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Gifting Duplicate Plushies

Forum-Index Suggestions Gifting Duplicate Plushies
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 17
Posted: Tue, 01/11/2022 01:39 (2 Years ago)
I searched a while and so far have not seen this suggestion yet (unless I missed it I have some reading issues with too much text at times)

I first started playing during the games release(New account after a 5 year hiatus, can't access my old one) and one thing I have always wanted to see in this game is the ability to send duplicate plushies to other users.

I love grinding for Dream Points. It is super rewarding to finally get a whole bunch saved up, and send a missing plushy to a friend or other user!

When one one has accumulated a whole bunch of the same plushy however, perhaps an option to gift a duplicate could be implemented. It is one thing when you collect certain ones, I know I do! However I think it would be so nice if we could have the option to further pay forward the kindness of other users gifts, and send duplicates we do not want to others who may be missing that plush!

If you (the creators) did not want to make things too easy, perhaps have a cool down of maybe a few a month? Depends how you would like things to run.

I am just thinking of what might happen if say I was gifted multiples of a plush, be them normal, limited or event plusies forr one of the years events. It would be a super cool and fun surprise to be able to take one of your duplicates and gift one to another user later down the road.

And to cover the base of "what if I accidently send too many or the wrong one" I wonder if there would be a way not just to ask confirmation, but somehow code in that you cannot give away the last copy.

Of course, I have indeed thought of the fact this would be pretty heavily reliant on a users goodness of their own hearts. Because unless there was a way to prevent it somehow, I could imagine users trying to charge an arm and leg for extra plushies. Granted what is stopping the more currency driven users out there from asking for currencies to send a harder to obtain plushy anyway.

But, for those out there that truly just want to make another users day, I thought it may be worth putting out there in case this was still something others would like to see, or if it would be something possible.

Hope this makes sense, curious to see what others think.
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,670
Posted: Sun, 11/12/2022 14:25 (2 Years ago)
Thread has received Mod approval and is now open for discussion.
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