx, but I haven't drawn it properly yet...)
Pupseed, Florhound, and Canature:

They are usually nocturnal creatures. They have a collar that matches their ear colors.
It it believed that when they are young, they lose their vision in their eyes, but an eye-like stone is formed on their collar at around the same time. There is no proof of this, yet, as much is unknown about this species.
The image is Shade of Darkness, which is an individual of he species. If I make a sprite of the species itself, it will have purple for the ears and collar to tie in with the Dark/Ghost Type.
It's related to the Eeveelution line, but it doesn't evolve and it doesn't evolve from Eevee.
More to come, lol.
Navuso, your kittame disappeared....but I especially love the Pupseed. Is the line grass only, or grass/normal or poison?
Eclipse, I love the dragon eevee.....and the GlaceSylv is adorable
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Trick and Treat art by Podunk
And I don't know what to tell you for the Kittame sprite disappearing. It's the same host as the others, and it hasn't been deleted. Plus, I see it just fine, and this is with my net acting up and lagging so I lose about half the images at the moment, lol.
That is the main reason I stopped using DA. All the categories, not letting me share things...
Well, everything I can see is beautiful!
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Though I can't see Kittame either. When I copied the URL, (Opening only the pic in another window sometimes works for me.) it just said that the page doesn't exist. :d
But anyway, here's Mapline in color:
And because I apparently had nothing better to do, here's a couple of more. The one on the right is a shiny one if you didn't already figure that out. :p
And you know what, Mapline really is Grass/Steel. xD
Also, a pokedex entry just because I feel like it:
Due to being blind, Mapline's hearing and smell are exceptionally good. It's almost impossible to get anywhere near this pokemon without it noticing you.
I've updated the url, so hopefully it shows up now >.<
I don't know why DA changed the URL of it from the one I had been using :/
Mapline is adorable~ I want one *brick'd*
And Finny, I love Mapline.
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Title: I should probably go to bed now but
Etherpus- Plural is Etherpi.
Water/Psychic- Though they are fully functional, they only use their wings to hunt other flying fish Pokemon and the occasional Wingull. The small metal crown and antennae on their heads are used to receive telepathic signals from other flock members.
They’re about a metre in size, so they’re quite large, and ridable, if one lets you go close enough to trust it, that is. They learn a lot of Water and Psychic moves as well as some Flying moves. They’re capable of learning Strength and all the Water HMs, but not Fly.
Excels in Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed.
-I like pianos. And bee2. Haha, I'm kidding. I do like pianos though. And Klavier Gavin, though that's kinda irrelevent.
-According to the Homestuck God Tier Test, I'm a Heir of Doom.
I have more but I need to redraw the others...someday maybe °^°
The first one - Fuyora - is fire and the 2nd one - Raifuyo - is Fire/Dragon
Have no idea for the last evolution yet
They don't have names yet but the first one is Grass and the 2nd is Grass/Dark
I've drawn the last evolution but it's very creepy, I have to overthink its design
They also don't have names xD
First is Water, 2nd and last are Water/Fairy
Mapline is really cute~

Both made by Iskandar