Eris sighed in relief. The Minireenas had saved Missing! She joined
the group, kneeling down she noticed one of the arms of a Minireena
hanging limply... What...?
ꡖꡇo... Who am I?
Missing: * he speaks to eris telepathically* hey uh my voicebox
broke during the spring locks incident I'll go to the parts and
services room to fina anything that can help, see you in a bit.
Fabby: *He slowly began to power on. his ear still twitching
slightly. He looked around.* Huh...? What? Um... Sure i guess...? Where exactly
are you and how are you even talking to me when you can just come
up and do so?
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's
soul remains unawakened. °`
Fabby: *He looked behind him and noticed missing. He flinched and
shook his head.* Oh... uh... How
exactly...? You cant break your voicebox that
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's
soul remains unawakened. °`
The Ballora Gallery was closed down for the day. The day shift
workers were cautious of the featured animatronic singing out of
nowhere with none of the recorded songs. Alone, with only the
Minireenas, Eris awaited anyone else...
ꡖꡇo... Who am I?
``Okay, so Missing somehow
invented this thing called a BlastBall. They say it's a Pokeball
but it can catch any Pokemon. So like, trainers pokemon can be
caught with those. I asked about, well, Pokemon like us, and they
said the balls can't catch spirits. They think.``
Missing: *he readied his hand in the motion of strangling* explain
to me why I shouldn't make you say G O O D B Y E *his face now was
dripping blood while smiling maniacaly*