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𝑺𝒊𝒍𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒆

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions 𝑺𝒊𝒍𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒆
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Mon, 24/10/2022 02:33 (1 Year ago)


「 ✦ 𝑳𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒂 𝑨𝒓𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒂 ✦ 」
/sil•ver tongue ˌsilvər ˈtəNG/

able to express oneself clearly and well

Dezerae Li
OC Master Thread


▶ Literature
xxxxxxall things bloom technicolor ..... xxx
xxxxxxbouquet ..... xxx
xxxxxxgarland (wip) ..... xxx
xxxxxxthe masquerade of two liyuen fatui harbingers (wip) ...... xxx
xxxxxxa songbird's echo (tasha) ....... xxx
xxxxxxreverie (lore) ...... xxx

▶ Illusion Studios: Moonflower
xxxxxxINTRO ...... xxx
xxxxxxMOODBOARD ..... xxx
xxxxxxGALLERY ...... xxx
xxxxxxPLAYLIST ..... xxx
xxxxxxheadcanons .... xxx
xxxxxxvoicelines .... xxx
xxxxxxaesthetic: ...... xxx
xxxxxxdezerae; schooling ..... xxx
xxxxxxdezerae: acolyte of financial arcanum ...... xxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
▶ Alternate Incarnations
xxHis Dark Materials/Golden Compass
xxxxxxDaemon [Vince] ...... xxx
xxxxxxSettling story ...... xxx

xxHanahaki Disease AU
xxxxxxMarescent ....... xxx
xxxxxxSalix babylonica ......xxx

xxGenshin Impact AU
xxxxxxProfile ...... xxx

xxRed Sky in Morning/Sailors take warning
xxxxxxProfile ...... xxx

{ Pending Additions }
- ray & her affected relationship with money: rich doesn't mean indulgent
- why ray says no to babytrapping estella
- illusion studios' themes and their portrayal in canon

Sister thread to Wrapped in Silk

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Mon, 12/12/2022 14:13 (1 Year ago)
· · ────────────────────── ·𖥸· ────────────────────── · ·
llusion Studios

Character Sheet

Voice Claim: Gemma Chan

Dezerae • deh-zuh-ray 
✧ Derived from the word dsir, which translates to desired
✧ Variations: Desirae, Deziree, Deserae
✧ Has been called: Ray (by almost everyone)
✧ Please do not call her Ray of sunshine; she'll be mortified.

★ Date of Birth: May 23rd | ★ Star Sign: Gemini | ★ Age: 25 years old
★ Gender: Female | ★ Pronouns: She/Her | ★ Sexuality: Pansexual
★ Nationality: Asian-European | ★ Place of Birth: Shanghai, China

"The illustrious manager of Illusion Studios, Dezerae Li leads a two-faced lifestyle. She serves at Director Blake's right hand by day and draws crowds by night with her magnificent voice. However, her patronage and political backing have origins shrouded in mystery." - Official description

When it comes to new money, Dezerae Li's up and coming fame set the influential tongues to wagging, saccharine melodies pouring in from unknown corners to entrance the senses. Once a prominent figure of the performance industry, Dezerae's debut in Illusion Studios is the last in the list of many prominent venues requesting the Songird's presence. The vixen stalks breezily between the humorless ledgers and adoring crowds, the opulent company of the Regrator and candle-lit evenings spent in the audience of sycophantic fans and political businessmen. Every interaction is both an opportunity and a show, and how Dezerae loves to perform.

Unfortunately, to bathe in luxury and comfort takes an insidious toll. Her voice once comparable to silver bells and innocent birds, Dezerae's long career has since led her down a path of tarnished virtues, insidious secrets, and cynical ideals, all concealed from the public.

Still, old habits die hard and there are always favors to keep. Embittered by her failing beauty, Dezerae took the Regrator on one final offer; overseeing the progress of Illusion Studios as a way of protecting her mentor's cherished investment. As she plunges headlong into the company's masquerade of illusions and glamour, she's forced to confront the full weight of her sins, as well as an unbridled desire kindling to grasp those she once held dear.

Ray is a lucky inheritor of Asian beauty, boasting looks genes and a little bit of luck created. She moves quickly like the wind, elegance blurring with the mix of jazzy flair and grace that comes with a veteran performer. Ray comes in at an impressive 5'9" without heels, her open posture dissuading suspicion. With an ever-present smile, she radiates a warmth that captivates those around her, drawing them into her enchanting world.

Her russet hair, a playful fusion of brown and warm tones, flows in soft waves, reflecting her vibrant personality. Each strand catches the light, hinting at the original black that rusted at the roots from the sun's playful embrace. The pearl necklace she wears adds a touch of sophistication, perfectly complementing her preference for white or light blue attire. Yet, when she steps onto the stage for her concerts, she dons a sleek black outfit, embodying both mystery and allure.

Ray's style is unapologetically chic; she has an innate eye for luxury, often admiring the finer things in life even if she chooses not to indulge. Her youthful aura belies her true age, leaving those around her guessing. With an extroverted charm, she flits from one person to another, making every interaction feel like a fleeting moment of magic, while her mask—adorable and mysterious—serves as a playful reminder of the many identities she embodies in her artistic journey.

★ MBTI: ISTP-A | ★ Star Sign: Gemini | ★ Enneagram Wing: 3w2– The Enchanter | Alignment: True Neutral | ref, ref, ref
Inherently sociable, Dezerae has learned to turn her winsome disposition into a mask. Her machavellian psyche evolves out of a need to compete for every ounce of attention given. Her skills with conversation and social etiquette have only increased with age, a silver tongue melting walls and warming the senses. She enjoys the art of threading through silken words and polite niceties to reveal intentions and motivations and is patient enough to wait for the right opportunity to strike before pitching in.

Well-versed in the dance of smoke and mirrors, Dezerae is guarded. She keeps her own counsel when it comes to private affairs. For someone as suave as her, airy deflections and harmless lies come easily, a beatific smile or a harmless shrug inserted in conversations when the topics swing too close to home. In the practice of retaining her facade, her artful demeanor helps her remain somewhat detached from her actions — monitoring a situation objectively and neutrally for the best outcome. Unfortunately, over the years, Dezerae has become so well-versed in deception that she cannot even be honest with herself. Her artifice and silver tongue are not infallible and when she senses that others are prying too close to the truth, she'll shut down or abruptly redirect the conversation.

She believes that to approach a situation rashly and without deliberation is to set yourself up for failure. Everything is a practiced act, from her outfit to the down-to-earth manner in which Dezerae conducts her analyses, inferences, and deductions. Saccharine smiles are all but absent from Dezerae's vocabulary when she gets into the heart of the matter, relying instead on insight and intuition. Politicians and colleagues alike occasionally consider her honesty snide and disrespectful, but she does not dwell on such matters. Whatever she has decided on, she'll carry out to the end and her determination waits on no one. Similarly, Dezerae is rather grounded in her faith and refuses to trust her fate in a superstitious manner. She believes not in the blessing of a bloodline or heritage, but rather in the glory and riches crafted from her own hands. Disillusioned from a youth where the affection she was granted was mostly withheld, she trusts in a world where she crafts her own fate. This discontented manner of thinking drives her mind to consciously seek out that which she desires without waiting for others to beckon her.

Dezerae is decidedly her own judge and jury, and will never take the assumptions and beliefs of others for granted unless it benefits her. A listener rather than a talker in conversation, she spends most of her time listening and digesting the words of others before pitching in with insights of her own, seeking to cut incisively and deeply with each word she speaks. And when the tides of favor swing against her, Dezerae prefers to withdraw rather than bluster on with vainglorious heroics; a calculating mind already brewing with cunning comebacks and icy jabs.

Basic Fear(s): Of becoming someone truly unworthy of recognition or love due to failing to meet expectations
Basic Desire: To find a 'family' that will accept her for who she is. No matter the means
Key Motivation: Pantalone's approval and Estella's love; in short convincing her 'dad' this was a good idea.

Early Life: tw for child emotional neglect: - timeline
Among the high elite of Shanghai stands Dezerae's family, an esteemed line of aristocrats and businessmen who enjoyed the trappings of their polished reputation. Under the gilded veneer, however, the family's internal functions left much to be lacking. Tall their house stands, but four walls do not make a sanctuary where love is lacking. Dysfunctional at its core, members of the Li family grew up believing that they were no greater than the roles they were to play, whether they were to uphold the family name when the mantle passed to them, or to marry well among other blue-blooded houses. Without true warmth or trust between kin, the Li family became a breeding ground for deception and secrets to run rampent as each generation grew farther and farther apart.

Once overshadowed by the brilliance of her older brothers, Ray, known to many as "The Ghost," navigated the shadows of a sad, ignored existence. While she snuck in lessons with her brothers, honing her skills in various musical instruments—guitar, piano, and clarinet—she often found herself grappling with a deep-seated anger and sadness. Why was she always the unwanted one, for Celestia's sake? What had she done to deserve this? Despite her turmoil, her hidden talent for singing emerged, and she proudly self-taught herself to perform, hoping to carve out a space for herself in a world that seemed indifferent.

At the age of twelve, her path crossed with Pantalone's when she received a business card from him. Although their meeting was brief, he quickly realized her family's business ties, yet he soon discovered that she had no interest in that world. Intrigued by her ambition, Pantalone learned about her aspirations to profit from her singing talent, and he found himself hooked by her determination. Their relationship deepened as she began running errands for him, with bribery from her family aiding their transactions. School became a fleeting dream, as the Fatui swiftly pulled her away, signing her off from the traditional path that others followed.

By fifteen, she had moved out, fully embracing life with the Fatui. However, this new chapter came with its own set of challenges. Pantalone, while charismatic, was not forgiving when crossed, and the moral trauma of her actions weighed heavily on her. On foreign missions, she tested her loyalty, often bending under Pantalone's gaslighting. Despite the tumult, she found herself utilizing her family's resources, sneaking back into their estate at night to copy sensitive information. To her surprise, Pantalone began paying attention to her in ways she hadn’t anticipated, fulfilling the role of a mentor and protector—a sugar daddy of sorts. With her burgeoning charisma and newfound fame, she earned a reputation as a skilled foreign retainer and liaison.

As she matured, Ray was crowned Harbinger #10 at just nineteen years old, embracing her new identity as Brighella. Her responsibilities grew, and she took command of the Ministry of Inter-Regional Affairs, opening a new department focused on regional integration, where she aimed to foster cooperation among neighboring nations. Pantalone, ever the pragmatic partner, kept her official certificate tucked away in his office—a symbol of her achievements and the first steps in her corporate journey. Yet, beneath her accomplishments, the longing for her girlfriend remained a constant ache, urging her to balance ambition with love in a world that often seemed at odds with her desires.

About: (GUILE) - In marble halls, her smile deceives. Where love was absent, truth bereaves.
Dezerae lies as easily as she sings, weaving narratives that combine lie with truth. The story often changes and one can easily find themselves lost within her web of lies should they ignore the consistencies that are ever present within. Detaching from one's self allows Dezerae to escape remorseful feelings and sleep at night as she's usually convinced the person she lies to were either too naïve or too defiant to warrant sympathy. Dezerae is a remorseful and humane person at heart, having to suppress her tender tendencies for the sake of efficiency.

Long ago, Dezerae was haunted by these questions. In her deft manipulation of fate, she finds herself both master and prisoner, the very strings she once used to sever herself from divine fate now anchoring her to her fate. Through the Tsaritsa's benevolence, the chains of choice and fate are one and the same. Not witholding the collective reprisals she would face from her the other Harbingers, her political chains are nothing compared to those ingrained in her very being. Rather than rebel against the chains imposed by the Fatui, Dezerae has all but accepted it; the destruction of her past self ensuring that the Tsaritsa controls what remains. An identity sealed in ice. Once an isolated child forced to beg like a street dog for recognition, Dezerae has finally received a family who will never abandon her again: a self-imposed prison where control masquerades as benevolence and defiance against divine law draws the chains ever tighter.

Additional Info
★ The manager of Illusion Studios eight models, Dezerae works closely with both the top echelon of Illusion Studios' employed and the models themselves to punch out a schedule, one week at a time. Though she's fond of public appearances and social gatherings, Dezerae keeps a low profile in public and avoids garnering attention and press. Much of her tasks involve basic supervision, timekeeping, and the occasional shoulder to cry on. If anyone asks why the Songbird is suddenly so prone to introversion, she merely shrugs and replies that the models are adults and should be responsible for their own devices. Those who are able to read through the lines will find her hidden in the shadows whenever possible, glad to catch a brief break from the invasive pressure of cameras, reporters, and over-enthusiastic fans.

★ Formerly a prolific singer proud of her voice, Dezerae's singing days are long over and bringing it up makes her sigh in chagrin. She even becomes extremely self-conscious when her songs are on Estella's car, even if she is secretly flattered her paramour cherishes her voice so. To most, Dezerae's unusual quirk is chalked up to modesty and the earnest self-deprecation of an artist. Only those who look closer will see the signs of burnout as Dezerae attempts to erase the career she now sees as a glorified fairytale.

· · ────────────────────── ·𖥸· ────────────────────── · ·

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Mon, 12/12/2022 14:24 (1 Year ago)
· · ────────────────────── ·𖥸· ────────────────────── · ·
llusion Studios

Character Headcanons

✧ ---- ) Dezerae, whose signature flower is Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea); symbolizing riddles, insincerity, and medicine.
✧ ---- ) Dezerae, whose signature animal is the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes); symbolizing cunning, intelligence, and adaptability.
✧ ---- ) Dezerae, whose signature color is Cognac; symbolizing prestige, maturity, luxury, and sophistication.

✧ ---- ) Dezeare who wears her hair in a bun for convenience's sake at work, but when on stage, lets her hair down to flow behind her like a fiery mane.

✧ ---- ) Dezerae who spends most of her work for the Fatui away from her peers, often sending calls, emails or even hand-written letters to update her peers. Her publicity is supposedly an open secret

✧ ---- )

✧ ---- ) Dezerae, who is not averse to drinking, but dislikes getting drunk. Prefers a fruity cocktail (sweet tooth) or a shot of saké - a form of Japanese rice wine.
✧ ---- ) Dezerae who is loose with jewelry; she won't deck herself in baubles in public because she doesn't want to divert attention for her inherent value. A shining pearl necklace is the main attraction.
✧ ---- ) Dezerae who always uses a fork and knife for her food; a very patient eater, using precise, almost surgical incisions to seperate her food into manageable bites when needed. Almost like a surgeon cutting into flesh...
✧ ---- ) Dezerae's who's main comfort food is hot pot dinner with the models. Everyone brings in what they want, but her personal favorites include tripe, enoki mushroom, and lamb.

✧ ---- ) Extremely sensitive to tonal inflections; one of the main ways she can discern how people are feeling when she acts on Pantalone's behalf. Dezerae tends to put up a blasé front when anger inevitably arises, but deep down the empath in her is hurting. Her main coping mechanism involves emotional compartmentalization and mental disassociation.
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Mon, 05/02/2024 02:33 (8 Months ago)
· · ────────────────────── ·𖥸· ────────────────────── · ·
llusion Studios

Character Gallery
ai generated images - sorry if that bothers you

Executive Official

Tea Break

Concert Dress

Childhood Whimsy

· · ────────────────────── ·𖥸· ────────────────────── · ·

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Sun, 25/02/2024 02:58 (7 Months ago)
· · ────────────────────── ·𖥸· ────────────────────── · ·
Dezerae Li
Illusion Studios


· · ────────────────────── ·𖥸· ────────────────────── · ·

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Fri, 15/03/2024 22:22 (7 Months ago)
· · ────────────────────── ·𖥸· ────────────────────── · ·
inspired by the layout of genshin impact voicelines

— voicelines pt. 1 — 

♤ eng va; gemma chan
♤ chinese va; zhang qi (candace from genshin impact)
♤ french va; cécilia cara (la vaguelette/furina from genshin impact)
♤ jp va; mitsuishi kotono (jade from hsr)

Birthday: may 23rd
Call sign: Masqué Chanteuse (Masked Singer)

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. - Audrey Hepburn
"Greetings [...], I'm Dezerae Li - manager of Illusion Studios and 10th of the Fatui Harbingers. If my name is too much of a mouthful, feel free to refer to me as Ray. That's interesting. Barely two seconds into our interaction and I can tell by your expression that you're already on the back-foot. I take it I am not what you expected of a Harbinger. Alas, appearances can dissuade expectations. Perhaps if we spend more time together, we'll clear up those misunderstandings. Or make more, who knows."

"You wish to learn more about Illusion Studios? Ah, so you too have heard about our recent vacancy. News gets around pretty fast if everyone's been eyeing up that spot for a while now. You think you got what it takes to stand with us? I'll warn you, we're looking for somebody willing to commit long term... Oh? Well, who am I to deny one so audacious as you? Just keep in mind your contract of employment states the minimum stay is four months."

"Don't tell me I'm too young for gambling. We're not using money after all - if anything, what's at stake is worth more than a few dollars. Let me tempt you with one short game; no one to witness. I may even let you win the first, if you keep your mouth shut."

"I've noticed your fixation upon my looks for some time. I'm curious what drew you in. After all, the object of one's fixation tends to reveal their core values at the same time. I can't wait to find out the reason for this sudden idolatry. And please, you don't need to apologize for staring. It wouldn't be the first time I was the center of attention."

"While it may be true that I sing for the Fatui almost exclusively now, it doesn't stop other venues from inundating my mailbox with offers. I am a bit wistful, but also relieved. My career as an idol wasn't exactly carefree, but it was certainly enjoyable. Performing in front of thousands of people is stressful! To be frank, my days of stardom are beginning to fade already. There'll be room on the stage for others, and I can't very well juggle my position as a Harbinger with a singing career...Oh you want to hear me sing? Heh, well I don't sing impromptu. Maybe later."

"Nothing a roof over our heads won't fix; just make sure to walk under the eaves of buildings when you're outside and you don't have an umbrella. On another note, when you're inside, I find that rain is a good form of white noise. Very soothing indeed."

"This storm will be raging on for some time. Presuming you have somewhere to stay, I would take care when driving as the rain will make visibility difficult. Feel free to stay in the office next door to wait it out; I'm going to close any open windows before the rain or the wind ruins everything."

"Snow is special for me; the whole world exists temporarily in a transient period as a layer of white settles. It's amazing how a shift in the weather forces the entire world to still, even for a moment. Such cold purity, it transfixes me. That, and snowmen are adorable."

"Whenever I'm outside, I like to stay in the shade — the dark color of my hair ensures that the heat of full sunlight is sweltering. But you cannot deny that the world glows under a cloudless sky."

"Dear me, if I knew I was having guests I wouldn't have arranged for a meeting right in my study. Papers are everywhere, how embarassing! Pull up a chair, I'll be right with you once this clutter is under control."

"Good morning to you as well. Would you like some tea before you set out for today?"

"When the sun is at its peak, the air grows heavy and still. Afternoon is naturally a time of drowsiness and torpor, the latter of which becomes increasingly suffocating as you realize just how much work you have yet to accomplish. In my experience, it's better to focus on that which you have already accomplished, than that which you have yet to achieve. Now, shall we continue?"

"As the sun draws beneath the hills and streetlights come alive on the streets, the city unfurls another side of itself, one that is rarely seen. Given that my residence is located several stories up, I'm able to get a crystal clear view of the streets and the skyline. Up any higher, and I may lose track that the street-lights actually mean people. It's also worth nothing NYC has a wonderful nightlife; it's not known as the city that doesn't sleep for nothing. Just be careful when you're enjoying yourself; the streets aren't totally safe down there."

"Heading off to sleep? Rest easy then. A good sleep is necessary if you want to perform well tomorrow."

"You don't need to deck yourself out in splendor and expensive trinkets to pronounce your social status. First impressions are important, but don't let an obsession with your appearance blind you to what may lurk under the surface. Weaponizing my identity and perception has been my greatest weapon."

"It's true that I go by many names, whether they be professional or casual nicknames labeling my person. In the end, a name is merely a way to pin down my identity. To be frank, no one really knows who I am. I prefer to evoke an image of unpredictability: there's more freedom to be found in that."


· · ────────────────────── ·𖥸· ────────────────────── · ·

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Sun, 31/03/2024 00:54 (6 Months ago)



✧₊⁺ Childhood ⁺₊✧

“To love is human. To feel pain is human. Yet to still love despite the pain is pure angel” ― Rumi

Content Warning/Trigger Warning:

childhood emotional neglect | unhealthy relationships

OVERTURE || … BIRTH - ♫ Wife - Mitski
- an orchestral piece at the beginning of an opera, suite, play, oratorio, or other extended composition:
An unexpected child, Lí Níng É (黎甯鵝) came into this world on May 23rd. She's born on the slightly smaller side of the spectrum, with quieter cries than a normal baby. Her appearance is a mix of her mother and father; she has her mother's sincere dark eyes and her father's high cheekbones. When her parents are busy with work, Níng É is watched over, albeit reluctantly, by her eldest brother Alan. Even the middle child, Devreaux, pays a visit or two, despite being much too young to understand much about rearing a younger sibling. When she is two years old, she's given a formal english name: Dezerae or "Ray" for short. The name's meaning is greatly ironic as Dezerae translates to 'desired' one.

VERSE || … 1 years - 9 years - ♫ Fine, Great
- each of the short numbered divisions of a chapter in the Bible or other scripture.
Reared primarily by her mother, Dezerae often found herself lost in the shadows of her siblings, who received the bulk of their parents’ attention and affection. Her siblings, despite their own chaotic lives and responsibilities, occasionally stepped in to help raise her, yet their efforts were sporadic and lacked the emotional depth she craved. As the ignored child, she received all the physical necessities but was deprived of the emotional nurturing that fosters a strong sense of self-worth. This created a growing void within her, a loneliness that seemed insurmountable even at a young age.

Between the ages of three and five, music became her solace, a refuge from the feelings of abandonment she felt in her household. Whenever loneliness threatened to overwhelm her, she turned to the melodies that brought her comfort. However, she never fully acknowledged or understood the neglect she faced, rationalizing it as a consequence of her parents’ busy lives. At five, her life took another turn when her family moved to the United States on a visa. The switch from her native language to English added to her confusion, intensifying her sense of disconnection. As her parents grew increasingly closed off, Ray’s confusion morphed into misery, and she started to resent her roots, questioning what was innately wrong within her to warrant such behavior.

From ages six to eight, her resentment toward the schooling system grew, viewing it as an obstacle that kept her away from her family. In this environment, she quickly learned how to wield her words and her smile as tools to navigate relationships, especially with her teachers and peers. Ray often found herself sneaking assistance from Devreaux, who, despite his unreliability, provided enough help to keep her grades afloat. Her childhood connection with music pushed her to join the school choir, where she rapidly rose to a lead position. This newfound recognition provided her with a glimpse of the affirmation she had longed for, even if it didn’t fill the emotional void left by her family.

At nine years old, Ray began attending musical lessons, allowing her talent to shine in various attractive venues across New York City. Occasionally, her parents would let her shadow them on business trips, showcasing her abilities at Celestia’s missionary ventures, though these moments felt fleeting. During one of these outings, she inadvertently overheard a meeting discussing the Fatui, her heart racing as apprehension settled in. The tales she heard of crimes, missions in dark alleys, and political intrigue involving a cold-hearted queen and her eleven Harbingers left her feeling wary. At that age, the idea of opposing Celestia seemed like a distant fantasy, yet the seeds of curiosity and caution were planted, shaping her understanding of the complex world around her.

✧₊⁺ Fatui Agent ⁺₊✧

"The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth" - African proverb

REFRAIN || … 10 - 14 years - ♫ Danse Macabre (Black Butler)
- a repeated line or number of lines in a poem or song
At just twelve years old, Dezerae found herself at the pinnacle of excitement as she prepared for the Festival of The Winds at Lincoln Hall. The culmination of hard work and relentless practice paid off when she was selected as one of eight performers, a moment she had dreamed of for what felt like an eternity. Despite her parents' apathetic attitude towards the event, she felt a surge of anticipation coursing through her veins, lighting a fire of enthusiasm that could not be dimmed. After her performance, amidst the buzz of fans and the flash of paparazzi cameras, she stole a moment for herself, retreating to the main foyer where the chatter of guests blended into a comforting background hum. Little did she know, her brief reprieve would soon be interrupted by an unexpected encounter.

A gentleman dressed in a striking ensemble of black, white, and violet approached her, exuding an air of class that felt unfamiliar yet intriguing. His elegant attire was complemented by fitted black gloves, making him stand out in the crowded foyer. With a polite introduction, he handed her a business card that simply read, “Regrator Pantalone.” Confused but intrigued, Dezerae listened as he spoke of a job proposal that piqued her curiosity. Though she was already freelancing and had no desire to take on additional commitments, his insistence was compelling enough for her to agree to think about it. They scheduled a meeting at a coffee shop in a few days, leaving her both apprehensive and excited about the possibilities ahead.

When the day of their meeting arrived, Dezerae found herself seated across from Pantalone in a quaint café, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air. He outlined his intentions to fund her singing career, pointing out that as a freelance artist without an agency, she could benefit greatly from his support. However, his questions about her family’s connection to Celestia made her uneasy, especially when he probed into why she would need another opportunity. Each time she launched into a passionate tangent about Celestia and her dreams, she noticed him retreating into himself, his demeanor shifting from open to closed off. Nevertheless, she remained optimistic, feeling that Pantalone’s interest and support were genuine, almost kind.

As the weeks progressed, Dezerae began to flourish in her school life, drawing on Pantalone's insights to navigate her peers and excel in her endeavors. Her newfound confidence propelled her into leadership roles; she joined the student government and even started a blog to share her thoughts and experiences. What she didn’t realize, however, was that her transformation was causing whispers among her classmates. The once-reserved girl who had blended into the background was now a force of charisma and charm, a rarity that left some feeling unnerved. Yet, she thrived on the attention, eager to embrace her emerging identity, blissfully unaware of the ripples her change was creating in the lives of those around her.

- be gay do crimes
- sneaking into/breaking into her own home to steal valuable information about the business and Celestia. Lore drop woohoo

CHORUS || … 14 - 16 years - ♫ Dramaturgy (Eve cover.)
- a simultaneous utterance of something by many people.
As Ray transitioned into high school, her passion for music flourished, leading her to become the envy of her peers. However, this admiration was often laced with jealousy, as classmates questioned her need for a mask during performances and exchanged snide remarks in private. The whispers about her seemed to follow her everywhere, feeding a sense of insecurity that contradicted the confidence she projected on stage. The mask became a symbol of both her artistry and the barriers that others believed she had erected between herself and them. Instead of inspiring her classmates, it seemed to breed suspicion and disdain, leaving Ray to navigate an increasingly isolating environment.

Eager to forge connections in her new school, Ray found herself grappling with the fear of being ignored once again, a lingering anxiety from her past. This fear led to the development of an anxious attachment style; she became overly eager to please those around her, often sacrificing her own needs for the sake of external validation. While on the surface, Ray appeared sensitive and attentive, ready to offer support and fun, her empathy masked a growing dependence on the approval of others. Unfortunately, as she struggled to maintain deeper connections, her relationships became superficial, often revolving around attention-seeking behaviors. In her mind, she was merely being kind and understanding; however, her inability to recognize the disloyalty of her friends led to abrupt cutoffs without explanation, a defense mechanism to shield herself from the hurt of rejection.

As these uncertain relationships began to take their toll, Ray's belief in the inherent instability of connections deepened. The fear of inferiority and rejection loomed over her, pushing her to seek out more "meaningful" pursuits to fill the void left by her social struggles. This quest for purpose ultimately led to her initiation into the Fatui, a dramatic departure from her previous life that felt like severing ties with her parents—a metaphorical fall from grace. Leaving school after just her first year, Ray embraced the opportunity to work alongside the enigmatic Pantalone, signing the necessary paperwork that would change her life forever. Shadowing older agents on missions and undergoing homeschooling with Dottore, she ventured into a world far removed from the high school hallways, trading classrooms for the complexities of adult responsibilities.

In the Fatui, Ray's journey was not without its challenges. The trauma of debt collection weighed heavily on her, but through these experiences, she was trusted enough to be sent away from the main headquarters, a testament to the confidence her mentors had in her abilities. This newfound freedom was exhilarating, giving her a sense of purpose that she had long craved. Though she was still navigating the shadows of her past relationships and insecurities, the path she had chosen provided a fresh start, one where she could redefine herself and her aspirations away from the confines of her former life. Ray was ready to embrace whatever came next, determined to make her mark in a world that had once felt so uncertain.

✧₊⁺ Harbinger ⁺₊✧

“One of the greatest tragedies in life is to lose your own sense of self and accept the version of you that is expected by everyone else.” - K.L. Toth

BRIDGE || … 16 - 19 years - ♫ Circus
- a transitional period in a song that is set apart in some way
__ signora's death/disappearance scares poor girl
__ Sent to work as a negotiator between the Fatui and different companies - some even outside of the city, demonstrates surprising skilll during negotiations. Forced to utilize tactics similar to Pantalone's when stressed.
__ As the Fatui's main liason abroad, Ray bears secondhand witness to the cruelty and underhanded tactics commited by her peers, selfish things swept under the rug. Rather than processing it all gradually, as Pantalone had done for her, it's thrown roughly into her face.
__ "The old Ray would never have done that." is a thought that pervades almost every waking moment when she comes back from an operation abroad. It's hard to go against her moral code, decaying as it may be. The voice in her head that says "What you are doing is wrong." has to compete with her innate need for recognition, accomplishment and of course, Pantalone's approval. Much of her moral transition is helped along by the lack of comparison to her former self, as if the Harbinger version of her was the only one that mattered to them. Perhaps what tempts her to further iniquity is the thought of having a purpose, of expanding her name like a snake growing into it's large skin only to shed it once more.
__ Harbinger coronoation at 19 years old

CODA || … 20 - 24 years - ♫ Diabolic Waltz (Black Butler OST)
- a concise passage of music that concludes a piece
At just 22 years old, Ray has achieved a remarkable milestone in her career by being appointed to head her own section within the Fatui, specifically the Regional Ministry of Business Relations. In this role, she serves as the Fatui's ambassador, skillfully bridging the gap between her colleagues, who tend to remain more home-bound, and the bustling world beyond their borders. This position not only showcases her leadership abilities but also emphasizes her knack for navigating the intricate web of business relations, allowing her to foster connections that benefit both the Fatui and their interests.

As part of her new responsibilities, Ray has made the significant decision to retire from her music and idol career, focusing instead on her duties as a Harbinger. This transition marks a pivotal shift in her life, as she bids farewell to the glamorous world of performances and the adoration of fans to embrace the weightier expectations that come with her new position. The decision wasn't easy, but Ray understands the importance of dedicating herself fully to her role within the Fatui, where her influence and skills can have a more substantial impact.

In the midst of these changes, Ray discovers the intriguing world of Illusion Studios, a place that captures her interest and inspires her creativity. The studio's innovative projects resonate with her, sparking a desire to explore new opportunities and collaborations that align with her vision for the Fatui. As she navigates this new landscape, Ray remains hopeful that her talents can contribute to the organization's broader goals.

However, despite her growing responsibilities and ambitions, Ray finds herself yearning for something more personal—her girlfriend, Estella. The thought of Estella brings a smile to her face, as she can't help but find her utterly adorable. Yet, this budding romance comes with its complications. Pantalone, ever the pragmatic and protective figure in Ray's life, disapproves of the relationship, raising concerns about the potential distractions and vulnerabilities that love can bring. He sees that Estella does not occupy the same economic niche or prestige as Ray does — and in lieu with his ideals of fair exchange, only allows the relationship to continue due to Callistus's debt.


Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Sat, 01/06/2024 22:12 (4 Months ago)
· · ────────────────────── ·𖥸· ────────────────────── · ·
Dezerae Li
Genshin Impact | Illusion Studios


Always Been You - Jessie Murph
"Sometimes I feel like it's one-sided" | "Like some type of unrequited love"

Labour - Paris Paloma
"For somebody I thought was my saviour" | "You sure make me do a whole lot of labour"

Rattlesnake - Caravan of Thieves
"Singing in the slaughterhouse." | "A skinny silhouette with a clarinet."

Sweet Dreams | Eurythmics
"Sweet dreams are made of this..." | "Who am I to disagree?"

Happy Face - Jagwar Twin
"Get your kicks and let's go" | "If you're sad, don't let it show"

Lost on You - LP
"Wishin' I could see the machinations" | "Understand the toil of expectations"

Overgrown Garden - Beetlebug
"The thorns grew tighter everyday" | "You placed a crown of marigolds on my head"

Garden - Crane Wives
"The crows in the garden are laughing at my expense" | "Drowning out all the lies that I might have told instead"

Curses - Crane Wives
"Oh, ashes, ashes, dust to dust" | "Tell me I am good enough"

An Unhealthy Obsession - Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra
"You just don't know it yet, but you love me and I love you the same" | "One day we'll have a pretty wedding, and I'll be your everything"

To be Beautiful - DHeusta
"Let me re-arrange your design" | "Take your flaws and make them mine"

Gilded Lily - Cults
"I remember when you told me it's an everyday decision" | "But with my double vision, how was I supposed to see the way?"

Passerine - The Oh Hellos
"You were the song that I'd always sing" | "You were the light that the fire would bring"

Youth - Daughter
"And if you're in love, then you are the lucky one" | "'Cause most of us are bitter over someone"

Power and Control - Marina and The Diamonds
"Give a little, get a lot" | "That's just how you are with love"

Hanging Tree (Lucy Gray Version) - Hunger Games
"Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be" | "If we met at midnight in the hanging tree"

Poker Face - Lady Gaga
"Love game intuition, play the game with spades to start" | And after he's been hooked, I'll play the one that's on [her] heart"

Dollhouse - Melanie Martinez
"Picture, picture, smile for the picture | Pose with your brother, won't you be a good sister?"

Primadonna Girl - MARINA
"Living life like I'm in a play | In the limelight, I want to stay"

The Moon Will Sing - The Crane Wives
"We could have been anywhere, anywhere else" | "Instead, I made a bed with apathy"

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Sun, 02/06/2024 06:46 (4 Months ago)
· · ────────────────────── ·𖥸· ────────────────────── · ·
Dezerae Li
His Dark Materials/The Golden Compass

[ Daemon ]

"I do not believe that any peacock envies another peacock his tail, because every peacock is persuaded that his own tail is the finest in the world.
The consequence of this is that peacocks are peaceable birds."
- John Ruskin

"Vince" (Van-Gogh)
Indian Blue Peafowl Pavo cristatus • Phasianidae

Voice Claim - Jayce from Arcane

❖ Etymology
★ "Vince" - v(i)-nce
Vincent is a boy’s name with Latin origins.
Meaning, “prevailing” or "conquering,"

★ "Van Gogh" - v-ah-n goff
❖ A Dutch Post-Impressionist painter who is among the most famous and influential figures in the history of Western art. In just over a decade, he created approximately 2100 artworks, including around 860 oil paintings, most of them in the last two years of his life.
❖ Born in 1853, Van Gogh struggled with mental illness throughout his life. He suffered from depression, anxiety, and eventually developed epilepsy. These conditions made it difficult for him to maintain stable relationships, and he often felt isolated and alone.

❖ Symbolism
Vince embodies Dezerae's pride, vigilance, and cunning, reflecting both power and vanity in their strategic role within the Fatui. Pantalone’s choice to name the daemon Vincent Van Gogh adds a layered irony—glorifying Brighella’s genius by comparing it to the renowned artist, while also cruelly alluding to Van Gogh's tragic life of suffering and unrecognized brilliance.

❖ Settling
★ Settled when Dezerae was about 14-15 years old.
★ After Dezerae got the keys to her new residence among the Fatui, having cut ties with her family for the last time, she enjoyed the new feeling of liberation granted to her. Her confidence boosted, she felt ready to embrace a double life without being tied down by her fears of abandonment or recognition. Vince would take his final form on stage during the perfomance that final night.

❖ About: The Peacock - ref
❖ Symbols of beauty, elegance and confidence
❖ In courtship, vocalization stands to be a primary way for peacocks to attract peahens. Some studies suggest that the intricacy of the "song" produced by displaying peacocks proved to be impressive to peafowl.
❖ Peafowl lives a long time—between 10 and 25 years in the wild and up to 50 years in captivity.
❖ During mating season, male peacocks perform elaborate displays to attract female peahens. They spread their tail feathers into a fan-like shape, creating a mesmerizing spectacle of colors.
(slang): being a peacock; having a very high opinion of oneself, filled with or showing excessive self-esteem

❖ Personality
Enneagram 3w4 ★ MBTI ESFJ-A - (ref, ref)

A natural showsman, Vince embodies the confidence Dezerae can only put on as a mask. He'll walk in the room like he owns the place, tail aloft to avoid collecting a single speck of dust. Vince's vain like that, preferring a clean line of thought - and action. Stick to one course of action and see it through. The peacock rarely displays the anixety or guilt that weighs on Dezerae like a burden, serving as a mental anchor to which she can cling to in times of need. Much in how Dezerae relies on her charisma to get people to lower their guard, Vince relies on his looks and his intuition. Between Dezerae and him, they are usually able to cover all the bases. Much unlike Blanche who approaches every situation an anxious, trembling wreck, Vince knows he has little to fear from those around him.

❖ Past Forms
Most prominent forms during childhood years
____★ Ghost Bat (Bunolagus monticularis), symbolizing androgyny, darkness, and obscurity
____★ European Polecat (Mustela Putorius), im(morality), misunderstood, tenacity
____★ Russian Blue (Felis catus), shyness, independence, intuition, curiosity
____★ Death's Head Hawk-moth (Acherontia atropos), undesiribility, death, omens, change

Most prominent forms after possession and during her Fatui training years
____★ Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes), symbolizing the occult, liminality, the harbinger of change
____★ Pine Marten (Martes americana), symbolizing nobility, providing, exploitation
____★ Jackal (Canis Aureus), symbolizing opportunism, death, sycophancy
____★ European Storm Petrel (Hydrobates pelagicus), symbolizing travel, bad reputation, the ocean

Most prominent forms during her performances
____★ Chinese pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus), symbolizing auspiciousness, power, promises
____★ Blue-headed hummingbird (Riccordia bicolor), symbolizing fluidity, beauty and joy.

❖ Headcanons
____★ Vince...who alwayas takes up the entire back seat due to the size of his tail.
____★ Vince...who uses his tail as a parasol for Pantalone's daemon Midas. It helps that he loves to fan his feathers out, maximizing shade for the spoiled sable.

Mini Gallery

past forms

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Mon, 10/06/2024 01:41 (4 Months ago)
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Dezerae Li
Picture (not so) Perfect | Illusion Studios

✐ᝰ Schooling

“Pardon me, we can raise her better”
“Ray doesn’t need algebra”
“Shakespeare, who?”

You'd never realize it from looking at her, but Dezerae Li's experience in higher education was: homeschooling. Entirely.

She'll never drive past a school without a wistful glance, watching on as groups of high-school children mingle and laugh.

It hurts. To know what she will never have.

There were several key reasons to pulling Dezerae out of school freshman year; time constraints, lack of academic vigor, and (privately discussed perhaps between Dottore and the Regrator), school being an open forum for ideas incongrous to their goals. With Dezerae still developing her ideals, to send her off into a place where the lessons Pantalone taught her might not be accepted was too much of a risk to take.

That and Pantalone was not willing to pay for anything less than top-notch education.

Given that he was sponsering her, Pantalone got the final say on everything, and needless to say he was not impressed. By the end of the fall term, the principle (and her) recieved a curt letter from Pantalone stating that he'd found alternative suitable academic accomodations for her. Dezerae mourns (privately) that last bit of normality being taken from her. Already struggling to blend in with children her age due to her cloistered upbringing, Dezerae was often unable to make time between her 'missions' and her performances. This often left her feeling detached and awkward around kids her age, and she often formed superficial relationship that were easy to cut.

The training she underwent as a Fatui agent was technically split between Arlecchino, Pantalone and Dottore - with a healthy load of the other Harbingers specialties thrown in for good measure. While most of her learning was done in a typical classroom setting, there were plenty of hands-on jobs that allowed her to apply her knowledge real time. Self defense became especially important after Signora's mysterious disappearance and death.
(because ray definitely didn't have a whole week's worth of panic attacks after that)

As a result of her cloistered upbringing, Dezerae wound up taking after Pantalone most in terms of working style, unconciously incorporating his ruthless methods in her every day life, as well as Dottore's skewed ideologies regarding Fatui politics. Down the line, Dezerae was aware of the fact that many of her concerts were in fact hubs for Fatui socialization and scheming — an unspoken contract. After all, wasn't that what a good Fatui operative did? Maintain a cover while carrying out their notorious schemes?

Even so, Dezerae cannot help feeling like something was missing. The makeshift promenade Pulcinella hosted on the same day as the actual school event (filled to the brim with the Fatui elite) didn't really help either.

· · ────────────────────── ·𖥸· ────────────────────── · ·

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Mon, 15/07/2024 01:23 (3 Months ago)
· · ────────────────────── ·𖥸· ────────────────────── · ·
Picture Perfect/Genshin Impact


An Animal: Red Fox

"Foxes and wolves belong to the same family — .... canine. And the difference is that the wolf when he shows you his teeth,
you know that he’s your enemy; and the fox, when he shows you his teeth, he appears to be smiling."

Red foxes are found across Britain in a variety of habitats. These animals are only absent from the Scottish Islands, except for the Isle of Skye. These foxes are easily identifiable from their bushy tails and rusty red coats, with white fur around the muzzle, neck, belly and tip of the tail. They also have patches of dark brown on the ears and legs.

Red foxes live around the world in many diverse habitats including forests, grasslands, mountains, and deserts. They also adapt well to human environments such as farms, suburban areas, and even large communities. The red fox's resourcefulness has earned it a legendary reputation for intelligence and cunning. They are able to adapt to urban settings as well. Foxes have developed strong stomachs and immune systems, so they're unlikely to be affected by rotting food scraps. Urban foxes primarily scavenge for food, but when they hunt it is usually for birds or small mammals such as rats and mice, helping to keep rodent numbers under control.

According to Japanese folklore, the Kitsune, a mischievous and cunning fox-trickster, is believed to have been the creator of the enigmatic shapeshifting fire. This elusive creature possesses an otherworldly radiance that calls out to us from beyond, much like the fox itself, which appears suddenly and dazzles us with its brilliance, only to vanish as quickly as it appeared. In Japan and China, no other entity has been endowed with such remarkable spectral potency as the enigmatic and alluring fox.

• The occult | • Liminality
• Beauty | • Charms
• The harbinger of change

A Flower: Orange Lilies

"The lily I condemned for thy hand, And buds of marjoram had stol'n thy hair: The roses fearfully on thorns did stand, One blushing shame, another white despair" - William Shakespeare, The Plays of Shakespeare with the Poems”, p.775

Lily flowers symbolize beauty, femininity, and purity, making them a favorite choice for religious ceremonies and special occasions. In some religions, they are likened to the Virgin Mary as they are believed to have sprung up from her tears when she wept for Jesus’ death.

In Greek Mythology, Lilies were the flower of Hera - with the white lily coming to symbolize immortality and purity. According to ancient Greeks, lilies were a gateway between life and death, thus they were often placed on gravesites and honored at funerals in order to remember those who have passed on. The lily is one of the oldest symbols in Greek mythology, representing hope and new beginnings.

Like most flowers, different color lilies symbolize different things; despite its jovial and energetic color, orange lilies symbolize hatred and disdain.

• Healing/Harm
• Hatred | • Pride
• Restoration | • Disdain

A Color: Cognac #9A463D

Cognac is a type of brandy that is made in the Cognac region of France. It is a distilled spirit made from white grapes, and is aged in oak barrels to give it its distinct flavor and aroma. The drink dates back to the 16th century of Charente, France — around the same time when wine was first being distilled. It became quickly known as ëEau de Vieí or ëWater of Lifeí due to its high alcohol content and perceived medicinal properties.

Cognac also carries symbolic meaning related to friendship and camaraderie. It is often served after meals or at social gatherings, making it a symbol of togetherness amongst friends. One of the most apparent effects of drinking cognac is relaxation. This may be due in part to the ingredients used in production

The power of Cognac as a luxury symbol has been growing for centuries, and is now firmly entrenched in the hearts and minds of those who appreciate the finer things in life. Cognac is a type of brandy made from white grapes grown in the Cognac region of France. It is aged in oak barrels and has a distinctive flavor and aroma that has been seducing drinkers for generations. Its popularity and prestige have been further enhanced by its association with luxury, high quality, and sophistication.

The flavor of cognac is usually characterized as having deep, woody notes combined with a hint of sweetness. It has a range of aromas from fruity, floral, and spicy to smoky, woody, or nutty. A good quality cognac will have a long, smooth finish with subtle nuances that linger on the palate.

• Sophistication | • Wealth
• Luxury | • Tradition

A Gemstone: Mother of Pearl

"The pearl represented the journey of the soul or spirit along the path to perfection. In ancient burials, mourners placed pearls in the mouths of the deceased. Since pearls apparently contained the principles of life, they hoped they could assist the dead on their journeys beyond."

Perhaps the best-loved gems of all time, pearls—natural and cultured—occur in a wide variety of colors. The most familiar are white and cream, but the palette of colors extends to every hue. Natural pearls form around a microscopic irritant in the bodies of certain mollusks. Cultured pearls are the result of the deliberate insertion of a bead or piece of tissue that the mollusk coats with nacre. Cultured pearls are popular for bead necklaces and bracelets, or mounted in solitaires, pairs, or clusters for use in earrings, rings, and pendants. Larger pearls with unusual shapes are popular with creative jewelry designers.

• Purity • Balance • Water/The Ocean
• Inner Wisdom • The Moon

"ray quote here"

A Fragrance: Rain, eucalyptus, and a dash of cinnamon

...Icy tears from the heavens, biting yet pure
A verdant array of scents reminiscent of the forest cling to her cloak...
...A spice, intensely sweet and just a hint bitter, lingering in her wake.

The air hangs thick with the scent of rain, a refreshing balm that mingles with the earthy aroma of eucalyptus, evoking the sensation of icy tears cascading from the heavens. Each droplet carries with it a bite of purity, as if nature itself has wept in celebration of a new beginning. As she glides through the dampened landscape, a verdant array of forest scents clings to her cloak, enveloping her in a lush embrace. The vibrant notes of damp earth and foliage blend seamlessly with the crispness of the eucalyptus, creating an invigorating atmosphere that whispers of rejuvenation.

Trailing behind her is a spice that adds an unexpected layer to the olfactory tapestry. Intensely sweet yet tinged with a hint of bitterness, it lingers in her wake like a memory that refuses to fade. This dash of cinnamon weaves through the freshness of the rain and the green notes of the forest, grounding the experience with warmth and complexity. Together, these fragrances form an overall impression that is both ethereal and earthy—a harmonious dance of nature’s elements that evokes a sense of peace and renewal, inviting those who encounter it to pause and breathe deeply, if only for a moment..

A Mask: Vicarius Aureas

"Comedy is an escape, not from truth but from despair; a narrow escape into faith." - Christopher Fry

The Fatui are distinguished from other organizations by their mask, which they don in mockery of the gods. Their name meaning 'fools,' anyone more ignorant believe they make wisdom from folly. Their reputation of fear preceeds the extreme methods they use in the Tsaritsa's name. Covering Ray's entire face, her mask leaves much to the imagination, sparking debate abroad as some delegates have never seen her without it. Purely white, the color of the mask is uncanny - even more so because of the painted, rictus grin and bold black lines in the shape of eyes and faces. Golden eyes full of mirth and mischief shine through; her only human trait.

When juxtaposed with the Fatui's grim visages and threatening demeanor, her pallor is jarring. Brighella enjoys portraying herself as a young woman - and her charismatic demeanor is deeply highlighted by her youth. The mask itself is already adorned with a smile, creating an illusion of cheerfulness and lightheartedness.

Over time, Brighella learned that a beautiful face is a greatest deceiver.

An Instrument: The Clarinet

The "clarinet" is a versatile woodwind instrument with a single-reed mouthpiece. Known for its rich and distinctive timbre, the clarinet produces sound by the vibration of a reed against the mouthpiece when air is blown through it

The clarinet's sound is often described as warm, mellow, and expressive. Its unique tone is a result of the reed's vibration against the mouthpiece and the instrument's cylindrical bore. The clarinetist uses a combination of fingers and breath control to produce different pitches and dynamics.

In orchestras, the clarinet plays an essential role in woodwind sections, contributing to harmonies, melodies, and solos. In chamber music and jazz, it takes on both lead and supporting roles, demonstrating its agility and expressive capacity. The clarinet family includes various sizes, each with its own range and tonal characteristics. The B♭ clarinet is the most common and versatile, while the bass clarinet adds depth to the lower register. The clarinet's unique sound quality makes it suitable for classical, jazz, klezmer, and even modern experimental music.

A Role: Servant of Two Masters | Snezhnayan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration

"In order to become the master, the politician poses as the servant." - Charles de Gaulle


Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Sat, 20/07/2024 17:58 (2 Months ago)
· · ────────────────────── ·𖥸· ────────────────────── · ·
Dezerae Li
Picture (not so) Perfect | Illusion Studios

Ministry of Civil Affairs and Business Relations
aka. brighella's department in the fatui

"Well I guess you could say it's human resources. But trust me I'm not that crappy at my job."
"Organized crime? How crude. We prefer the term nobility."
"The politician who plays the servant ultimately becomes the master."

Ambasador between Two Worlds.


Two faced Kindness; Devil in The Details.


Avoiding Detection; Hiding in Plain Sight.


Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Mon, 22/07/2024 10:29 (2 Months ago)
· · ────────────────────── ·𖥸· ────────────────────── · ·
Dezerae Li
Picture (not so) Perfect | Illusion Studios

Acolyte of The Financial Arcanum

heir | /er/

a person inheriting and continuing the legacy of a predecessor.

blurb here

· · ────────────────────── ·𖥸· ────────────────────── · ·

leg·a·cy | /ˈleɡəsē/

the long-lasting impact of particular events, actions, etc. that took place in the past, or of a person’s life.

Among the most prevalent of her worries, should she need to take on Pantalone's mantle as the Regrator, she'll no longer be able to ignore the ramifications of Pantalone's actions. While like most businessmen, Pantalone is no shining star of morality, Ray has heard through his late-night rants and hidden cruelty the desperate extremes he will use to even the scales. The legacy of the Regrator will be one cast in blood and tears and the doings of a rich man will not end with him.

Prior to her ascension to the ranks of the eleven Harbingers, Ray's status as Pantalone's heir apparent was kept secret. Too many eyes and ears could do harm with the news. Even her closest agents will remain unaware of the exorbitant inheritance upon her shoulders. When they first met, there was very few frills and feathers. Pantalone's contract with her was straightforward. In exchange for a sizeable funding, enough for her performances to serve mostly as her only funding...

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ex·pec·ta·tion | /ˌekˌspekˈtāSH(ə)n/

a belief that someone will or should achieve something.

blurb here

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Thu, 25/07/2024 17:13 (2 Months ago)
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Brighella, The Enchantress
Picture Perfect

Business Relations

▻ Pantalone ◅
"...like father like daughter" ... words

▻ Dottore ◅
"...quote" ... words

▻ Pulcinella ◅
"...quote" ... words

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Wed, 31/07/2024 22:11 (2 Months ago)
· · ────────────────────── ·𖥸· ────────────────────── · ·
Dezerae Li
Picture (not so) Perfect | Illusion Studios

Hanahaki Disease AU

TW: Fictional depictions of chronic illness, body horror

mar·ces·cent | /märˈsesənt/

(of leaves or fronds) withering but remaining attached to the stem.

Latin marcescent-, marcescens, present participle of marcescere to wither, inchoative from marcēre to wither; akin to Middle High German mern to dip bread in wine or water, Middle Irish mraich, braich malt, and probably to Greek marainein to waste away

Segment 11 Report || ██████ - Hanahaki Case 4057

Patient name: ██████

______white rose (silence)
______willow (sadness)
______hyacinth (regret)
______pink carnation (mother's love)
______white peony (forgiveness)

Illness Status:
Chronic, long-term condition.

Patient status:
Alive with treatment.

Disease Timeline:
______Illness originated during early childhood.
______Initial onset believed to be triggered by intense emotional repression and unreciprocated affections.
______Symptoms diminished temporarily during adolescence, possibly due to psychological suppression or emotional distancing.
______Resurgence of symptoms observed recently, correlating with renewed proximity or emotional triggers involving the unidentified “affection source.”

Clinical Overview
Hanahaki Disease (commonly referred to as “Lovelorn Affliction”) presents as an abnormal, aggressive growth of flowers in the respiratory system, triggered by unrequited or emotionally unresolved love. The case of patient ██████ is particularly severe, classified as “Chronic Hanahaki,” with symptoms persisting and fluctuating over many years.

Symptoms: Mild/Moderate Stages
______Persistent coughing, often accompanied by hoarseness.
______Difficulty swallowing and periodic choking sensations.
______Chest pain and pressure, especially during emotional distress.
______Frequent episodes of lightheadedness and muscle fatigue.
______Coughing up flower petals, most recently observed with significant blood-streaked specimens.
______Notable bulging in the esophageal region, likely from entangled roots or emerging blooms.

Symptoms: Severe Stages
______X-rays reveal root systems intertwined within the lungs and trachea, suggesting deep-set growth.
______Fully developed blooms have been detected on multiple occasions during chest scans, constricting airflow.
______Patient reports severe difficulty breathing after stressful events or during emotional encounters involving the unidentified “source.”
______Periodic episodes of blood-filled coughing.

Critical Notes

- Hanahaki Disease : also called being "lovelorn"; a diagnosis in which the afflicted suffers from abnormal growths of flowers in the airways, resulting in respiratory distress, internal bleeding, and eventual death if allowed to progress to severe stages.
- Flower petals may offer insight into the patient's psychological and emotional state, however there is no current data to suggest any clear correlation at this time.
- Able to be managed by medication, however without a cure and if allowed to exacerbate without treatment, symptoms may rapidly worsen.
- Stages may also be denoted by symptoms of emotional distress, the absence of certain individuals causing symptoms akin to withdrawal.
- Symptoms worsen when subject ██████ witnesses the individual socializing or displaying affectionate behaviors with others.
- Surgery possible to remove flowers possible alongside chemical treatment. ██████ is unwilling.

Tentative Plot Ideas/Prompts

Insert I: salix babylonica, weeping willow
[...] initial diagnosis and coping mechanisms, loveless childhood result in early manifestation of the disease. recieves (and loathes) the initial pills designed to prevent excessive growth of the illness.

Insert I: rosa alba, white rose
[...] the illness abates when meeting pantalone (manipulation keeps the doctor away), dottore (with his unorthodox and sometimes painful treatments), and estella (true love at a cost). ray does not speak of her hanahaki disease outside of the fatui as it could impact her image. illusion studios meeting where anne and dakota work together causes ray's symptoms to come back.

Insert III: hyacinthus orientalis, purple hyacinth
[...] shows how the treatment's side effects take it's toll on ray's health and prevent her from being fully there for the models. on the outside it looks like she doesn't have time for them, and she remedies this by finding more unconventional ways to show her love. with the revelation that the cure to hanahaki is love, ray tries to delude herself into thinking anne loves her (or that she's being greedy). illusion studios act iii takes place. symptoms persist with ray hiding the bloody petals.

Insert III: dianthus caryophyllus, pink carnation
[...] "I love you Anne. But you cannot keep relying on me to help you, you know? I can't be there for you forever." ray is bogged down by her treatment resulting in a less than enthusiastic mother's day. she tries her best to reciprocate anne's gestures but ultimately loses her patience when a photoshoot goes wrong. illusion studios act iv-v. events gossip turns anne against her with lies - estella and ray break up - and ray is forced to resign. symptoms worsen on the drive home. resentment, anger and grief against her daughter for siding with dakota; ray acknowledges she hasn't been there for anne the best way.

Insert IV: acanthus ebracteatus, acanthus
[...] surgery comes up, a likely cure in the case that the treatments are not able to keep them in bay. ray refuses, convinced that if she stays away from illusion studios, she'll likely forget about anne in time. show how ray is unable to leave the woman she once regarded as her daughter. pride and artifice mix. symptoms get worse. worried pantalone for once who tries to keep her in the fatui permanently.

Insert V: paeonia lactiflora, white peony
[...] either ray dies in the hospital or her daughter confesses to being difficult. ray has to understand how her undrestanding of love is inherently flawed - and maybe she's okay with letting anne go. she arranges surgery to take the flowers out; will anne feel better if she forgives her?


<iframe style="border-radius:12px" src="https://open.spotify.com/embed/playlist/7tofGcw1DMX6jvOCGHy3zM?utm_source=generator" width="100%" height="352" frameBorder="0" allowfullscreen="" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" loading="lazy"></iframe>
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Fri, 02/08/2024 01:55 (2 Months ago)
· · ────────────────────── ·𖥸· ────────────────────── · ·
Dezrae Li, Illusion Studios
Hanahaki Disease AU

Insert I: Salix Babylonica

"The grounds of the place were dominated by several large, old willow trees that towered over the surrounding stone wall and swayed soundlessly in the wind like lost souls." - Haruki Murakami

TW: fictional depictions of chronic illness

Dezerae's initial childhood coping mechanisms with Hanahaki Disease; symptoms start around 5-6 years old.
She's actually undiagnosed for a disease that while mild, causes her inconvenience and distress in private.

Hanahaki, like most chronic illnesses, invades every part of her life: Ray can't engage in recreation with her peers, confined to her room during repeated attacks, and her room is constantly pervaded by the ominous scent of flowers. To alleviate her stress, and perhaps because she's morbidly intruiged by the nature of her condition, she finds comfort in fairytales.


Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Wed, 07/08/2024 23:59 (2 Months ago)
· · ────────────────────── ·𖥸· ────────────────────── · ·
Dezerae Li || Brighella

Character Sheet

"Whoever conceals hatred has lying lips. Whoever spreads slander is a fool. Sin is unavoidable when there is much talk, but whoever seals his lips is wise. The tongue of a righteous person is pure silver. The hearts of wicked people are worthless."
- Proverbs 10:18-20 GW

Theme Song - Dramaturgy, Eve


Appearance - (ref)


Early Life


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Rarity: ★★★★★
Banner: Lyre of The Frozen Disciple
Ascension Level: 6
Level: 90 / 90
Maximum HP: 13,450
ATK: 295
DEF: 837
Elemental Mastery: 0
Maximum Stamina: 240

Ascension Stat Bonus: Crit DMG Bonus (28.8%)

Team Role: Sub-DPS/Support | Weapon Type: Sword
Vision Element: Cryo | Vision Location: Left Hip
Constellation Name: Argentea Lingua "Silver Tongue"

Character Ascension

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A1: Shivada Jade Sliver (1) + Lakelight Lily (3) + Fonte­mer Uni­horn (3)
A2: Shivada Jade Fragment (3) + Fonte­mer Uni­horn (2) + Dew of Re­pu­di­a­tion (10) + Lakelight Lily (15)
A3:: Shivada Jade Fragment (6) + Fonte­mer Uni­horn (4) + Dew of Re­pu­di­a­tion (20) + Lakelight Lily (12)
A4:: Shivada Jade Chunk (3) + Fonte­mer Uni­horn (8) + Dew of Re­pu­di­a­tion (30) +Lakelight Lily (18)
A5:: Shivada Jade Chunk (6) + Fonte­mer Uni­horn (12) + Dew of Re­pu­di­a­tion (45) + Lakelight Lily (12)
A6:: Shivada Jade Gemstone (6) + Fonte­mer Uni­horn (20) + Dew of Re­pu­di­a­tion (60) + Lakelight Lily (24)


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Normal Attack: Moribund Rhapsody
Dezerae utters the first few refrains of her siren song, creating a shockwave of freezing air that spreads in a small radius around her, dealing Cryo damage to enemies.
Charged Attack Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to unleash a stronger burst dealing AOE dmg | Plunged Attack Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Elemental Skill: Glacial Requiem
Cooldown: 9s | The sound of Dezerae's chorus reverberates off the frozen landscape, creating a zone of "Harmonic Resonance" for 6 seconds. Dezerae gains a stack of "Chilled Crescendo" every 2 seconds. Each stack increases her Cryo damage by 5%, for max of 3 stacks. The effect ends when Dezerae leaves the zone or the duration expires.
Harmonic Resonance: Enemies within this zone have their Cryo resistance decreased by 15%,

Elemental Burst: Nocturne of the Abyss
Cooldown: 20s | Dezere channels the power of the northern winds into her voice, unleashing a powerful symphony that creates a massive AoE blizzard. The symphony continuously deals Cryo damage over 10 seconds and applies the "Coronach Effect." Allies within the blizzard gain a 20% increase in Cryo damage and a 10% Crit Rate bonus against enemies affected by Coronach.
Coronach: Reduces enemy movement speed by 20% and has a 10% chance to afflict enemies with the Frozen status effect.

1st Ascension Passive: Crescendo
When Dezerae triggers a Frozen reaction, she gains 5% Energy Recharge for 6 seconds. This effect can stack up to 4 times.

4th Ascension Passive: Euphonic Echoes
Enemies defeated within the Harmonic Resonance AOE created by Glacial Requiem increase Dezerae's Elemental Skill damage by 10% for 8 seconds. This effect can stack up to 3 times.

Utility Passive: Maestro's Insight
When crafting Weapon Ascension Materials, Dezerae has a 10% chance to receive double the product.

Ideal Attack Sequence: Elemental Skill > Normal Attack > Elemental Burst > Elemental Skill
Crowd Control, and Cryo Enabler: Dezerae works best when paired with other characters who can capitalize on her ability to freeze enemies and reduce their Cryo resistance, making her an ideal support for Cryo-centric teams.

Talent Materials

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1>2: Teachings of Justice (3) + Recruits Insignia (6)
2>3: Guide to Justice (2) + Sergeant's Insignia (3)
3>4: Guide to Justice (4) + Sergeant's Insignia (4)
4>5:: Guide to Justice (6) + Sergeant's Insignia (6)
5>6:: Guide to Justice (9) + Sergeant's Insignia (9)
6>7:: Philosophies of Justice (4) + Lieutenant's Insignia (4) + Shard of a Foul Legacy (1)
7>8:: Philosophies of Justice (6) + Lieutenant's Insignia (6) + Shard of a Foul Legacy (2)
8>9:: Philosophies of Justice (12) + Lieutenant's Insignia (9) + Shard of a Foul Legacy (2)
9>10:: Philosophies of Justice (16) + Lieutenant's Insignia (12) + Shard of a Foul Legacy (2) + Crown of Insight (1)


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"Lapis Exilis" | Meaning: Jewel of The Heavens
Symbolism: the characteristic of being skilful at persuasion, marked by convincing and eloquent expression.

C1: Frigid Masquerade: After using her Elemental Skill, Brighella leaves behind a frozen decoy that lasts for 5 seconds. The decoy taunts nearby enemies and explodes upon destruction or when the duration ends, dealing AoE Cryo damage and applying the Coronach effect

C2: Karachun's Reign: When Glacial Requiem is active, enemies affected by Chilled Crescendo take 20% increased damage from Cryo attacks. Additionally, enemies defeated during this effect release a burst of Cryo damage, dealing damage equal to 10% of their max HP to nearby foes.

C3: Snegurochka: Increases the level of Frostfall Prelude by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.

C4: Thundering Ovation: After casting Nocturne of The Abyss, Dezerae's Crit Damage is increased by 15% for 10 seconds. Allies within the blizzard AOE regenerate 5% of their Max HP per second for the same duration.

C5: Paradise Lost: Increases the level of Rhapsody of Winter by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.

C6: Finale Of The North: Rhapsody of Winter's chorus ends with a devestating refrain, punishing all who are unfortunate enough to hear it. When the duration of Rhapsody of Winter ends, Dezerae unleashes waves of Cryo energy that deal massive AoE Cryo damage and inflict the "Tragic Chorus" status. Enemies have their Cryo resistance reduced by 30% and take 10% of their max HP as Cryo damage every second for 5 seconds.


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image here

Signature Weapon: Sovereign Decree
Rarity: ★★★★★
Base ATK: 608
Crit Rate: (5%/23%)

Stasimon Chorus: Increases Elemental Skill damage by 12%. After using an Elemental Skill, Dezerae's Normal Attacks deal an additional 15% Cryo damage for 8 seconds. Additionally, enemies hit by Normal Attacks within this duration have their Attack Speed reduced by 5%.

Signature Dish

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Signature Indulgence
Rarity: ★★★★★
Effect: ...


Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Tue, 10/09/2024 02:08 (1 Month ago)
pantalone bio
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Sat, 28/09/2024 16:19 (17 Days ago)
inspirations for ray
- lucy gray baird, connection with music
- swan lake, concept of a double, dabbling with the supernatural, themes of love
- kitsune mythology, lore behind foxes, lies in place site, cunning and themes of deception
- daughter of pantalone, hidden humanity or dark disciple?
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Tue, 08/10/2024 19:09 (7 Days ago)
· · ────────────────────── ·𖥸· ────────────────────── · ·
Dezerae Li
Picture (not so) Perfect | Illusion Studios


in·her·it·ance | /inˈherəd(ə)ns,inˈherətns/

a particular right of possession or privilege one has from birth, especially as an eldest child.

late Middle English (formerly also as enheritance ): from Anglo-Norman French enheritaunce ‘being admitted as heir’, from Old French enheriter (see inherit).

In the False Flower AU of Illusion Studios, the concept of identity and ambition is intricately woven into the fabric of society, where each individual's journey is marked by their unique "birthmark flower." These blossoms are not merely ornamental; they symbolize the aspirations that lie at the core of each person. For most, these flowers bloom vibrantly when they discover their true calling, their dreams taking root in the soil of ambition. However, for late bloomers like Pantalone, Ray, and GREED, the journey is fraught with delay and disappointment. While others flourish with vivid blooms, their flowers often manifest as plastic replicas—synthetic in texture and devoid of the life that accompanies genuine passion. These plastic flowers reflect their inner yearnings, representing not only their failures to bloom but also the complex emotional landscape that accompanies their struggle.

In this world, Pantalone’s choice to wear a daffodil is a deliberate act of deception; he crafts a narrative of success to project to those around him, particularly Callistus. The daffodil, a flower associated with unfulfilled desires, stands in stark contrast to the joyous bloom of white roses that emerges as a result of his lies. This false representation encapsulates Pantalone’s internal conflict—he yearns for validation and respect while grappling with the emptiness of his unfulfilled aspirations. Meanwhile, Ray’s foxglove is emblematic of her own struggles with identity and acceptance. Styled as a "wallflower purple hyacinth," the flower reflects her tendency to conceal her true self. The petals, which remain tightly closed, signify her fear of revealing her authentic nature, creating a barrier between her and the world. Her eventual decision to snip the foxglove after her breakup with Estelle becomes a pivotal moment, leading to the wilting of the purple hyacinth and symbolizing her loss of hope and connection.

Estelle’s ivy plays a significant role in this ecosystem, serving as a supportive figure that enables high-growing flowers to thrive. However, it is constantly challenged by GREED's morning glory, which wraps around the ivy, reflecting the oppressive nature of societal expectations and the ruthless ambition that drives individuals to climb the social ladder. This dynamic illustrates the tension between support and suffocation, as GREED’s relentless pursuit of success often comes at the expense of those who wish to flourish alongside him. Unlike Ray and Pantalone, GREED's flower remains unchanged, signifying his acceptance of his true nature—a sharp contrast to the transformations of Ray’s and Pantalone's flowers, which represent their ongoing struggles.

By the end of Illusion Studios, the evolution of the flowers becomes a profound commentary on acceptance and self-discovery. Ray’s purple hyacinth ultimately reveals its true colors as a foxglove, symbolizing her journey toward embracing her authentic self after a period of self-concealment. In contrast, Pantalone and GREED remain trapped in their respective falsehoods, their flowers refusing to morph into something genuine. The daffodils, forever linked to themes of narcissism and deception, and GREED's morning glory, which no longer needs to change, serve as reminders of the complexities of ambition, identity, and the emotional burdens borne by those who navigate the treacherous landscape of their dreams. In this world where blossoms signify the heart’s desires, the journey to authenticity is fraught with challenges, revealing the delicate interplay between aspiration and reality.

Foxglove [digitalis] & Purple Hyacinth [Hyacinthus]
